Chapter 1717 Eternal Void!

The Great Desolate Realm, the only super realm in the southernmost part of the Gods Realm where the power of the God King was born.

The Ancient Dragon Realm and Blood Moon Realm are the most remote small realms around the Great Wilderness Realm, and they are undoubtedly very far away from the Great Wilderness Realm.

According to the introduction of Gulong Venerable.

He wants to go from the Blood Moon Realm to the Great Wilderness Realm, at least going through four or five realms in the middle.

Among them, the Zilin Realm was the first realm Jiang Chen had to cross.

Jiang Chen started from the Blood Moon Realm and walked all the way north, then passed the boundary barrier on the back of the Blood Moon Realm and walked in the silent eternal space.

The situation of this eternal space is actually somewhat similar to the space channel that Jiang Chen used to teleport across the plane.

It’s just those spatial channels that are artificially established using formation and spatial laws.

The eternal space is a natural area formed between the various realms of God’s Domain.

In the eternal space, the true gods cannot walk in the air at all.

There are not only space turbulence, space storms and other terrifying visions, but some powerful mysterious space creatures have even been born.


It is said that in the eternal space, there are still some void bandits active here, who specialize in looting the Practitioner walking in the eternal space.

In short.

There are many crises in the eternal space.

Even if it is an ordinary heavenly god realm powerhouse, walking in eternal space is a very dangerous thing.

Once a little careless or bad luck, there is a risk of falling.

It is precisely because of this.

Even many experts in the Heavenly God Realm would choose to stay in a realm most of the time and would not easily cross the realm.

Jiang Chen walked in the eternal void for several days with a look on his face, barely showing any figure.


Jiang Chen encountered a lot of strange space creatures along the way.

The strength of these space creatures can be strong or weak.

Some have only the strength of the true god realm, while some are powers comparable to the sky god realm.

Jiang Chen met the strongest only, whose strength was almost comparable to that of an ordinary third-tier powerhouse.


This kind of existence naturally poses no threat to Jiang Chen, but all spatial creatures encountered are easily killed by Jiang Chen with a single move!

In the endless eternal void, Jiang Chen walked slowly on his own.


Suddenly, there was a slight fluctuation in the space in front, and a huge black shadow appeared directly in front of Jiang Chen ghostly, and then brought a terrifying space storm and rushed towards Jiang Chen.

This is a huge snake-shaped Demonic Beasts with a strength of about the first order of a god, and it is an eternal void space creature.

In the eternal void, the forms of space creatures are strange and weird, and there are all kinds of them.

The only thing they have in common is that they are both very good at space.


Jiang Chen looked at the serpentine space creature that came with the space storm to kill, and raised his hand to point out a sword volley.

call out!

The sword finger penetrated time and space, and in the blink of an eye, it pierced through the top of the snake-shaped space creature’s head, causing the snake-shaped space creature’s body to burst open.

Immediately afterwards.

A fist-sized silver crystal exuding rich spatial fluctuations also emerged from the place where the snake-shaped creature exploded.

Jiang Chen stretched out his hand and grabbed it, and the silver crystal was directly shaped like a hand by Jiang Chen.

This silver crystal is the energy crystal condensed in the space creatures of the Eternal Void, which is equivalent to the inner alchemy of Demonic Beasts.

When Jiang Chen killed the first space creature, he had already tried it. This thing was able to ascension the power of his space origin, and it was a gem of the Tao of Cultivating Space.

And just when Jiang Chen killed this spatial creature and continued to move forward.

Baili away to the right of Jiang Chen.

A gray boat, which was made of unknown material, suddenly floated from a distance.

The boat is about tens of feet long, the color is very similar to the black of the eternal space, and it almost blends together, but it is silent and hard to detect.

“Boss, there seems to be someone in front, should we…”

The black boat passed on, and some ferocious figures appeared. One of the eagle-eyed men looked at Jiang Chen ahead, and could not help making a gesture of killing and overwhelming!

“It’s just a hairy boy. What kind of oil and water can he get by robbing him?”

“What’s more… we are going to do a big vote this time. If the robbery kid reveals his whereabouts, it would be more than worthwhile.”

The head of the burly middle-aged man with a full face just glanced at Jiang Chen casually, apparently without any intention of robbing Jiang Chen.

The eagle-eyed man frowned slightly and said, “But… this kid’s direction is the same as ours, will it affect our plan!”

“Let’s just watch the changes first. According to the news I got, the goal is about to be close.”

The burly middle-aged man said with a murderous face: “It’s nothing more than a little boy, if he really dares to kill our good deeds, kill him.”

As the burly middle-aged voice fell.

In a space in front of Jiang Chen, a ship exuding dazzling golden glow, like a golden streamer, flew quickly from a distance.

“Boss, the target has appeared.”

The eagle-eyed man looked at this scene, and an expression of excitement appeared in his eyes.

The burly middle-aged eyes exploded sharply, and he sternly said: “Prepare, once the boat is approaching, directly and decisively shoot. As long as we can do this ticket, our brothers and others will become prosperous!”

At the same time that the burly middle-aged and others are discussing.

Jiang Chen, who was walking in front, naturally also found the golden boat that had swept over.

Jiang Chen knew that this should be the void ship that Gulong Venerable was talking about.

The Eternal Void is not only full of crises, but the energy of the heavens and the earth is so thin that it is extremely difficult to replenish the consumption of the body.


God’s Domain has a void ship specially designed to fly in the eternal void.


The materials of the Void Ship are very vulgar, extremely difficult to build, and generally only possessed by the realm god-level forces in the great realm.

Even the Ancient Dragon Realm is said to only own a void boat the size of a meter in the Ancient Dragon Chamber of Commerce. After the Ancient Dragon Chamber of Commerce absorbs talents in the Great Wilderness Realm, it will use the Void Boat to send them back to the Ancient Dragon Realm.


The ancient dragon realm is weak and remote, and few people are willing to join the ancient dragon realm.

The Ancient Dragon Chamber of Commerce in the Great Wilderness Realm has not recruited a talent for the Ancient Dragon Realm for hundreds of years.

It is precisely because of this.

The Gulong Chamber of Commerce has almost become a dispensable existence for the Gulong world.

While Jiang Chen’s thoughts flashed, his eyes were tightly locked on the golden void ship.

very quickly.

Several powerful auras appeared on the bow of the void ship, obviously all of them were powerhouses above the Heavenly God Realm.

These people looked at Jiang Chen in front of him, with extremely vigilant expressions in their eyes.

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