Chapter 1658 Six Young Masters of Blood Moon Palace, Tu Yuan!

Tu Yuan, the sixth son of the Blood Moon Palace!

This one is indeed a top genius from the blood moon palace Venerable.

Just a tentative move, Jiang Chen already felt the power of Tu Yuan.

The power of this guy’s blood world has probably reached its limit, which is equivalent to the Cultivation Base with the first-order peak of the gods.

Not only that.

Tu Yuan’s comprehension of the origin of the Dao Dao had probably reached at least 90%, and he was only one step away from mastering a complete Dao Dao.

Just take this step.

Tu Yuan will be able to condense the power of the second world, overcome the divine calamity, and become the powerhouse of the second-order deity!

This guy hasn’t made a breakthrough in the second-order deity, but with a lot of background, his combat power is better than that of the second-level deity like Tu Yuan.

“Boy, your fellow practitioners of the Seven Paths, killing the gods with half a step of the gods’ Realm is indeed very enchanting.”

“But… no matter how evil you are, you are destined to die today!”

Tu Yuan was condescending, looking down at Jiang Chen, hunting and dancing in blood, filled with a violent killing intent.

The next moment…

An unusually terrifying bloody sword aura suddenly soared from Tu Yuan’s body.

Tu Yuan stood proudly in the void, his pupils blazed with an astonishing edge, and he directly slashed out with a hand-shaped knife!


The terrifying bloody sword aura pierced through the world, with an overbearing power, instantly shattered Baili Void and appeared on top of Jiang Chen’s head.

Jiang Chen’s eyes shrank, and the phantom of the Heavenly Golden Sword instantly appeared behind him, colliding with Tu Yuan’s domineering bloody sword aura.


The void exploded and chaos flew.

The endless golden Sword Qi and the blood-colored knife beam burst apart, cutting out countless pieces of space in Baili Void.

Jiang Chen’s figure trembled, and his whole body was flying backwards a distance of hundreds of feet again.

Before he had the slightest chance to breathe, Tu Yuan opened the world with a more terrifying knife, and appeared in front of him in the blink of an eye.

Jiang Chen didn’t dare to neglect the slightest.

He hurriedly exploded the power of the Seven Dao, and then condensed the Dao Ze Divine Sword, and confronted Tu Yuan.

Boom boom boom…

The two broke out with all their strength, and soon confronted one after another with seven or eight moves.


The combat power of the sixth son of the Blood Moon Palace almost surpassed Jiang Chen’s imagination.

In the Cultivation Base of the first-order peak of the gods, more than 90% of the origin of the sword is mastered, and even the third type of space origin is more than 50% mastered.

With such a powerful force, Rao was able to resist Jiang Chen’s current strength.

A few tricks down.

Jiang Chen was almost completely suppressed by Tu Yuan’s overbearing offensive, without any chance of respite!

“Boy, you can block me with so many knives with half a step in the Cultivation Base of the Celestial Realm, which is enough to be proud.”

“The next cut, I will see how you resist it!”

Tu Yuan stared at Jiang Chen coldly, his blood swelling again.

this moment.

The Baili Void around him instantly evolved into a bloody world of heavenly gods.

In the world of the gods, the fierce sword aura was vertical and horizontal, causing the world to twist and tremble uncontrollably.


Tu Yuan was condescending, overlooking Jiang Chen, like a god dominating the world, directly condensing a blood-colored giant blade, and fell down against Jiang Chen.

This knife cut down, the world was in chaos, and all that was left was criss-crossing, sharp-edged, blood-colored sword lights shining.

Jiang Chen’s divine power and the seven Martial Dao origins burst to the extreme in an instant, evolving into the Minor World, the colorful true god, and colliding with the strongest Tu Yuan.


The loud noise that shook the sky instantly spread all over Baili Void.

I saw Jiang Chen condensing the whole body strength and evolving the colorful true god Minor World, and it is still difficult to stop the power of Tu Yuan’s sword.

Just a moment’s time.

The colorful true god Minor World twisted and trembled under the pressure of the bloody sword light, and finally collapsed.

Jiang Chen let out a muffled hum, and immediately forced the Taixu Sacred Dragon Diagram to condense the Cultivation Technique vision Qianlongzhen Sky Diagram, blocking the remaining bloody sword light.


The terrible explosion of energy resounded through the world again, and the Baili Void instantly turned into nothingness.

Jiang Chen’s figure was like a kite with a broken line. He flew upside down in embarrassment for a distance of thousands of meters.

“This guy, the combat power is a bit stronger than I thought.”

Jiang Chen wiped a handful of blood from the corner of his mouth, his eyes were locked tightly on the opposite Tu Yuan.

Although this guy is also the first-order peak of the gods, whether it is the Cultivation Technique background or the understanding of other Martial Dao, compared to the old man in black, they are all different.

It can be said.

The Sixth Young Master of the Blood Moon Realm in front of him is almost the strongest opponent Jiang Chen has encountered since he entered God’s Domain.

Now that he wants to defeat Tu Yuan, he can only condense the power of the world and break through the realm of heaven and god.

“Everyone, Tu Yuan is too strong, and Brother Jiang Chen is about to be unable to resist it.”

“We will do our best to break through Tu Yuan’s heavenly god world, help Jiang Chen get out of trouble, and return to Feiyun Pass together to discuss the long-term plan.”

Seeing Jiang Chen’s defeat, Tianpeng Shenhuang’s complexion changed, and he couldn’t help but spread the voice to the three of Jinqiuyang.

Today’s battle.

Jiang Chen had already killed a blood moon god, and they had already achieved good results.

Like the power of the Divine Realm today, there is no too obvious gap between them and the Blood Moon Realm.

As long as An Ran returned to Feiyun Pass, defended according to the danger, and resisted the attack of the Blood Moon Realm, it wouldn’t be a big problem.


The Jinqiuyang trio also knew that it was not suitable to fight again at this moment, which naturally made no sense to Tianpeng Divine Emperor’s decision.

All four broke out with all their strength, trying to push back the opponent in front of them, and then withdrew to help Jiang Chen break through Tu Yuan’s world of the gods.

“If you want to rescue Jiang Chen, dream about it, and give me all my strength to hold them back!”

You Tiankui could not help but sneer in his eyes when he saw the actions of the Tianpeng Divine Sovereign four.

Seeing him screamed, he was also desperately breaking out, and he didn’t intend to give the Tianpeng Divine Emperor any chance to get out.

“Boy, I didn’t expect you to be able to block this young man’s all-out attack.”

“I have to admit that your talent and strength, even this son, has to be amazed.”

“If you and I are in the same Realm, I’m afraid this son is really not your opponent.”

Tu Yuan stared at Jiang Chen below and slowly said.

“The sixth son of the Blood Moon Palace is worthy of being a super genius from Venerable.”

“When I enter the realm of God, you are the first to make me so embarrassed.”

Jiang Chen looked at Tu Yuan calmly: “But… after playing with you for so long, it’s time to end today’s battle.”

“Oh? Listening to your tone, it seems that there is still no hole card?”

Tu Yuan raised his eyebrows, and the corners of his mouth couldn’t help but raised a joking smile: “In that case, my son will give you a chance. If you have any abilities, just show it.”

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