Chapter 1667 Shen Yuanhai’s Arrival

The one in front of him turned out to be Blood Moon Palace Grand Prince Xue Yin!

Tianpeng Shenhuang and the others couldn’t help but suddenly change drastically when they heard Xueyin’s cold words.

The nine princes of the Blood Moon Palace are nine geniuses from the blood moon palace realm gods, and everyone’s talents are unique in existence.

Especially the Great Young Master Xueyin, has long been famous.

In the last realm war tens of thousands of years ago, Xueyin was already a strongman of the second-order deity, and many deity realms in the ancient dragon world fell into his hands.

Even a strong man of Tier 3 was defeated by Xue Yin.

Ten thousand years have passed.

The strength of this guy must have become even more terrifying, even in the Heavenly God Realm of the two great realms, I am afraid it is one of the few powerhouses.

The Emperor Tianpeng didn’t expect them.

The Blood Moon Realm would actually send this one to Tianpeng Divine Kingdom!

“Brother Jiang Chen, be careful, this is Blood Palace Grand Prince Xueyin, Cultivation Base may have reached the third-order genius of the Celestial God!”

Tianpeng Shenhuang’s face was solemn and authentic.

He had already clearly felt that the aura on Xueyin’s body had far surpassed his second-order deity, and in all likelihood, he had already broken through the third-order deity.

Ten thousand years ago.

When this guy was in the second rank of the gods, he could defeat the powerhouses of the third rank of the gods.

Now that the Cultivation Base has once again broken through, I am afraid that the combat power will not be inferior to the powerhouse of the fourth-order Celestial God.

“Don’t worry, he alone can help me.”

Jiang Chen smiled confidently.


I saw him step out and stood facing the bloody yard across the sky.

Looking at Jiang Chen in front of him, Xue Yin looked indifferent: “Are you the Jiang Chen who killed several Heavenly God Realm powerhouses in the Blood Moon Realm and forced my Sixth Junior Brother to use Realm God’s hair?”

“Yes, I am Jiang Chen.”

Jiang Chen nodded faintly, and then looked at Xue Yin with a sneer on his face: “Are you no one in the Blood Moon Realm? You are only sent to die!”

“To deal with you ants, this son is enough.”

“Jiang Chen, this young man was ordered by the respected master today to take your life, not to die for me soon!”

Xueyin’s cold voice fell, and the blood-colored long sword behind it trembled suddenly, and it flew into the bloody palm.

Xueyin held the blood-colored long sword in his hand, and raised his hand to volley at Jiang Chen with a sword.

call out!

A ray of blood-colored swordsman power broke through a thousand feet of the void in the blink of an eye, turning into a blood-colored sword shadow that pierced through the world, and slashed towards Jiang Chen.

Jiang Chen’s expression was indifferent, and he also pointed out with a volley.

In an instant…

A giant sword of emptiness evolved from the power of the kendo world, directly slammed into the bloody sword shadow.


Two different types of swordsman world powers collided in mid-air.

The aftermath of the sky full of Sword Qi scattered and sputtered, cutting out countless black cracks visible to the naked eye in the surrounding space.

that moment.

The whole emptiness is like a mirror that has been hit hard, and it seems to burst at any time.

“Isn’t this kid just breaking through the Heavenly God Realm, how can the power of the sword world be so strong?”

Seeing that Jiang Chen had actually matched himself with the power of kendo, the bloody eyes couldn’t help but condensed slightly.

The power of the world can actually be divided into strengths and weaknesses.

Every power of the world has four levels: Xiaocheng, Dacheng, Pinnacle, and Consummation. Corresponding to the early stage, middle stage, and late stage of the Celestial God Realm, the four small Realms at the peak.

In the domain of God.

The vast majority of heavenly gods first condense the power of a world to advance to the first level of the gods, and then cultivate the power of this world to the extreme, reaching the peak of the first-level gods, and then begin to condense the power of the second world.

after all.

Every time the power of the world is condensed, it will be accompanied by the advent of the gods.

For most gods.

Only by cultivating the power of the first condensed world to the extreme, will we have a greater certainty to survive the tribulation of the gods.


There is no shortage of peerless geniuses in God’s Realm who have crossed the first order of the gods like Jiang Chen to the second order of the gods and even higher Realm.

Such geniuses, their combat power Transcendent, naturally have the capital to break ordinary rules.

And Jiang Chen in front of him is undoubtedly such an existence.

But even if he knew that Jiang Chen’s fighting strength was extraordinary, Xue Yin still didn’t expect that Jiang Chen, who had just made a breakthrough, would be able to equal himself in the power of the kendo world.

In addition to the blood path, he is best at kendo.

The power of the kendo world is also the power of the second world that he condenses.

And Jiang Chen’s kendo world power has just condensed not long ago, but in the realm of Xiaocheng, how can it be compared with his kendo world power?

Xueyin naturally wouldn’t know at this moment.

Jiang Chen was cultivating the Cultivation Technique of the King of Gods. When he was at the peak of the True God, the strength of his body had already surpassed the peak of the ordinary True God by many times.

Even the genius of Xue Yin, the cultivation world god Cultivation Technique, is far from being able to compare with it.

It is precisely because of this.

Jiang Chen’s breakthrough into the Heavenly God Realm, the power of the world condensed, is also much stronger than the power of the world condensed by ordinary people.

This is the absolute advantage of the God King Cultivation Technique!

“My son really doesn’t believe it. Today, even a little boy who has just made a breakthrough in the Heavenly God Realm can’t get rid of it!”

Xue Yin strongly suppressed the shock in his heart, and a cold blood glow suddenly flashed in his eyes.

I saw that above the blood-colored long sword in his hand, a more dazzling blood-colored Sword Ray pierced the sky and the earth, whistling out towards Jiang Chen again.

Jiang Chen’s complexion did not change, and his entire body’s strength exploded to the limit in an instant, and he clashed with Xue Yin without evasiveness.

boom! boom! boom!

The terrifying confrontation between the two caused this world to collapse continuously, and the scene was like the end of the day.

And at the same time that Jiang Chen fought against Xueyin.

Above the void on the other side of Feiyun Pass, a black-clothed old man exuding great might, also stepping on the void, quickly came towards Feiyun.

“Shen Elder!”

Jin Qiuyang and Yan Chang looked at the visitor and couldn’t help saluting respectfully.

This black-clothed old man who came suddenly was Elder Shen Yuanhai of the fourth-order god of the ancient dragon tribe.

Shen Yuanhai is one of the few strong men of the Gulong clan, and his status is extremely high. Even the two of Jinqiuyang have to be treated with caution.

Seeing this scene before him, the Emperor Tianpeng couldn’t help but breathe a sigh of relief.

It seems that the Gulong clan must also know that Xueyin has come to the Kingdom of Tianpeng, and sent the one in front of him to support it.

“I have seen Shen Elder.”

The Emperor Tianpeng didn’t dare to neglect, and quickly stepped forward to bow.


Shen Yuanhai nodded slightly, and immediately ignored everyone, and looked directly at the terrifying battle in the void.

Jin Qiuyang’s eyes flickered slightly, and he immediately said directly to Shen Yuanhai’s cupped fist: “Shen Elder, now Jiang Chen is fighting the blood moon palace grandson Xue Yin, and I hope you can help me quickly!”

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