Chapter 1681 Everyone depends on their ability!

“Regardless of whether you are Sikongxing or Sikong, I got the materials for these 800 Fire Spirit God Pills first.”

Jiang Chen smiled coldly.

He didn’t bother to pay attention to Sikong Xing, and directly put all the materials of the fire spirit god pill into the storage ring.


“Who is that kid, dare to compete with Sikongxing for the material of the fire spirit god pill.”

“It’s so reckless.”


At this moment, several Dandian disciples who came to receive the task looked at the situation in the Great Hall, all in awe.

Their gazes towards Jiang Chen couldn’t help showing a look of sympathy.

Secretary empty line.

This is one of the top geniuses in the alchemy hall. After entering the alchemy hall for just 30 years, he has been successfully promoted to a god alchemist!

Because of his outstanding talent, he ranks very high among the Dandian disciples.

Coupled with the fact that the master behind him is still a fourth rank alchemist above the fourth rank, few people in the entire alchemy hall dare to provoke him.

It is precisely because of this.

Sikongxing’s behavior is extremely domineering.

He has taken away the tasks of other disciples in the task Great Hall more than once.

Regarding this, most of the disciples dared not say anything.


There were also Dandian disciples who tried to resist Sikongxing’s domineering behavior, and their final fate was undoubtedly very miserable.

The black-clothed young man in front of Sikongxing was no different from death.

See the arrival of Sikongxing.

The middle-aged divine alchemist who was in charge of the task also chose to remain silent.

He is just an uncommon first-rank alchemist in the alchemy hall, but Sikongxing is one of the few invaluable geniuses in the alchemy hall.

As for the other guy.

Although on the surface very low-key, the pill refining talent is also a very enchanting master, by no means an ordinary person.

These two guys collided together, but his little first-rank divine alchemist could not interfere.

“Boy, what did you say, is there a way to say it again?”

When Si Kongxing heard Jiang Chen’s unceremonious words, his expression instantly became extremely cold.

Jiang Chen said indifferently: “I have made it very clear that these 800 fire spirit gods materials belong to me. Is there a problem with your ears?”


“What kind of thing are you, what my secretary is fascinated by, can’t be snatched away by a cat or a dog!”

“According to the rules of the Pill Hall, as a disciple of the Pill Hall Elder, I have the right to choose first.”

“If you are more acquainted, please hand in the Fire Spirit God Pill materials obediently, otherwise, you can blame me for being polite.”

Sikongxing stared at Jiang Chen with cold eyes, and a violent killing intent filled his body.

“Pill Hall Elder disciple is amazing?”

Jiang Chen couldn’t help but smiled contemptuously: “Pill Hall also has a rule. When you encounter a disciple of Pill Hall Elder, as long as you defeat him, you can ignore the so-called priority.”


Sikongxing raised his eyebrows and looked at Jiang Chen with disdain: “So, you are going to try pill refining with me?”

“Stop talking nonsense, let’s see the truth under our hands.”

Jiang Chen’s voice fell coldly, and immediately with a move of his palm, a piece of material of the Fire Spirit God Pill was directly suspended in front of Si Kongxing out of thin air.

“Since you and I are fighting for the materials of the fire spirit pill, let’s try to make the fire spirit pill.”

Jiang Chen said lightly: “Whoever refines this fire spirit pill first, who owns the materials of the fire spirit pill, how?”

“Since you want to play, then my secretary will accompany you to play.”

Sikongxing smiled coldly, and a bronze pill furnace appeared out of thin air directly in front of him.

“Senior, can you borrow a pill furnace for me to use?”

Upon seeing this, Jiang Chen couldn’t help but tilt his head to look at the middle-aged divine alchemist who was aside.

He hasn’t touched pill refining for a long time, and he doesn’t have a suitable pill furnace at all.

The pill furnaces in the storage ring were all used in the lower realm planes before, and their grades were too low. Refining mortal Medicine Pills was okay.

And this time the Fire Spirit God Pill, but the genuine magic product Medicine Pill, the medicinal power is simply not the ordinary pill furnace can withstand.

The middle-aged god pill master was taken aback for a moment, but still lent his own pill furnace to Jiang Chen.

“Boy, can you start?”

Seeing that Jiang Chen borrowed a pill furnace to compete with him for pill refining, Si Kongxing’s mouth couldn’t help but raise a sneer of disdain.

His pill refining technique has already reached the pinnacle of the first rank alchemist, and is only one step away from the second rank alchemist.

This time.

The reason why he took a fancy to the Fire Spirit Pill was that he hoped that after completing the task of refining the Fire Spirit Pill, the extra could be used by himself, Ascension Fire Dao Law.

If his comprehension of the law of fire can be improved, he might be able to break through the second rank alchemist in one fell swoop!

With his pill refining technique, among the first rank alchemists, almost no one can beat him.

not to mention……

This kid also borrowed other people’s furnaces to compete with himself, which invisibly increased the difficulty of own pill refining, and it was even more impossible to win him.

“let’s start.”

Jiang Chen nodded, and immediately took out a medicinal material and sat down cross-legged.

The next moment.

The two condensed a flame in their palms almost at the same time and began to enter the pill refining state.

“Guess which of these two will win?”

“Does this still have to be guessed? Don’t think that Sikongxing will win.”

“Yes, with Sikongxing’s ability, how many of the first-rank alchemists in this alchemy hall can win him?”


Seeing that the two Jiang Chen had already started pill refining, everyone was also talking about it.


Most of them are not optimistic about Jiang Chen.


Only the divine alchemy master who was responsible for the task distribution did not think so.

Through the situation of Jiang Chen receiving the task twice, he knew better than anyone how terrifying Jiang Chen’s attainments on Alchemy were.

Whether it is pill refining speed or pill refining rate, this guy has reached an extremely terrifying point.

Although Sikongxing was also a rare pill refining genius in the Dandian, he might not have any advantage compared with this perverted existence.

Under the gaze of everyone.

The pill refining movements of the two were very fast, and they soon reached the step of taking medicine.

Sikongxing worked step by step, very skillfully putting a variety of medicinal materials into the pill furnace.

While taking medicine, he observed the progress of Jiang Chen’s pill refining.


When he saw Jiang Chen’s actions on the opposite side, his pupils suddenly shrank.

Because he was horrified to find out.

Jiang Chen even took a sigh of relief and put all the twenty materials of the fire spirit god pill into the pill furnace!

“This guy… actually needs to use the pill refining technique!”

Sikongxing looked at the scene before him, and finally there was a touch of horror that could not be concealed in his eyes.

He obviously didn’t expect it.

Jiang Chen would actually use the Hunyuan Yiqi method in this competition!

If this kid really succeeds, he will undoubtedly lose in this competition.

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