Chapter 1713 Counterattack, defeat the Blood Moon Realm!


Blood Moon Venerable suppressed the horror in his heart, and directly and decisively reached the order to retreat.

Now the second world god Venerable was born in the ancient dragon world, and the situation reversed instantly.

They have completely lost the opportunity to attack the ancient dragon world, and are even about to face a counterattack from the ancient dragon world.

If they can’t be evacuated in time, they will really be wiped out today.

“Haha… Qingyuan Elder breakthrough world god Venerable, it’s time for my ancient dragon world to counterattack the blood moon world, kill with the deity!”

Gu Long Venerable laughed and burst out directly at the Blood Moon Venerable.


Long Jianxin, who had been holding a sigh of anger in his heart, also rushed out of the Panlong Fortress with the ancient dragon world god, and killed everyone in the blood moon world who had retreated.

at the same time.

In the endless void, a figure wrapped in a green light also stepped directly out of the Azure Dragon phantom that hovered the sky.

This cyan figure is exactly Pang Qingyuan!

Just blink of an eye.

Pang Qingyuan had penetrated thousands of miles of void and came to the battlefield outside Panlong Fortress.

His faintly green eyes swept slightly, and pointed directly at the blood poison old monster in front of Jiang Chen.

In an instant…

The blood poison old monster seemed to have been used with the Movement Technique, and it was impossible to move a single finger under the lock of this finger.

“Do not……”

The blood poison boss suddenly became terrified.


He had just vomited a wordless word, and the center of his eyebrows had been penetrated by a blue sword finger, and his entire body burst open with a bang.

Killed the blood poison boss with one finger.

Pang Qingyuan’s gaze fell on another quasi-world god of the sixth rank of the blood moon world.

He stretched out his hand blankly and shook it, which directly caused the space around the sixth-order elder of the Celestial God to collapse.

Countless spatial turbulence raged out of the collapsed space, strangling that old man of the sixth-order deity into nothingness in the blink of an eye!

“The world god Venerable, really strong!”

Seeing Pang Qingyuan casually killed the two blood moon gods of the sixth order, Jiang Chen couldn’t help taking a breath.

Although Jiang Chen had never seen the world god Venerable take action, he could already feel the power of the world god Venerable from the ancient dragon Venerable’s laws of the world god.

But when he saw the terrifying methods of the world god Venerable, his heart was still shocked.

The world god Venerable, as expected, is completely above the gods, killing the gods is like slaughtering chickens and dogs!

Even the blood poison boss, the sixth-order quasi world god of the gods, is no different from the ants in front of the real world god Venerable!

As Pang Qingyuan appeared to kill two Tier 6 powerhouses in seconds, where did the rest of the blood moon world dare to have the slightest intent to fight.

They are all like frightened birds, fleeing in panic.

“Jianxin, I’ll leave it to you here. I’ll help Dragon Venerable deal with the Blood Moon Venerable.”

After solving the two blood moon world powerhouses of the sixth rank of the gods, Pang Qingyuan ignored the blood moon gods who fled in panic.

The soles of his feet were a little bit empty, and he stepped straight out.

The next moment…

I saw the figure of Pang Qingyuan, and he had already appeared in the void where the ancient dragon Venerable and the Blood Moon Venerable were fighting.

“Ha ha……”

“Everyone, the blood moon world has repeatedly invaded the ancient dragon world for millions of years. Now it’s our turn to counterattack the blood world.”

“Everyone follow me into the Blood Moon Realm, and level the Blood Moon Palace!”

Long Jianxin laughed, and then Jiang Chen took the lead and chased after the fleeing Blood Moon Heaven God.

The two of them are like two sharp knives, no one can stop wherever they go.

Just blink of an eye.

There were more than a dozen blood moon world gods who fell into the hands of the two Jiang Chen.

At the same time that the Ancient Dragon Realm suddenly reversed the situation and defeated the Blood Moon Realm.

On the right side of the Panlong Fortress, the Panlong Mountain Range, on a peak of Tongtian Mountain that plunges into the sky.

A young man with red hair and red clothes stood proudly on a lonely mountain, watching the situation of Panlong Fortress condescendingly.

This young man is no one else, it is Zhuang Shengyang who destroyed the Panlong Fortress defense formation not long ago.

After destroying the formation of Panlong Fortress.

Zhuang Shengyang did not stay too much in Panlong Fortress.

Since the last time Shen Yuanhai’s plan to cooperate with Xueyin to deal with Jiang Chen failed, Zhuang Shengyang has become more careful.


Just in case, Zhuang Shengya evacuated directly from the Panlong Fortress and hid in the Panlong Mountain to pay attention to the battle between the two sides.

“Damn it, I didn’t expect Pang Qingyuan to break through the world god Venerable at this time!”

Seeing the defeat of the Blood Moon Realm, Zhuang Shengyang’s expression instantly became extremely ugly.

This time.

While he was confined by Long Jianxin, he secretly broke through to the second order of the gods.

The external avatar he stayed beside Blood Moon Venerable was the medium for him to communicate with Blood Moon Venerable.

The plan to destroy Panlong Fortress this time is also a plan he and Blood Moon Venerable have planned for a long time.

He originally thought.

As long as oneself destroys the Panlong Fortress formation unconsciously, the Ancient Dragon Realm without the defensive formation will definitely be defeated under the attack of the Blood Moon Realm.

But I didn’t expect that at this critical moment, a vision of heaven and earth appeared, and the ancient dragon world suddenly gave birth to a new world god like Pang Qingyuan, Venerable!

To know.

Two or three years ago, Pang Qingyuan was still a cripple whose origin was damaged and his strength was not one.

But after Jiang Chen came out of the ancient sacred dragon ruins, this old guy quickly returned to his peak state, and now he has made a breakthrough in the realm of God in one fell swoop!

Zhuang Shengyang doesn’t need to think about it all.

Jiang Chen must have given Pang Qingyuan the Boundary Mind Crystal he obtained from the ancient sacred dragon ruins, so that Pang Qingyuan could stand up and break through the Boundary God Realm so quickly!

“Boy, now there are two world gods Venerable in the ancient dragon world, and the blood moon world will undoubtedly be defeated.”

“You have now been exposed, this ancient dragon world has no place for you, take advantage of their battle, leave here quickly.”

At this moment, a cold voice suddenly rang in Zhuang Shengyang’s mind.

Zhuang Shengyang heard the voice in his mind, and an extremely unwilling look appeared in his eyes.

“Don’t hesitate, if you want revenge, there will be opportunities in the future!”

“The deity has already said that this ancient dragon world is too remote after all. Only by going to a larger realm, I can make you stronger Ascension faster.”

“As long as you are strong enough, it will be a breeze to beat the ancient dragon world by yourself in the future.”

Seeing that Zhuang Shengyang was still hesitating, the voice couldn’t help but urged again.

The power of the world god Venerable is too terrifying for them now.

Once the war is over, they probably won’t be able to leave.

“Ancient Dragon Realm, Jiang Chen, wait for me, Zhuang Shengyang will be back one day!”

An icy glow suddenly flashed in Zhuang Yangsheng’s eyes, and immediately disappeared into the Panlong Mountain Range…

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