Chapter 1626 The top arrogances gather!

After being swallowed by Jiang Chen, Jie Xin Shenjing fell unscathed into the sea of ​​divine power in his Dantian.

And Jiang Chen’s body has never reacted.

Even the system prompt did not come.

“What’s the situation, is it useless for Jie Xin Shen Jing to swallow it directly?”

Jiang Chen couldn’t help being stunned for a while.

This is a realm mind crystal condensed by a pinnacle realm god.

If it’s useless to swallow it, isn’t he going to lose out?

“No, the Jie Xin Shen Jing is still intact in the sea of ​​divine power. It should not be that the Jie Xin Shen Jing is useless, but it can’t be digested at all.”

Feeling the Jie Xin Shen Jing in the sea of ​​divine power, Jiang Chen couldn’t help but let out a low whisper.

It seems that he has already underestimated this world’s mind.

In the past, he swallowed any magical pill and magical medicine, and he could instantly transform it into experience with the system, ascension own strength.

But this mind crystal is too powerful, it seems that even the system can’t digest it directly.

Jiang Chen pondered slightly.

He tried to run the too virtual sacred dragon map, trying to refine the Jie Xin Shen Jing in the sea of ​​divine power, but found that the Jie Xin Shen Jing still did not move.

“Forget it, don’t care about it, I don’t believe that this realm of mind crystal stays in the sea of ​​divine power forever.”

Jiang Chen shook his head, no longer paying attention to the Jie Xin Shen Jing in the sea of ​​divine power, and directly focused on the pile of treasures in the corner of the Great Hall.

He intends to clean up this pile of treasures first.

As for the Jiexin Shenjing in the sea of ​​divine power, if there is really no way, I will wake up the temple spirit of the Holy Dragon Heavenly Palace in a while and ask him if he can do anything.

Jiang Chen no longer hesitated now.

He came directly to this pile of treasures, began to clean up the treasures in the corner of Great Hall, and then classified these treasures into storage rings.

An hour later.

Just when Jiang Chen cleared most of the treasures in front of him, a series of system prompts finally rang in his ears.

“Ding! You digest and absorb one-thousandth of the Boundary Mind Crystal, and get the supernatural power Cultivation Base 10000000*100!”

“Ding! You digest and absorb one-thousandth of the Boundary Heart Crystal, and you will gain 10000000*100 experience from the source of kendo!”

“Ding! You digest and absorb one-thousandth of the Boundary Mind Crystal, and you will gain 10,000,000*100 experience by the Law of Thunder!”


Hearing the system prompt, Jiang Chen also let out a sigh of relief in his heart.

It seems that the mind crystal of this realm is not absorbed, but because the energy contained is too large, even the system can’t be completely converted into experience value at one time.

In an hour, the system can only digest and absorb one-thousandth of the world’s mind crystal.

Although the speed at which the system absorbs the Digestive Realm Mind Crystals is slower than Jiang Chen imagined. But compared to the ordinary True God Realm Practitioner, this speed is already very fast.

after all.

The average true god realm Practitioner, even if it takes ten or eight years, it may not be able to completely digest the power of a realm spirit crystal.

And he can absorb one-thousandth of the Digestive Realm Mind Crystal in one hour now.

At this rate.

It only takes him two or three months at most to completely transform the power of the Realm Heart Divine Crystal into his own.

By the time.

Even if he can’t break through the Celestial Divine Realm, I am afraid he can become a half-step Celestial Divine Realm mastering the origin of several Martial Dao. Even if it is facing a real powerhouse of the Heavenly God Realm, it may not be without the power to fight!

Clean up the treasures in the Great Hall.


Jiang Chen sat cross-legged in the Great Hall, quietly digesting and absorbing the Boundary Mind Crystal in the sea of ​​divine power.

After half a month.

Jiang Chen’s other Martial Dao powers except kendo and the way of life are breakthrough Third Stage, the limit of Martial Dao law, and he has realized the origin of Martial Dao.

And Jiang Chen has also become a half-step Celestial God Realm mastering the six Martial Dao origins in one fell swoop.


Within half a month, the power of the Jie Xin Shen Jing had still consumed less than one-third.

Jiang Chen still sat motionless in the Great Hall, tirelessly absorbing and digesting the power of the Jie Xin Shen Jing…

And while Jiang Chen digested and assimilated the world mind crystal, he was crazy about the strength of Ascension.

The thirty-third order of the King of God.

I saw more than 20 breathtaking figures, and I don’t know when they have gathered here.

These twenty-odd Daoist shadows are clearly divided into five camps.

Each of the four realms is divided into a camp.

In addition, Long Chixiao and Liu Tianxing stood quietly in a corner.

In the camp of the four realms, there is an unfathomable figure standing proudly in the forefront.

One side of the sky thunder world.

The head was a man with a red hair and thunder robe, who was exactly the first half of the Heavenly Thunder Sect’s Thunder Heavenly Realm.

One side of the Starscar World.

Headed by a handsome young man with a sword eyebrow star, the first half of the star mark gate is the Heavenly God Realm Palace Wu Ji.

One side of the blue cloud world.

The head is a cold and glamorous woman wearing a green dress, Biyunzong’s first half of the step is Leng Shuangshuang in the Celestial God Realm.

One side of the Cangshan Realm.

At the head is a burly man with a height of three feet, the first half of the first half of the Cangshan Temple, Cang Kunwu of the Heavenly God Realm.

These four people are the top True God Realm geniuses in the four realms.

The strength of each of them has almost reached the peak of a half-step Heavenly God Realm. It was only one step away from the real Heavenly God Realm.

These four top Tianjiao from the four realms, after being opened by the Holy Dragon Heavenly Palace, all rushed towards the Holy Dragon Mountain at the fastest speed.


They came to Shenglong Mountain and climbed the thirty-third step of the King’s Road all the way, only to find that they could not enter the Shenglong Tiangong through the golden sky bridge.

Even if they tried everything they could, it was difficult for them to step into the golden flyover.

“Everyone, if I guess right, above the Holy Dragon Palace, there should be the Restrictions left by the Holy Dragon King. It seems that trying to forcibly break into the Holy Dragon Palace will not work.”

The golden sky bridge in front of Tian Lei Zong Lei Tian Yang couldn’t help but said in a deep voice.

“Hasn’t an ancient dragon already entered the Holy Dragon Heavenly Palace?”

Gong Wuji’s eyes flashed eagerly: “Perhaps we can ask the two Gulong guys next to him.”

Hearing Gong Wuji’s words, Cang Kunwu looked directly at Long Chixiao and said coldly: “Tell me how your companions entered the Holy Dragon Palace, I will spare you not die!”

“do not know.”

Long Chixiao smiled faintly: “Do you think that if we know how to get in, we will be waiting for you at the thirty-third step of God’s King’s Path?”

“You are looking for death!”

Cang Kunwu was furious, and a terrifying force that was as heavy as a mountain, directly oppressed the two of Long Chixiao.

Long Chixiao’s golden light soared, resisting with all his might.

But Cang Kunwu’s power is too terrifying.

Long Chixiao trembled suddenly under his pressure.


Long Chixiao directly protected Liu Tianxing and retreated more than ten steps away, and a mouthful of blood couldn’t help but squirted out wildly.

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