Chapter 1696 Heavenly God Tier Two, One Sword Destroyed!

“Boy, who are you?”

Seeing that Jiang Chen smashed his full blow in such a leisurely manner, Bing Yanhe’s eyes also showed a solemn look.

With his eyesight, it is naturally not difficult to see.

The strength of this kid in front of him, I am afraid that he is not inferior to him at all.

A Tier 2 strong man of such a young god, even in the Gulong tribe, is a very rare existence.

According to his understanding of the Gulong tribe.

It seems that only the three major disciples of the ancient dragon clan have such an enchanting talent.

This son, in all likelihood, came from Gulong Venerable.

Thinking of this, Bingyanhe couldn’t help but tighten.

Since Gu Long Venerable sent his disciples to the Northern Territory, he must have done something to Snow God Palace.

The ancient dragon tribe has suppressed the ancient dragon world for millions of years, and almost no one dares to stun its edge.

Now that the Snow God Palace is about to face the giant Gulong clan head-on, Bing Yanhe couldn’t help but trembled.


Thinking of the person behind them, Bing Yanhe’s tight heartstrings just loosened slightly.

There is one.

As long as Gulong Venerable doesn’t take action personally, no one should pose any threat to their Snow God Palace.

“Naturally I came to suppress your Snow God Palace!”

Jiang Chen’s indifferent voice fell, and his whole body burst into golden light like the sun in an instant.

The next moment.

The layers of golden divine light behind him exploded, turning into a golden sword shadow that penetrates the sky and the earth!


Jiang Chen controlled the Golden Sword phantom and slashed out with a sword.

In an instant…

Chaos flies, the sun and the moon hang upside down.

With the power to smash everything, the Golden Sword Xuying slashed down towards the Bingyan River. Where Sword Ray passed, everything around him was instantly annihilated into nothingness.

Looking at the terrifying divine body vision in Jiang Chen condensed place.

Bingyanhe only felt his scalp explode, and an inexplicable chill instantly spread all over his body.

“Heavenly God World, Ning!”

Bingyanhe roared, and the second-tier power of the Celestial God also instantly urged to its extreme, directly condensing a world of Celestial God, and wanted to resist Jiang Chen’s strike.


With Jiang Chen’s current strength, the divine body vision condensed, even if most of the third-tier powerhouses of the gods, are fundamentally difficult to stop.

But Bingyan River is not the early stage Cultivation Base of the second stage of the Celestial God, how can he resist Jiang Chen’s divine body vision?


The golden sword imaginary shadow smashed and fell on the world of the gods of the Bingyan River, and the loud noise instantly spread throughout the world.

I saw Bingyan River’s Heavenly God’s world, which only lasted for less than a moment under the golden sword phantom, it was directly distorted and transformed, and finally collapsed in mid-air.

Bingyanhe trembled all over, a mouthful of blood spurted out of his mouth, and the whole person flew out from mid-air in embarrassment.

Before he could stabilize his figure, the golden sword phantom had penetrated the void and landed on his body fiercely.


Under the cover of the golden sword shadow, Bingyan’s body of the god, like paper, came out of the fryer above his head.

Head, neck, chest, abdomen, thighs…

In just the blink of an eye, Bingyanhe’s body was already shattered and exploded into blood and flesh.


The surging blood of the gods shed like raindrops, causing the hard bluestone floor below to become like a sieve, with countless large and small blood-colored holes appearing.

that moment.

There was a dead silence in the sky and the earth.

Whether it was the Xue family headed by Xue Tianhan, or the more than a dozen people in the Snow God Palace, they all lost their voices and couldn’t believe it.

Everyone was dumbfounded, like a ghost.

They could only stare at the black-clothed youth who stood proudly in the world, and it was difficult for them to recover from the shock for a long time.

“This… how is this possible?”

More than a dozen True Gods of the Snow God Palace had their eyes dull, and their mouths also made unbelievable murmurs.

Bingyanhe, this is the big Elder of their Snow God Palace, a strong man second only to the Snow God Palace Master.

Even looking at the entire Northern Territory, Bingyanhe is a powerhouse standing on the top, and there are only a handful of people who can defeat it.

But such a strong man of Tier 2 was actually killed by this kid in front of him with such an easy sword!


Not only the true gods of the Snow God couldn’t imagine everything in front of them, Xue Tianhan and the other Xue family were also shocked.

Even the three of Xue Qianrou couldn’t say a word.

Although they had heard the legend about Jiang Chen, they also knew that Jiang Chen could easily slay the powerhouse of the Heavenly God Realm.

But when they watched Jiang Chen slaying Bing Yanhe with this sword, they were still shocked beyond words.

“Too…too strong.”

Gu Ling looked back, and couldn’t help but smile secretly in his heart.

To know.

This one entered the Gulong clan a few years later than him.

In just ten years, this guy has risen heaven-defying all the way, and has grown to the point where he needs to look up all his life.

Compared with Jiang Chen.

Like him, a genius disciple of the ancient dragon tribe, he is no different from scum.


Just when everyone was shocked by the scene in front of them, only the place where Bingyanhe’s body burst, an illusory figure suddenly appeared out of thin air, it was Bingyanhe’s soul.


When Jiang Chen smashed Bing Yanhe’s body with a sword just now, his soul reluctantly escaped into the void and barely saved his life.

“call out!”

After the spirit of Bingyan River appeared, he didn’t stay at all, and turned into a black light, quickly fleeing towards the distance.

“You can hide, but can you escape?”

Jiang Chen smiled faintly, and immediately stretched out his hand to lightly squeeze the distant Bingyan River, directly making the space with a radius of thousands of meters solidified in an instant.

One move imprisoned the illusory figure.

Jiang Chen flipped his palm, and a soul-killing seal was directed towards the suppression of Bingyanhe’s soul.

“Do not……”

Bingyanhe looked desperate and horrified.

It’s just that he just spit out a word of no, the soul has completely turned into nothingness under Jiang Chen’s soul-killing imprint.

This scene.

It also caused Xue Tianhan and the others in the Xue family to take a breath.

The dignified Snow God Palace Elder, the strong man of the second-order deity, has now been easily wiped out by the gods.

The one in front of me is really not ordinary horror.

“Big…Big Elder has fallen, everyone run away.”

Seeing that even Bingyanhe’s soul was completely wiped out, the expressions of more than a dozen people in the Snow God Palace became horrified in an instant.

Where did they dare to stay in the city of Luoxue, and quickly turned around and fled away in a panic.


Jiang Chen didn’t give them any chance to escape at all. Raising his hand was a seal of opening the gods, suppressing ten miles of heaven and earth.

The more than a dozen true gods in the Snow God Palace had no resistance at all, and they were all reduced to ashes under the seal of Jiang Chen.

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