Chapter 1675 Pill Palace

“Okay, then Jiang Chen congratulated Pang Lao in advance for becoming the second world god Venerable of the Gulong clan.”

Jiang Chen said with a smile on his face.

“World God Venerable, how can it be so easy?”

Pang Qingyuan shook his head and gave a wry smile.

With his talent, Tianshen Tier 6 has actually reached its limit.

Had it not been for Jiang Chen to bring back a realm spirit crystal from the ancient sacred dragon ruins, I am afraid that he would never even have the opportunity to touch the realm of realm god in his entire life.

But even with the power of the Jie Xin Shen Jing, it only gave him a glimmer of hope of breakthrough.

Pang Qingyuan has no idea whether he can make a breakthrough or when he can make a breakthrough.

Jiang Chen seemed confident: “I believe Mr. Pang can do it.”

The Boundary Mind Crystal he gave to Pang Qingyuan, but the Boundary Mind Crystal of a Peak Boundary God sitting and condensing.

Pang Qingyuan was able to become a powerhouse of the sixth rank of the Celestial God. Naturally, his talent could not be much worse. With the addition of a pinnacle-quality realm mind crystal, there must be no big problem in breaking through the realm of the realm.

“I hope I can live up to your auspicious words.”

Pang Qingyuan took a deep breath and said solemnly.

The Ancient Dragon Realm now has Jiang Chen such a monster, and Blood Moon Venerable will never give Jiang Chen too much time to grow up.


I’m afraid it won’t be long before the Blood Moon Venerable will make a comeback.

If he can break through the realm of the gods and the next realm war breaks out, why should the ancient dragon realm have the slightest fear of the blood moon realm?

After parting with Pang Qingyuan.

Jiang Chen wandered around Shenlong City alone for a while, and finally stopped in front of a huge palace called Dandian.


This is an independent palace located between the guard area of ​​Shenlong City and the Elder District, and it has a pivotal position in Shenlong City.

In this palace, there are countless high rank pill refining divisions from the ancient dragons.

It can be said.

More than 90% of all Medicine Pills provided by the Gulong clan came from this pill hall.

Since the last time I entered the ancient sacred dragon ruins.

When Jiang Chen found that his knowledge of the various Heavenly and Mortal Treasures in God’s Domain had collapsed, he secretly decided to use the pill refining technique Ascension.

Now he has broken through the second tier of the gods, and has the qualifications to travel across the tiers of the gods.


He shouldn’t stay in Shenlong City for long, and he might even leave the Gulong clan to see the wider world and look for his father’s whereabouts by the way.

And to walk in the realm of God, Ascension’s own knowledge is undoubtedly very necessary.

to him.

As long as the pill refining technique Ascension comes up, he can almost fully understand his knowledge of Heavenly and Mortal Treasures.

Thought of this.

Jiang Chen didn’t hesitate anymore, and strode directly towards the inside of the Dandian.

He intends to spend some time in this alchemy palace to bring up his own pill refining technique Ascension.

“Pill refining is a major place in the Pill Hall. No permission is allowed. Ordinary disciples are forbidden to enter. Please leave as soon as possible.”

At this moment, the two guards at the entrance of the Dandian looked at Jiang Chen who came oncoming, and the cold and sharp shouts rang directly in Jiang Chen’s ears.

Jiang Chen smiled slightly and said, “I’ve just come to become the pill refining teacher of Pill Hall.”

“What are you talking about? Are you going to be the pill refining master of the pill hall?”

The two guards couldn’t help being surprised when they heard Jiang Chen’s words.

One of them looked at Jiang Chen and couldn’t help but said, “If I’m right, you should be the Shenlong Guard of Shenlong City, right?”

The training of the pill refining division of the ancient dragon clan pill refining division is completely different from the training of the strong Martial Dao.

The young Martial Dao genius of the ancient dragon world must first enter the Earth Dragon City, and then step by step into the Shenlong City, becoming a genius among geniuses and an elite among elites.

The training of pill refining teachers will be much more straightforward.

once in a while.

The pill hall will send people to the four areas of the ancient dragon world to hold a pill refining conference, and then select people with outstanding pill refining talents to directly bring them into the pill hall for training.

And this kid in front of him, in all likelihood, is the Shenlong Guard who has been promoted to Shenlong City from below step by step.

Such people are unique Martial Dao geniuses, so they should spend their minds on Martial Dao cultivation.

But this guy ran to the door of the Pill Hall and said that he would become the pill refining teacher of the Pill Hall.

It was the first time they met Martial Dao genius from Shenlong City in so many years, and they wanted to come to Dandian to become a pill refining master.

“Any questions?”

Jiang Chen faintly smiled and said, “The Gulong clan seems to have no rules, Shenlongwei can’t become a pill refining teacher.”

“Although the ancient dragon clan does not have such a rule, the pill refining master of the Dandian is not something that anyone can become if they want to become.”

One of them sneered and said: “Your Excellency, please go back.”

Alchemy and Martial Dao are two different Realms.

This kid can become the Dragon Guard of Shenlong City, perhaps a rare genius on Martial Dao.

But he really didn’t believe that this kid would still be an Alchemy genius.

after all.

In this world, the enchantment who can have extraordinary talents in Alchemy and Martial Dao at the same time is almost an existence that can be met but not sought.

“How do you know that I can’t be the pill refining teacher of Pill Hall?”

Jiang Chen frowned slightly and said coldly: “If I have to go in today.”

A cold light flashed in the guard’s eyes, and his face was murderous: “Although you are a Shenlong Guardian, this pill hall is not a place where you can go wild. You dare to enter the pill hall without permission, and you will be at your own risk!”

Jiang Chen’s face sank slightly, just as he was about to attack, a somewhat unpleasant voice suddenly came out of the alchemy hall.

“What’s the matter, why is it so noisy?”

Jiang Chen looked up and saw a middle-aged man with a Chinese character face wearing a pill refining master robe, walking directly out of the pill hall.

“Master Lin, it’s like this…”

A guard quickly explained what happened.

“Little guy, you want to be the pill refining master of the pill hall, can you understand pill refining?”

The middle-aged alchemist looked at Jiang Chen, and there was a look of difference in his eyes.

Martial Dao, a genius in Shenlong City, wanted to come to the Pill Refining Hall to become a pill refining teacher. This situation was the first time he met.

Jiang Chen smiled faintly and said, “I know a little bit, there is no problem in refining the eighth-grade Medicine Pill.”

The Medicine Pill grades of God’s Domain are mainly divided into mortal ranks and god ranks.

The ninth rank of Medicine Pill corresponds to the Medicine Pill rank of the lower plane.

The Medicine Pill of God rank has ten second ranks, the first third rank is the True God Pill, the sixth rank is the Heaven God Pill, the tenth rank is the World God Pill, and the tenth rank is the Medicine Pill of the God King.

As for the ten second rank Medicine Pill, it is already a legend in God’s Domain.

“Refining the Eighth Stage Medicine Pill!”

The middle-aged alchemist was slightly surprised when he heard this.

The bone age of the guy in front of him seemed very young, probably in his thirties at most.

Such a young man was not only promoted to the Shenlong Guard of Shenlong City, but he also had such a long history on Alchemy.

To know.

Even if the geniuses cultivated in their alchemy hall, most of them are not much better than the kid in front of them when they are in their thirties.

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