Chapter 1644 Angered You Tiankui


The blood-clothed youth was already in shock at this moment!

The mysterious black-clothed youth in front of him was probably not much more powerful than the real Celestial God Realm.

With his strength, he is definitely not an opponent of this son.

If it continues, he will really fall here today.

The blood-clothed youth did not hesitate, and directly forced a drop of Blood Essence from the body, and then performed the Escape Secret Art, and was about to tear the space and escape.

“It’s another familiar trick, but unfortunately you can’t escape it.”

Jiang Chen smiled coldly, and stretched out his hand to grab the blood-clothed youth.

In an instant…

An invisible force directly confined the space and time around the blood-clothed youth.

“No! You…you can’t kill me!”

“I am the Ninth Son of the Blood Moon Palace, heir to the world god Venerable.”

“If you kill me, my Blood Moon Realm will definitely break through the Ancient Dragon Realm!”

Feeling the failure of own escape technique, the blood-clothed youth couldn’t help but screamed in horror.

As the ninth son of the Blood Moon Palace, the blood-clothed youth, heir to the world god Venerable, will be qualified to be in charge of the blood moon world in the future.

This time he came to attack the ancient dragon world, but he finally took the initiative to win the opportunity, in order to establish a military exploit, Ascension’s own prestige in the blood moon world.


The blood-clothed youth didn’t expect it.

This time, he led the team to attack Tianpeng Kingdom, and he had been very smooth all the way.

But just seeing the imminent destruction of Tianpeng Divine Kingdom, he was suddenly blocked by the black-clothed youth in front of him.


He might even confess his life here.


Jiang Chen smiled coldly, and pointed at the blood-clothed youth directly and mercilessly.

The Blood Moon Realm aggressively attacked the Ancient Dragon Realm, and the situation between the two realms has long been endless.

Even if he let go of this blood-clothed youth today, how could the Blood Moon Realm give up attacking the Ancient Dragon Realm?

Jiang Chen spotted the blood-clothed youth, and his blood exploded, causing the blood-clothed youth’s entire body to burst.

One finger killed the blood-clothed youth, Jiang Chen didn’t hesitate at all, and directly killed the Feiyun Pass alone.

Feiyun closed.

Countless guards of the Blood Moon Realm looked at the scene in front of them, all with horror.

Even the Jiu Gongzi and the four chiefs all fell into the hands of the mysterious black-clothed young man in front of them. How could they have the courage to fight Jiang Chen.

I saw that Feiyunguan was in chaos, and hundreds of Practitioners from the Blood Moon Realm scattered all around and began to flee in panic.

Jiang Chen, like a demon god, directly entered the fleeing Blood Moon Realm Practitioner.

With every palm he shook, there were more than a dozen Practitioners from the Blood Moon Realm before they even had time to make a scream, their body exploded into a blood mist.

Just a moment’s time.

There were hundreds of Practitioners in the Blood Moon Realm, only a few people were left, and they escaped from Feiyun Pass in an embarrassing manner.

Jiang Chen glanced at the several Blood Moon Realm Practitioners who had fled, and did not pursue them either.

Feiyun Pass is located in a special place, and there is also the Jiu Gongzi with an extraordinary identity in the Blood Moon Palace.

Now that Feiyun Pass is captured, Jiang Chen doesn’t plan to continue doing it for the time being.

The reason why these people can escape from his hands is only because he did it deliberately.

The news that he captured Feiyun Pass and killed the Ninth Young Master of the Blood Moon Palace had no intention of concealing it. Now it is just using these people to spread the news to the people in the blood moon world.

By the time.

The powerhouse of the Blood Moon Realm is bound to be furious when he gets the news, and it is even possible that a Heavenly God Realm will be sent to deal with him.

And he can take this opportunity to kill a Heavenly God Realm in the Blood Moon Realm!

At the same time that Jiang Chen captured Feiyun Pass.

Outside the city of Tianpeng Divine Kingdom, a resident was shrouded in a dense blood mist.

Four monstrous figures with Blood Qi all over, gathered in a hall in the center of the resident, seemingly discussing something.

“Everyone, Tianpeng Divine Kingdom’s capital city is extremely defensive, and the guardian deity surrounding the city is at least laid down by a strongman of Tier 3 of the Celestial God. For a while, I’m afraid it will be difficult for us to break it.”

The first figure wearing a blood-colored battle armor glanced at the other three people slightly: “I wonder if the three can have any suggestions?”

This person wearing the blood-colored armor is the commander in charge of assisting the Nine Young Masters in attacking the Heavenly Kingdom of Tianpeng, You Tiankui, the powerhouse of the second-order Heavenly God of the Blood Moon Palace!

“It’s not that the gods of the third rank of the gods are forbidden. With the strength of the four of us, it will take at most an extra month.”

An old man in black clothes at the first level of the gods didn’t take it seriously.

You Tiankui frowned slightly and said, “That said, one month is too long, and I am worried that it will change after a while.”

“General You, you are too worried.”

The black-clothed old man sneered contemptuously: “Now that the ancient dragon world is completely suppressed by my blood moon world, it is too late for the ancient dragon world to support the frontal battlefield, how much power can be sent to support the Tianpeng Kingdom?”

“Don’t underestimate the ancient dragon world.”

You Tiankui shook his head.

Although the strength of the Ancient Dragon Realm is not as strong as our Blood Moon Realm, the dead camel is bigger than a horse, and there is also the existence of the realm god power sitting on it.

Millions of years.

There was more than one war between the blood moon world and the ancient dragon world.

If the Ancient Dragon Realm is really so unbearable, I am afraid that it has already been breached by the Blood Moon Realm, how can it persist until now?


This time they attacked Tianpeng Divine Kingdom, but they went deep alone.

If you are a little careless, I’m afraid you will fall into a situation where it will never be restored.

“No matter what, we must go all out in the next step, and strive to break the divine forbidden and destroy the gods and kingdoms within half a month!”

When You Tiankui spoke, a sharp glow of blood flashed in his eyes.

As long as the Heavenly Kingdom of Tianpeng is broken, the Blood Moon Realm can send a follow-up army from the Kingdom of Heavenly Peng to the eastern region of the Ancient Dragon Realm.

By the time.

The entire Eastern Region of the Ancient Dragon Realm will be in their blood moon realm!


Just as You Tiankui’s voice fell, a figure stumbled in, but ran in from outside the hall.

“Master You, something…something happened.”

“Someone fled from Feiyun Pass to the station just now, saying that Feiyun Pass has been breached by a mysterious strongman, and even Jiu Gongzi was killed!”


Following the words of the guard, the expressions on the four people present suddenly changed.

“What you said is true?”

You Tiankui stared at the guard closely, and the terrifying aura of the second-order Tianshen directly suppressed the guard trembling.

“Big… Your lord, it’s true.”

The guard hurriedly knelt in front of You Tiankui with a thud: “The Nine Young Masters who guarded Feiyun Pass and the hundreds of True God Realm were all beheaded, and only a few of them fled back.”

“Okay! What a Tianpeng Kingdom of God!”

“Unexpectedly, outside the capital of Tianpeng Divine Kingdom, there is such a power hidden.”

An icy glow of blood flashed across You Tiankui’s eyes: “No matter who did it, if you dare to kill Jiu Gongzi, I You Tiankui will definitely crush him!”

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