Chapter 1629 Fight for a half-step at the peak of the Heavenly God Realm!

“Since your Excellency insists on this, you can blame me for waiting.”

Seeing Jiang Chen’s refusal, Gong Wuji snorted coldly, and a sharp cold light flashed in his eyes.

“If you want to do it, just do it.”

“But… I advise you, the inheritance of the Holy Dragon Heavenly Palace is not something that any of you can get involved.”

“You leave now, maybe it’s still too late. Otherwise… I don’t mind letting you all stay here forever.”

Jiang Chen stood with his hands in his hands, looking at the group of people in front of him lightly, his expression was unusually calm.

“Haha… I’m not afraid to flash my tongue when you speak big words! I, Cang Kunwu, want to see what you can do to keep us here!”

Cang Kunwu laughed wildly with disdain.


He stretched out his hand to face the void with a move. A sacred mountain as high as a thousand meters suddenly emerged from the void, and then suppressed from the top of Jiang Chen with the terrifying power to suppress the world.


Jiang Chen was expressionless, just gently raised his hand and pointed out.

An invisible force of kendo instantly pierced Yin & Yang, and directly smashed the thousand-zhang Shenshan sword above the head to smash.

“The Cultivation Base of the late stage of the true gods understands more than 70% of the origin of kendo.”

“Boy, you deserve to be the descendant of the Holy Dragon Heavenly Palace who can enter the Holy Dragon Heavenly Palace. It really is extraordinary.”

“But…Although you are very strong, you still don’t have the qualifications to swallow the inheritance of the Holy Dragon Heavenly Palace!”

Cang Kunwu’s eyes couldn’t help but narrowed slightly: “Today our four realm geniuses are gathered here, with your strength alone, how can you compete with us?”

“You talk too much nonsense!”

Jiang Chen let out a cold snort, and turned his hand over to suppress Cang Kunwu with a soul-killing seal.

He cultivated the God King Cultivation Technique.

Under the same Realm, compared to the genius of the four realms cultivation world god Cultivation Technique, the condensed divine power is more than one level higher.

When he was in the early stage of the first-class true gods, the strength of Jiang Chen’s body was no longer inferior to the geniuses at the peak of these first-class true gods.

Now his Cultivation Base breakthrough is the late stage of the real god.

In terms of divine power alone, even the top geniuses of the Four Great Realms are far from being compared with him.

With the supernatural power he has now.

Even if it was just a mark of Soul Destruction, its power reached an extremely terrifying level.

If an ordinary genius at the pinnacle of the true god faces this seal, I am afraid that he will be killed into nothingness in an instant!

“Space is annihilated!”

Looking at Jiang Chen’s powerful palm print, Cang Kunwu’s complexion changed slightly.

He stretched out his hand to grasp the void, and a majestic spatial force directly tore the sky into a huge spatial crack.

The crack is like an ancient behemoth with a huge mouth open, swallowing Jiang Chen’s soul-killing seal into the eternal void.


Cang Kunwu just expelled Jiang Chen this strike to the eternal void with the Martial Dao origin of space, but he felt that a terrifying force was oppressing him again.

He suddenly raised his head, and saw a huge and incomparable mark of Zhu Zi Shen, which rapidly enlarged in his eyes.

“Drive me!”

Cang Kunwu’s blue veins soared, and a terrifying force that shattered the firmament on his fist directly rose into the air.


The Qianzhang Quangang formed by pure broken power directly smashed onto Zhu Shen’s seal, and instantly blasted Zhu Zi Shen’s seal to pieces.

“Open Heaven Seal!”

Seeing that the Zhu Shenyin seal was once again destroyed by Cang Kunwu, Jiang Chen moved his palm and the third seal of the Human Emperor’s Seal directly pressed down at Cang Kunwu unceremoniously.

Jiang Chen’s seal of opening the gods is stronger and faster.

Cang Kunwu, who had just defeated the Imprint of Zhu Shen, hadn’t reacted at all, and the whole person was hit by the Imprint of the Open Heaven!


With a terrifying explosion sound resounded.

I saw Cang Kunwu’s body flying upside down from the space enveloped by the Seal of the Open Sky in an embarrassing manner!

“Brother Jiang Chen’s strength seems to be a lot stronger, even the half-step peak of the Heavenly God Realm is no longer his opponent.”

Seeing this scene before him, Liu Tianxing’s eyes couldn’t help but reveal a look of surprise.

Three tricks!

Only three moves repelled the existence of Cang Kunwu, the pinnacle of the half-step Heavenly God Realm.


This time, Jiang Chen was still able to turn the tide, making the geniuses of these four realms hate on the spot.

Long Chixiao did not speak, but stared closely at the situation in the field, still with a hint of worry in his eyes that could not be concealed.

Although Jiang Chen has gained some inheritance in the Holy Dragon Palace, his strength has increased a lot.

But after all, his time in the Holy Dragon Heavenly Palace was too short, and there was still some distance from the Heavenly God Realm.

With Long Chixiao’s eyesight, it is naturally not difficult to see that Cang Kunwu was only repelled by Jiang Chen just momentarily.

To know.

Cang Kunwu has mastered the half-step Heavenly God Realm of two Martial Dao origins.

Among them, the origin of space has been comprehended by 90%, and the origin of strength has also been comprehended by at least 70%.

Such a supreme enchanting evildoer, even a strongman of the first order of ordinary gods, may not be able to easily defeat him.

Even though Jiang Chen now has a combat power comparable to the peak of the Heavenly God Realm in half a step, it is definitely not an easy task to defeat Cang Kunwu.

not to mention……

In addition to Cang Kunwu, the thirty-third stage of the God King’s Road, but there are more than twenty half-step Heavenly Divine Realms.

There are also three of them, none of them inferior in strength to Cang Kunwu.

If these four extremely half-step Celestial Gods join forces, even in the face of the real Celestial God Realm, I am afraid they are all qualified to fight.

Unless Jiang Chen has the heaven-defying power to defeat the Heavenly God Realm, he might still be dangerous today.

“Ah… bastard, you dare to hurt me, I want to kill you!”

As the first genius in the Cangshan realm, half a step from the peak of the Heavenly God Realm, he was now injured by Jiang Chen’s three moves. Cang Kunwu couldn’t help but let out a roar of anger.

He stared at Jiang Chen ferociously.

Ninety percent space Martial Dao origin and Qicheng strength origin are intertwined all over his body, turning into a void blade containing the most powerful force, slashing towards Jiang Chen with the power of breaking the world.

“Qianlong Town Tiantu, town!”

Jiang Chen gave a cold voice without expression, and the first stage vision of the God King Cultivation Technique Taixu Sacred Dragon figure condensed directly on the top of his head.

The picture scroll of nothingness, as if carrying an endless divine might from ancient times, collided with Cang Kunwu’s blade of nothingness.


The shocking explosion sounded thousands of miles away.

Above the thirty-third level of the God King Dao, the clouds and mist in a radius of a hundred miles were all washed away by the terrifying energy that swept away.


Cang Kunwu’s mouth burst out with blood, and the whole person was pale and exploded back to the edge of God’s King’s Way, almost falling from the thirty-third rank of God’s King’s Way.

He suddenly raised his head to look at Jiang Chen on the opposite side, and finally there was an incredible look of horror in his eyes!

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