Chapter 1648 Cut a god to see!


The seven sources of Martial Dao’s powers revolved around Jiang Chen and converged, and finally turned into a magical sword with colorful divine light.

The law condenses soldiers!

Do not!

Now Jiang Chen has mastered seven Martial Dao origins.

To be precise, Divine Armament should be based on the seven Martial Dao origins. Compared with the original law of condensing soldiers, it is totally different.

Start with Colorful Excalibur.

Jiang Chen just waved it lightly, and a red glow bloomed, rendering Baili Void into color.

The next moment.

A dazzling Sword Ray swept across the sky and the earth, emitting a ray of light, making the sky and the earth pale at this moment!

call out!

Sword Ray heaven-defying up, slashed on the two terrifying destruction lightning in the void in the blink of an eye.


Rao was a devastating blow condensed in the world of the black-clothed old man, but he was still wiped out by Jiang Chen’s Sword Ray!

“Humph! I want to see how long you can stay in my god world.”

Seeing Jiang Chen slaying his own attack with a single sword, the black-clothed old man couldn’t help but set off a sneer at the corner of his mouth.


Seeing his thoughts moved, a destroying palm print tore the void again, and once again suppressed Jiang Chen.

Although the boy in front of him was a fellow practitioner of the seven disciplines, except for the consummation of the roots of kendo, the other six disciplines were far behind.

In terms of combat power, this kid has indeed surpassed the first order of ordinary gods.

But he has broken through the first order of the gods for more than 100,000 years, and the power of the world condensed by the first path of destruction has long been ascension to the limit, equivalent to the Realm of the peak of the first order of gods.

Not only that.

He has even realized the origin of the second Martial Dao, and has already begun to move towards the second-order of the gods.

Although this kid’s combat power, he wanted to break through his celestial world in a short time, it was almost impossible.

In his god world, everything is under his control.

This kid is in the world of the gods, it is impossible to absorb the energy of the heavens and the earth to supplement the consumption of his body.

In other words.

Every time this kid launches an attack, the power in his body will consume one point, and he won’t get any supplement.

But he was in the world of the gods, but his power was endless.

As long as this kid can’t break through his celestial world, he can consume him alive in his own celestial world!

“Break it for me!”

Looking at the destructive giant palm that had once again condensed, Jiang Chen raised his hand and was an open sky sword light, slicing the destructive giant palm in half.

A sword smashed the Destroyer Giant Palm.

Jiang Chen didn’t give the black-clothed old man a chance to use it again. He directly preemptively spurred the Colorful Excalibur with all his strength and slashed towards the world wall of the black-clothed old man’s god world.


The colorful divine sword fell on the wall of the world, and a shocking energy explosion instantly resounded through the world.

I saw the world of the gods of the black-clothed old man, all of them became constantly twisted and trembling under Jiang Chen’s sword.

The face of the old man in black changed slightly.

He quickly stabilized the Celestial World with all his strength, and then looked at Jiang Chen with a sneer: “Boy, in my Celestial World, your power can’t be replenished at all. I wonder how many times you can perform such an attack?”

“No matter how many times I can use it, at least I can support it to kill you, but it’s more than enough!”

Jiang Chen’s faint voice fell, and he immediately swung the colorful divine sword again, one sword after another, madly attacking the black-clothed old man’s world of the gods.

“Boom boom boom!”

The void burst, chaos like the sea.

Rao was the black-clothed old man trying his best to stop him, and his heavenly god world still became shaky under Jiang Chen’s continuous attacks.

“This kid is attacking so frantically, and there is no sign of exhaustion. How… how is it possible?”

The old man in black was horrified.

The boy in front of him has not yet broken through the Celestial God Realm.

In the area covered by the world of his gods, this kid’s power is simply impossible to be supplemented in the slightest.

It stands to reason.

This kid is attacking so frantically, the amount of Internal Energy should become weaker and weaker, how can it be kept at its peak?


Just when the black-clothed old man hadn’t recovered from the shock, Jiang Chen was another colorful sword rainbow that pierced through the heavens and the earth, slashing his heavenly world.

The world of the heavenly gods that the old man in black was already crumbling, finally could no longer withstand such a terrifying power, and it shattered directly under this colorful sword rainbow.

The world of the gods collapsed suddenly.

The black-clothed old man trembled, and a mouthful of blood in his mouth couldn’t help but squirted out wildly.

“Ha ha……”

“Heavenly God Realm powerhouse, it’s nothing more than that!”

“Today, I, Jiang Chen, cut a god to come and see!”

A sword smashed the world of the gods of the black-clothed old man, Jiang Chen laughed arrogantly, and it resounded through the world in an instant.


A colorful chaotic Minor World also condensed in front of him like a ghost, and suppressed the old man in black.

Looking at Jiang Chen’s terrifying true god Minor World, the black-clothed old man’s heart surged.

He exploded with black awns, and quickly condensed a black barrier to block the true god Minor World that Jiang Chen suppressed.


How could the black-clothed old man hurriedly resist the true god Minor World that Jiang Chen has gathered all his strength and evolved.

Only a loud bang was heard, and the black barrier broke every inch.

The colorful true god Minor World, like a ruin and unrivaled, crushed the black-clothed old man for life, knocking him into the ground from a height of a hundred meters.


Dust and smoke flew up, and the earth shook.

I saw that on the plain outside Feiyun Pass, there was a crack of thousands of meters long, like an abyss!

Immediately afterwards.

A figure encased in the black light of destruction directly rose into the sky from the thousand-zhang crack, and swept towards the distance without looking back.


Facing Jiang Chen’s extremely terrifying combat power, the Heavenly God Realm of the Blood Moon Realm was terrified.

Now that he used all his methods, even the world of the gods, he still suffered heavy losses.

But the boy in front of him is getting more and more courageous, and his fighting strength is not reduced.

If you continue, I am afraid that I will really fall into this child’s hands today.

“Want to escape? Unfortunately you can’t escape.”

The cold light in Jiang Chen’s eyes skyrocketed, and he reached out and shook the space where the black-clothed old man was.

In an instant…

The vast void in which the black-clothed old man was located instantly turned into a seven-color space prison, trapping the black-clothed old man in it.

“damn it!”

The old man in black was frightened.

He hurriedly broke out with all his strength, trying to break through Jiang Chen’s space prison.

But just as he broke through the shackles of the space prison, a golden sword shadow that pierced through the heavens and the earth had already been cut straight down from the top of his head.


The black-clothed old man was instantly hit by the golden sword shadow, his figure was like a broken kite again, and he volleyed out embarrassingly…

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