Chapter 1623 Enter the Holy Dragon Palace!

“This… is this over?”

The fifteenth order of the King of God.

Liu Tianxing had just solved the energy body in front of him, and was about to go to the sixteenth step of the God King’s Road, but found that the battle above had ended, and couldn’t help but breathe a sigh of relief at the moment.

Previously at the fourteenth step of the God King’s Road.

Liu Tianxing naturally found that ten half-step Celestial Gods had gathered in the four realms to besiege Jiang Chen and Long Chixiao at the sixteenth level.


He hurriedly accelerated with all his strength, wanting to go up and help both Jiang Chen.


Liu Tianxing didn’t expect it.

He had only then climbed from the fourteenth step of the King’s Road to the fifteenth step, and the battle on the sixteenth step of the King’s Road was over.

The ten half-step heavenly realms, including the two late-stage half-step heavenly gods, were all easily wiped out by Jiang Chen!

Especially when he saw Jiang Chen killing Pei Qing with the true god Minor World and Thunder Town, his eyes were almost kicked out of shock.

“It seems that Brother Jiang Chen’s current combat power is probably much stronger than the first Shenlong Weilong Chixiao.”

Liu Tianxing muttered to himself, his heart was also shocked.

Didn’t Liu Tianxing have never seen the enchanting genius in this world.

But it was the first time that Liu Tianxing met someone who could be as enchanting as Jiang Chen.

To know.

It only took a few years for Jiang Chen to enter Sky Dragon City.

These few years.

Jiang Chen not only made Cultivation Base breakthrough from the inferior true gods, all the way to the superior true gods, but also comprehended the origin of kendo, and his combat power surpassed Long Chi Xiao and became the first person in the ancient dragon clan god realm!

Such a terrifying speed of cultivation is really incredible!


Liu Tianxing was far more shocked at this moment.

In the entire God King Road, all the geniuses of the four realms looked at the situation above, almost all of them couldn’t believe their own eyes.

The four realms, the ten half-step heaven and gods, joined forces, and in such a short period of time, the entire army was wiped out in the hands of Jiang Chen!

This… how is this possible.

The two descendants of the Holy Dragon Temple in front of them from the ancient dragon tribe were too terrifying.

this moment.

Dozens of geniuses in the four realms were silent and afraid to move forward.

Even the ten half-step heavenly gods headed by Pei Qing Yinxiao fell into the hands of Jiang Chen. They are going up now, how is this different from being sent to the door to die?

“Senior Long, let’s continue.”

Jiang Chen didn’t pay attention to the geniuses of the four great realms below, and directly greeted Long Chixiao, and quickly climbed towards the 17th step of the God King’s Path.

Nowadays, there is no half-step heavenly realm of the four realms on the way of the king of gods.

And the other half-step heavenly gods of the four realms should also take a certain amount of time to arrive.

He just took advantage of this opportunity to climb to the top of the King’s Road, enter the Holy Dragon Palace first, and obtain the opportunity in the Holy Dragon Palace!

Without the obstacles of the people of the four great realms, Jiang Chen finally started to climb the king’s way with all his strength.

The seventeenth step, the eighteenth step, the nineteenth step…

Jiang Chen’s momentum is like a broken bamboo.

In just half an hour, Jiang Chen climbed all the way to the thirtieth step of the God King’s Road.

To the last third order.

Even with Jiang Chen’s strength, the speed of climbing has become much slower.

The coercive pressure emitted by the last three stages of the God King’s Road has been so powerful to a very terrifying point.

Even the general high-level true gods are simply hard to resist.

Not only that, the energy body condensed by the god king to each step is no less powerful than most geniuses at the peak of true gods.

“It seems that it is not easy for ordinary people to enter the Holy Dragon Heavenly Palace through God’s Royal Path.”

Jiang Chen said to himself authentically.

The last three levels of the God King’s Way, not to mention the general geniuses of the peak of the true gods, even if Liu Tianxing, like the half-step Heavenly God Realm that just broke through, it is not easy to pass.

Jiang Chen resisted the pressure of God’s King’s Way and climbed all the way up.

About a quarter of an hour later.

Jiang Chen finally passed the last third step and landed steadily on the 33rd step of the God King’s Path.

The thirty-third order of God’s King Way did not condense the energy body as Jiang Chen expected.

And at the moment he boarded the thirty-third rank.

Jiang Chen felt that his life had been baptized inexplicably.

He was standing on the top of the holy dragon mountain, overlooking the entire ancient holy dragon relics, and there was a sweet reminder sound in his ears.

“Ding! You have been baptized by the kingly way of God and gained a lot of divine power Cultivation Base!”

“Ding! You are baptized by God’s kingly way, which triggers a hundredfold comprehension.”

“Ding! You understand the origin of one-tenth of kendo!”

“Ding! You are baptized by God’s kingly way, which triggers a hundredfold comprehension.”

“Ding! You have gained a lot of experience with the Law of Thunder!”



As a trial path opened up by the Divine King Realm of the Holy Dragon Heavenly Palace, God King Dao will gain a lot of benefits once it passes.

And Jiang Chen, with the system’s 100-fold bonus, is even more powerful than Ascension.

Although he is still in the early stage of the first-class true god, the divine power Cultivation Base obtained through the kingly way of the gods is at least enough to save him two years of cultivation time.


His Martial Dao law, also under the baptism of God’s kingly way, ascension to a level.

The Law of Thunder, the Law of Wind, the Law of Fire, the Law of Time, and the Law of Space, these five Third Stage Heaven Laws, all directly reach the Third Stage Heaven Peak, which is not far from the source Martial Dao of Insight.

Even the weakest law of life has reached the Third Stage day!

“It’s worthy of the method of the god king, a trial method used to assess and recruit new disciples, and it has such an ability.”

Feeling his soaring strength under the baptism of God’s Kingship, Jiang Chen was also amazed.

With the power he has now, even the top half-step heavenly realm of the four realms, it must be difficult to cause any threat to him!

“The power of a god’s royal path is heaven-defying. If I can get some chance inheritance in the Holy Dragon Palace, I don’t know how far my strength can grow?”

Jiang Chen took a deep breath and immediately raised his head and looked at the huge palace in front of him.

This huge heavenly palace is undoubtedly the Holy Dragon Heavenly Palace, the power of the god king in the ancient times of the Holy Dragon Realm.

Shenglong Tiangong and the thirty-third order of the King’s Road are the same, and they are ten miles apart.

Around the Shenglong Temple, there are dense clouds and mists, making the entire Shenglong Temple looming, exuding a breath of ancient vicissitudes.

Between God’s King Road and Shenglong Tiangong, there is a golden sky bridge hanging across the void.

Jiang Chen carefully sensed the situation on the golden sky bridge and found that there was no danger. Then he stepped on the golden sky bridge and walked carefully towards the Holy Dragon Temple.

Not long.

Jiang Chen crossed the ten-mile golden sky bridge without hindrance, and directly sank into the mist-shrouded Holy Dragon Palace…

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