Chapter 1689 Insight Divine Rank Seventh Remnant Square

Jiang Chen quietly looked at the ancient remnant in his hand.

The Medicine Pill on this ancient remnant is a seven-grade Medicine Pill of the gods called the Nine Heavens Thunder Emperor Pill, which contributes to the Ascension of the origin of Lei Dao.

One minute, two minutes, three minutes…

Jiang Chen stared at the ancient remnant in his hand with all his attention.

About ten minutes later.

A system tone finally rang in his ears.

“Ding! Your Insight Divine Rank Seventh Rank Nine Heavens Thunder Emperor Pill Remnant Fang, trigger a hundredfold comprehension!”

“Ding! You understand 1% of the Nine Heavens Thunder Emperor pill recipe.”

Hearing the system’s prompt tone, Jiang Chen’s mouth could not help but raised a slight curve.

The Insight of the Nine Heavens Thunder Emperor Pill was much easier than he thought.

At this rate.

He can insight into one twelfth of the Nine Heavens Thunder Emperor Pill in one hour, and in less than a day, he can insight into the complete Nine Heavens Thunder Emperor Pill.

Compared with the fragmented scroll of Insight Taixu Sacred Dragon in Earth Dragon City, this speed is simply not too fast.

Jiang Chen remembered clearly.

At the beginning, he insight into the fragmented scroll of the Taixu Sacred Dragon, but it took a full year to fully insight into this god king level Cultivation Technique.


At the beginning, he didn’t use the Cultivation Base, Insight, a god king-level Cultivation Technique fragment, which was not in the true god realm. This span was really outrageous.


As a fourth-rank god-level alchemist, he has the Insight of the seventh-rank god-level pill recipe, which is naturally a hundred times easier than the original Insight-king-level Cultivation Technique.

“Ding! Your Insight Divine Rank Seventh Stage Nine Heavens Thunder Emperor Pill Remnant Fang, trigger a hundredfold comprehension!”

“Ding! You understand 1% of the Nine Heavens Thunder Emperor pill recipe.”

“Ding! Your Insight Divine Rank Seventh Rank Nine Heavens Thunder Emperor Pill Remnant Fang, trigger a hundredfold comprehension!”

“Ding! You understand 1% of the Nine Heavens Thunder Emperor pill recipe.”


Under the gaze of the five Wang Xuanfeng, Jiang Chen kept insight into the remnants of the Nine Heavens Thunder Emperor Pill.


Jiang Chen had already concentrated on holding the remnant Fang Insight for five hours.


Wang Xuanfeng and others seemed very indifferent to this.

Insight’s ancient remnants are not an easy task.

They insight these ancient remnants, which time hasn’t ten days and a month passed inadvertently?

Even so, they have always had little gain.

Even if they occasionally gain something, after a review, they will find that the results of Insight are simply wrong.

very quickly.

Another five hours have passed.

In Jiang Chen’s mind, there was finally a pleasant system prompt sound.

“Ding! You comprehend the complete Jiuxiao Thunder Emperor Pill recipe!”

Feeling the pill recipe of the Nine Heavens Thunder Emperor Pill that appeared out of nowhere in his mind, Jiang Chen’s mouth could not help but a slight curve was lifted.


With a move of his palm, Jiang Chen directly picked up a blank scroll on the stone platform in front of him, and then scribbled.

See this scene.

All five of Wang Xuanfeng’s eyes were so shocked that they almost stared out.

Is not it!

Only less than ten hours have passed. Could this guy have already gained something?

Under the unbelievable gazes of the five Wang Xuanfeng, Jiang quickly wrote a new pill recipe.

“This Nine Heavens Thunder Emperor Pill is a pill recipe of the origin of Ascension Thunder.”

“The five missing materials include two main materials and three auxiliary materials. These five materials are complementary to each other.”

“If I guessed correctly, the Nine Heavens Thunder Emperor Pill should be like this.”

As Jiang Chen said, he directly handed the newly written pill recipe to Wang Xuanfeng.


Looking at the pill recipe in front of him, Wang Xuanfeng and others were dull-eyed, and it was difficult to recover from the shock for a long time.

They thought.

In just ten hours, Jiang Chen could see a trace of Thunder Emperor Pill’s fur, which was already very powerful.

Who knows, Jiang Chen wrote a brand-new Nine Heaven Thunder Emperor pill recipe in one go!

This… This is too exaggerated.

Wang Xuanfeng returned to his senses and couldn’t help but stare at the pill recipe in front of him.

Beside Wang Xuanfeng.

The four Huo Yuanhong all leaned in unanimously.

The five great alchemists at the Celestial God level have concentrated all their energy and watched the new pill recipe written by Jiang Chen.

Wang Xuanfeng stared closely at the pill recipe in front of him, without even blinking his eyes.

After a while.

The expression on Wang Xuanfeng’s face also began to change continuously.

Sometimes he frowned, sometimes suddenly opened, sometimes suddenly realized, sometimes extremely excited.

“That’s it… It seems we were wrong from the beginning.”

As the only sixth-rank pill refining master in the alchemy hall, Wang Xuanfeng’s attainments in Alchemy are naturally more than that of the other four.

He was seeing the new pill recipe completed by Jiang Chen, and he was quickly attracted.

After a round of scrutiny, he found that the five materials that Jiang Chen had completed, each of which seemed to be just right, perfectly in harmony with the original remnant formula!

“Is this the complete Nine Heaven Thunder Emperor Pill pill recipe?”

“It turns out that these five materials need to be matched in this way, why didn’t we think of it.”


The four Huo Yuanhong looked at Jiang Chen’s completed pill recipe, and couldn’t help but murmured.

Although their Alchemy attainments are a lot worse than Wang Xuanfeng’s, but Insight, the remnant of the Nine Heavens Thunder Emperor Pill, has been around for many years, and they know this volume well.

before this.

Several of them have tried to complete the Nine Heavens Thunder Emperor Pill several times, but they all failed in the end.

Although they don’t know whether this pill recipe completed by Jiang Chen is correct, it is obviously more reasonable to match the five ingredients with the original ingredients of Ruan Fang.

It can be said.

Even if Jiang Chen’s completion is incomplete, I am afraid that it is not far from the real Nine Heavens Thunder Emperor Pill.

Huo Yuanhong and the others recovered and couldn’t help but glance at each other.

They all saw an unbelievable look in each other’s eyes.

To know.

Jiang Chen’s contact with the remnant of the Nine Heavens Thunder Emperor Pill, only took less than ten hours in total.

They never thought of it.

In less than ten hours, Jiang Chen could bring the remnant of the Nine Heavens Thunder Emperor Pill to such a point!

In such a short period of time, Insight has produced a volume of divine rank 7 ruins with five missing materials.

Even if they had been missing for a long time, and the pill refining technique had reached the ninth rank of the gods, he might not be able to do it easily.

Wang Xuanfeng stared at the pill recipe in front of him for a long time, then raised his head to look at Jiang Chen, and there was an unconcealable exclamation in his old eyes.

“Unexpectedly, Jiang Elder is not only Martial Dao, but also Alchemy’s attainments are beyond the reach of the old man.”

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