Chapter 1715 Blood Moon Realm Is Annihilated!


Xue Chongtian had no time to react, and the whole person was hit by Jiang Chen’s Sword Qi, and a mouthful of blood spurted out frantically.

He was embarrassed and retreated dozens of feet into the void, and his gaze at Jiang Chen also instantly became horrified.

“Heaven…Heaven God Realm, you… Have you broken through the Heaven God Realm?”

As an upper-class true god with extraordinary combat power, he was now understated by Jiang Chen with a flash attack.

Such a terrifying strength, I am afraid that only the strong of the gods can achieve it.

Bloody Heaven never thought of it.

This Maotou boy who was struggling under his incarnation back then has now far surpassed him and has become a strong man in the heavenly realm!

Jiang Chen said without a face: “Finally, give you a chance to tell me the whereabouts of my father, and I will spare you not to die!”

“Jiang Chen, I… I really don’t know the whereabouts of your father.”

Bloody smiled bitterly.

People under the eaves have to bow their heads.

Jiang Chen has broken through the Heavenly God Realm, if he really wants to kill him, he has no resistance at all.

Jiang Chen frowned slightly: “You and my father ascended to God’s Realm together, how could you not know the whereabouts of my father.”

“The realm of God is vast and boundless. Although your father and I have ascended at the same time, they can only appear in the same realm, and may not appear in the same place.”

Xue Zhongtian shook his head and said, “When I ascended into God’s Realm, I was in a realm called Great Wild Realm. If you want to find your father, you can go to Great Wild Realm to see.”

“Great Wasteland?”

Xue Zhongtian nodded and said: “The Great Desolation Realm is the most powerful realm nearby. It is said that it is the Great Realm where the power of the god king is seated.”

“Since you have soared into the Great Wilderness Realm, why did you appear in the Blood Moon Realm?”

Jiang Chen looked at the blood with a puzzled look.

In the domain of God.

Below the Heavenly God Realm, there is no right to cross the barriers of the realm and walk in the eternal void.

Since Blood Chongtian soared in the Great Desolate Realm, why did it appear in the Blood Moon Realm?

“The Great Desolate Realm is the only realm in the dozens of surrounding realms that has a king-level power in its seat.”

“The dozens of surrounding realms are centered on the Great Wilderness Realm, and they all have their own strongholds in the Great Wilderness Realm.”

“I was discovered by the people of the Blood Moon Realm in the Great Wilderness Realm, and then I felt that the Blood Mound Divine Kingdom of the Blood Moon Realm had something to do with the ancestors of the Blood Spirit Race of the Profound Spirit Continent, so I came here.”

Xue Zhongtian explained.

Great Wasteland…

Jiang Chen’s eyes flickered slightly, and it seemed that he had to take a trip to the Great Wilderness after he solved the blood moon realm’s affairs.

Thoughts flashed.

Jiang Chen raised his head and waved his hand to Xue Zhongtian: “Okay, you can go. This time, the destruction of the Blood Moon Realm is inevitable. If you don’t want to die, it’s best not to have anything to do with the Blood Moon Realm. .”

Xue Chongtian didn’t say much, he took a few of his subordinates without saying a word, and quickly disappeared in front of Jiang Chen.

After the blood has left.

Jiang Chen and the others also quickly captured the Kingdom of the Blood Hill, and then they all continued to enter.

Because the Blood Moon Venerable gathered 90% of the Heavenly God Realm powerhouses in the Blood Moon Realm to attack the Ancient Dragon Realm, it was because Pang Qingyuan defeated the Realm God Venerable, and two-thirds of the Heaven God Realm fell in the Ancient Dragon Realm.


There are not many Heavenly God Realm powerhouses left in the Blood Moon Realm today.

Jiang Chen and Long Jianxin brought dozens of experts from the ancient dragon realm, almost invincible, unstoppable.

It took less than half a month.

Jiang Chen and the others had already conquered most of the western part of the Blood Moon Realm, and all the way to the Blood Moon Palace.

And as Jiang Chen and the others conquered the territory of the Blood Moon Realm, the original power of the Realm Heart that the Blood Moon Venerable mastered was also weakened little by little.


Blood Moon Venerable is one enemy two, and it is not as calm as it was at the beginning.

To the end.

Bloody Moon Venerable was finally alone and was defeated in the siege of Gulong Venerable and Pang Qingyuan.

In desperation, Blood Moon Venerable had to abandon the Blood Moon Palace, and fled from the Blood Moon Realm in embarrassment with a handful of people.

Gulong Venerable and Pang Qingyuan did not pursue them either.

after all.

The world god Venerable is not so easy to kill.

Even if the two of them jointly defeated the Blood Moon Venerable, it is almost impossible to completely kill the Blood Moon Venerable.

Even if they could Venerable the Blood Moon, the two of them would have to pay a very heavy price.

Now the ancient dragon tribe has two world gods Venerable.

Once the Blood Moon Realm is destroyed and the heart of the Blood Moon Realm is integrated, the Ancient Dragon Realm can be turned into a more powerful realm.

A bloody month of Venerable in a mere mere Venerable already poses little threat to the Ancient Dragons.

Blood Moon Palace.

Jiang Chen and Long Jianxin brought together a number of strong celestial gods and gathered together with Gulong Venerable.

Everyone, including Gu Long Venerable and Pang Qingyuan, was filled with excitement that was hard to hide.

Since the establishment of the ancient dragon clan.

The Ancient Dragon Realm and the Blood Moon Realm are constantly at friction, and they have always been at a disadvantage.

Now they have entered the Blood Moon Realm and even occupied the old lair of the Blood Moon Palace. How can this make them not excited?

“Jiang Chen, thank you again this time.”

Gu Long Venerable looked at Jiang Chen in front of him, and the smile on his face became more and more intense.

It is really fortunate for them to have a figure like Jiang Chen in the ancient dragon world.

Had it not been for Jiang Chen’s birth, the ancient dragon world would have been unable to withstand the attack of the blood moon world last time!

If it hadn’t been for Jiang Chen to obtain the Realm Heart Crystal from the ancient sacred dragon remains, Pang Qingyuan would never be able to recover to the peak, let alone break through the Realm God Venerable in such a short time.

It can be said.

The Ancient Dragon Realm could have the opportunity to conquer the Blood Moon Realm, and everything was already done by Jiang Chen.

“Long Zun don’t have to be polite, since I am a member of the ancient dragon clan, this is what I should do.”

Jiang Chen smiled faintly, and immediately said directly: “Now that the blood moon world has been destroyed, Pang Lao has also broken through the world god Venerable, and there should be nothing in the ancient dragon world. I plan to leave the ancient dragon world for a while.”

“Are you leaving the ancient dragon world?”

Hearing Jiang Chen’s words, Gu Long Venerable was suddenly surprised.

Although he also knew that with Jiang Chen’s talent, places such as the ancient dragon world were not the stage for him to display, but he did not expect that this day would come so fast.


Thinking of Jiang Chen’s terrifying Ascension speed, Gu Long Venerable was quickly relieved.

Although Jiang Chen stayed in the Gulong clan for a short time, his combat power is already comparable to the sixth-order existence of the gods.

With Jiang Chen’s current strength, it really doesn’t make much sense to stay in the Gulong clan, and it’s time to see the outside world below.

“Yes, I plan to go to the Great Wilderness World!”

Jiang Chen nodded, then took a deep breath and said, “I wonder if Long Zun has any understanding of the Great Wilderness Realm?”

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