Chapter 1646 The Heavenly God Realm Powerhouse Strikes!

“The Emperor Tianpeng, with the strength of the two of you, can’t hold it.”

“If you are a little more acquainted, then you will open the God’s forbidden and catch it, and I can spare your lives.”

“Otherwise… take me to break through the city, and you will surely let your blood flow in this Heavenly Peng Divine Imperial City!”

You Tiankui raised his head and stared at the void, looking at the two persons of Tianpeng and God Emperor standing proudly above the city, his cold voice also instantly resounded through the world.

“You Tiankui, stop talking nonsense, if you want to fight, the emperor will accompany you.”

The Emperor Tianpeng smiled coldly: “This emperor, the capital, can’t be broken if you want to break it!”


“Tianpeng Divine Emperor, don’t think that there is a god forbidden by this third-order power of the god, I really can’t help you!”

“Everyone listens to the order, follow me to break through the city and destroy the Heavenly Peng Kingdom!”

With an order from You Tiankui, he immediately took the lead, with overwhelming power, and attacked the gods in the capital of Tianpeng Divine Kingdom.

And behind him.

The remaining two Celestial Realms also carried thousands of True Divine Realm Practitioners, and together they launched an attack on the capital of Tianpeng Divine Kingdom.

“Full defense!”

The golden light of Tianpeng Shenhuang skyrocketed, and he rushed towards You Tiankui like a Dapeng flying into the sky.

Now the blood moon realm army, the real threat to the defense of the Tianpeng Divine Kingdom capital city, is the few Heavenly God Realm powerhouses in You Tiankui.

As long as he drags You Tiankui, the old man with white eyebrows drags another Heavenly God Realm, not giving them a chance to attack the God Forbidden.

Just relying on another Heavenly God Realm to lead these Blood Moon Realm Practitioners, wanting to break through the Tianpeng Divine Kingdom Imperial Capital, it is not an easy task.

Boom boom boom!

With Tianpeng Divine Emperor and You Tiankui’s two second-tier powerhouses facing each other, an earth-shattering offensive and defensive battle is also on the verge!

At the same time that the Tianpeng Divine Kingdom Emperor Capital War broke out.

Outside Feiyun Pass.

Jiang Chen stood proudly on the city wall with his hands under his shoulders.

In a void a hundred miles away from him, there was an old man in black with an unfathomable breath, standing quietly in the air.

This black-clothed old man is exactly the strong man in the Heavenly God Realm who rushed to Feiyun Pass!

Jiang Chen calmly looked at the black-clothed old man in front of him, and the corners of his mouth could not help but raised a slight arc: “The Heavenly God Realm powerhouse of the Blood Moon Realm has finally come, but I have been waiting here for a long time.”

“Boy, are you the one who killed the Ninth Young Master of the Blood Moon Palace?”

The black-clothed old man stared at Jiang Chen tightly, and there was also a touch of horror that could not be concealed in his old eyes.

Before coming.

The black-clothed old man always thought that the person who could break through the Feiyun Pass and kill the Nine Young Masters of the Blood Moon Palace was at least a strong man in the Heavenly God Realm.

after all.

The Ninth Young Master of the Blood Moon Palace was originally a genius at the pinnacle of the Heavenly God Realm, and he even had a life-saving trump card.

Plus a few half-step heavenly gods, and hundreds of true gods.

Unless the real Heavenly God Realm makes a move, it is impossible to defeat them at all.


When the black-clothed old man rushed to Feiyun Pass, he realized that there was no Heavenly God Realm here, and there was only a hairy boy like Jiang Chen.

The old man in black can’t even imagine.

How could it be possible to break through Feiyun Pass and kill the Nine Young Masters of the Blood Moon Palace just by relying on a little boy who has not yet broken through the Heavenly God Realm!

“Yes, I did kill your so-called Blood Moon Palace Nine Young Masters.”

Jiang Chen glanced at the black-clothed old man indifferently, and his eyes calmly said: “Not only did I kill him, I will even kill you today!”


“A mere ant who has not made a breakthrough in the realm of the gods, dare to speak up in front of the old man!”

“Whether you did it or not, there is only one dead end if you dare to be disrespectful to the old man!”

The black-clothed old man’s voice fell, and the dark divine power between his palms burst out, and then it turned into a pitch-black giant claw and grabbed Jiang Chen.

Although the black-clothed old man could vaguely feel, this kid in front of him was extremely extraordinary.

But even so.

He still couldn’t believe that all of Feiyun Pass was done by the kid in front of him.

Behind this kid, there must be a strong man in the Heavenly God Realm.

Since the Heavenly God Realm powerhouse refused to show up, he would kill this kid first, and then enter Feiyun Pass to find out!


Jiang Chen urged the origin of the sword to directly transform into an invisible open sky Sword Ray, with a sword smashing the big claws of the black-clothed old man to smash!

Looking at the scene in front of him, the black-clothed old man’s eyes shrank suddenly.

With just this understatement, the black-clothed old man knew that the boy in front of him was indeed a peerless evildoer who surpassed the nine sons of the Blood Moon Palace.

This kid has actually understood the complete kendo origin!

In other words.

As long as this kid is willing, he can gather the power of the kendo world at any time and cross the sky to become a real powerhouse in the gods.

The reason why this kid has not been promoted to the Celestial God Realm is obviously because he still wants to insight into other Martial Dao origins, he wants to understand the various Martial Dao origins, and become a Celestial God Realm powerhouse of the second rank and even higher rank at once!

“Boy, it seems I still underestimated you.”

The black-clothed old man stared at Jiang Chen tightly, and slowly said: “Now I am a little convinced that the Nine Young Masters of the Blood Moon Palace are dead in your hands.”

Jiang Chen said lightly, “I said, today I will kill you too. What’s the point of killing a few mere half-steps of the Celestial Divine Realm?”

“Haha…boy, don’t be too crazy.”

“Even if you understand the complete source of kendo, you will never be able to appreciate the difference between the Daotian Divine Realm and the Heaven Divine Realm without entering the Heaven Divine Realm for a day.”

“Today, I will let you see what is the power of the Heavenly God Realm.”

The black-clothed old man laughed, and immediately his whole body flickered, and the power of the endless path of destruction also whizzed out from his body.

This destructive force changes and converges in mid-air, and finally turns into a pitch-black palm print that destroys the sky and the earth, instantly turning the space of a hundred miles into nothingness!

This black-clothed old man cultivates exactly the way to destruction. With the power of the first world condensed from the destruction of the origin, he became a strong man in the gods of the sky.

Now that the power to destroy the world comes out, it seems to destroy everything in the emptiness within a hundred miles!

Jiang Chen looked at the ruining palm print that suppressed Baili Tiandi, and the dazzling golden light shot up into the sky in an instant.


The bright golden light, directly behind Jiang Chen, turned into a phantom of a ten thousand-foot golden sword, standing between the sky and the earth.

After returning to Sky Dragon City, Jiang Chen, with a few drops of Gulong Blood Essence, directly made the Divine Body Vision reach Realm in one fell swoop, and his power increased more than ten times!

Jiang Chen, the Heavenly God Realm powerhouse of the Blood Moon Realm in front of him, also displayed his direct and great divine body vision.


Jiang Chen’s eyes were cold, he directly urged the Golden Sword phantom, a sword slashed at the ruined palm print that came from suppression!

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