Chapter 163 Leave Me Forever!

“Heh… Xiantian Realm Practitioner, is it amazing?”

“I even killed more than one Xiantian Practitioner who was stronger than you!”

Jiang Chen sneered and watched Niu Tiankui, who had hit him with a hammer, and directly hit the Meteor Hammer with a sharp punch.


In mid-air, a crisp crash sounded instantly.

Jiang Chen’s seemingly plain punch contained a force that was more domineering than Niu Tiankui’s Meteor Hammer.

Niu Tiankui’s body trembled, and Jiang Chen’s punch and hammer led him to fly away in an instant.

The Meteor Hammer shattered directly into countless pieces.

However, the speed of Jiang Chen’s fist did not decrease in the slightest, and he directly blasted Niu Tiankui’s chest with a fist.


A screaming scream instantly resounded in midair.

The next moment…

Niu Tiankui’s body fell on the ground several feet away, and the whole person was bleeding from the seven orifices, and he couldn’t die again!

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