Chapter 1699 The betrayer of the ancient dragon world, kill!

Jiang Chen flicked his finger, and a golden sword light shot up into the sky, and in the blink of an eye he smashed the huge ice finger that had come from pressure to pieces.

“Palace Master Leng, you led the Snow God Palace to cause chaos in the northern region of the Ancient Dragon Realm, and your sin is to be blamed.”

“Seeing that your Snow God Palace has been able to resist the blood moon world, I will give you a chance. I will catch it immediately and go back to the ancient dragon clan to pick up the crime with me.”

“Otherwise… Then don’t blame me for the ruthless action.”

A sword broke through Leng Qiuxuan’s attack, and Jiang Chen’s coldly voice resounded through the world again.

“Haha… I’m not afraid to flash my tongue when I speak big words.”

Leng Qiuxuan smiled wildly with disdain: “You can kill Bingyan River, your strength is indeed not weak. But if you want to suppress my Snow God Palace, I am afraid that you are not qualified!”

His Snow God Palace dominated the northern region of the Ancient Dragon Realm for many years.

And his Cultivation Base has even reached the pinnacle of the third-tier Celestial God.

It can be said.

Except for the Golden Order of the Ancient Dragon, Elder shot, almost no one can pose any threat to him.

not to mention……

At this moment in his Snow God Palace, there is also the son of Lu from the Zilin Realm.

Even if Elder came from the ancient dragon clan’s golden order, he was destined to die, not to mention the kid in front of him.

“Leng Qiuxuan, it seems that you are determined to lead the Snow God Palace to betray the Gulong clan.”

Jiang Chen stared at Leng Qiuxuan indifferently, and a sudden killing intent burst out all over his body: “Betrayal of the ancient dragon world, kill!”

“Do it, kill him for me!”

Leng Qiuxuan’s face was stern, and he also let out a cold anger in his mouth.

boom! boom! boom!

As Leng Qiuxuan’s voice fell, the three gods Elder behind him broke out almost at the same time, turning into four monstrous cold currents, bursting out toward Jiang Chen.

“Ginger Elder, I’ll stop someone for you.”

Seeing that the three major Celestial Divine Realms of the Snow God Palace Elder shot at the same time, Xue Tianhan’s expression changed slightly.

“No, you just stay by the side. If you can’t even clean up these three guys, then what am I doing in the Snow God Palace.”

Jiang Chen smiled faintly.

He circulated the image of the sacred dragon, a majestic and vast force, instantly soaring into the sky, and then, above the void above his head, gathered into a picture of nothingness exuding the breath of Sacred.

“Qianlong Town Tiantu, town!”

Jiang Chen controlled the Sky Map of Qianlong Town, and directly pointed out the three Elders in the Snow God Palace that had swept away.


I saw a brilliant light burst out suddenly on the sky map of Qianlong Town, and then quickly enlarged in mid-air.

Just blink of an eye.

The Void Picture Scroll had already enveloped the world with a radius of a hundred miles, and then covered the sky and the sun to suppress the three Snow God Palace Elder.

Looking at the mysterious picture scroll suppressed above his head.

The three Elders of the Snow God Palace just felt that the whole person seemed to be covered by a shadow of Death.

The three of them were horrified, and they quickly urged the power of the Ice Dao to evolve into the world of the gods, trying to resist Jiang Chen’s strike.


Is the vision of the Taixu Sacred Dragon figure that Jiang Chen is displaying now that the three celestial gods of the first order can withstand it?

I saw that the world of heavenly gods evolved by the three of them turned into nothingness at the moment they came into contact with the picture scroll of Tao’s nothingness.

The world of the gods was instantly crushed by the scroll of nothingness, and the bodies of the three of them were too late to react, and they were already annihilated in the energy of the sky map of Qianlong Town.

To the end.

Before they even had time to make a scream, they had disappeared without a trace under the suppression of Tiantu of Qianlong Town.


Seeing this scene, Xue Tianhan, who was always ready to help behind Jiang Chen, couldn’t help taking a breath.

Although he knew that Jiang Chen was very strong, he didn’t expect to be so strong.

Just an understatement, killed the three Celestial Realm Elder in Snow God Palace!

This is too scary.

this moment.

Xue Tianhan finally understood why the Gulong tribe had only sent Jiang Chen to the Northern Territory.

This guy… really has a terrifying ability to suppress Snow God Palace.

“Ah…little bastard, I’m going to kill you!”

Seeing that Elder was instantly killed by Jiang Chen, Leng Qiuxuan was frightened, and he couldn’t help but let out a ferocious roar.

The fact that this kid can kill Bingyanhe is enough to prove that his combat power is not weak.

He originally wanted the three big Elders to try Jiang Chen’s combat power, who knew that Jiang Chen was an understatement and killed all the three big Elders.

Plus the previously fallen Bingyan River.

Elder, the four great heavenly gods of the Snow God Palace, all fell into Jiang Chen’s hands. How could Leng Qiuxuan not be angry?

The cold glow burst between Leng Qiuxuan’s palms.

In the void, a galaxy cluster that runs through the sky and the earth hangs across the sky and the earth.

In the Galaxy Cluster, there seems to be a gust of wind howling.

Stars that contain the sorrow of chill are adorning them. Thousands of stars gathered together, and there was no icy light that seemed to freeze in space.

Nine Heavens Glacier Map!

This was the strongest blow created by Leng Qiuxuan after he was promoted to the third rank of the Celestial God, combining the power of Ice Dao, Star, and Wind Dao.

Leng Qiuxuan, who was now in a state of anger, directly exploded this strike with all his strength.

“Boy, die for me!”

Leng Qiuxuan stepped out, and the Nine Heavens glacier picture above his head suddenly burst into a horrible glow, oppressing Jiang Chen.

In an instant…

The void solidified, the sun and the moon collapsed, and the mountains and rivers shattered.

Rao was a hundred miles away from the battlefield, feeling the strike that Leng Qiuxuan broke out, and there was a sense of trembling.

Leng Qiuxuan, the lord of the Snow God Palace, deserves to be the number one powerhouse in the Northern Territory of the Megatron Ancient Dragon Realm. The Cultivation Base has reached the terrifying existence of the third-order peak of the Celestial God.

Can Jiang Chen really withstand such a powerful attack?

“Haha…With your strength, you are far from qualified to kill me.”

Jiang Chen smiled faintly.

His imaginary sacred dragon diagram turned to the extreme in an instant, and the second stage vision of Long Xiao Nine Heavens diagram was also condensed directly on top of his head.

Accompanied by a shocking dragon chant.

The Long Xiao Nine Heavens picture directly carries a terrifying power to suppress everything, and it collides with Leng Qiuxuan’s Nine Heavens glacier picture.


The sound of the earth-shattering explosion resounded throughout the world, and the terrifying wave of destruction, instantly centered on the two of them, spread in all directions.

The entire Snow God Palace was even affected by the waves of destruction, and there was a violent tremor.

If it weren’t for the strong defense of the Snow God Palace, it would have instantly turned into nothingness under the impact of this destructive air wave.


Long Xiao Nine Heavens map and Nine Heavens glacier map are intertwined.

I saw the thousands of ice stars on the Nine Heavens Glacier Map, all of them burst under the suppression of the Dragon’s Nine Heavens map.

The next moment.

The entire Nine Heavens glacier map, also in the collision with the Dragon Roar Nine Heavens map, broke apart at a speed visible to the naked eye!

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