Chapter 1621 Kill one person with one sword!

“Jiang Chen, I didn’t expect you to have today!”

Tian Lei Zong Lei Kuang and the seven half-step heavenly gods of the four realms firmly surrounded Jiang Chen, and a hideous sneer appeared on his face: “Today, your death date is here!”

At that ancient Sect site that day, Lei Kuang accidentally discovered the existence of Wushou Divine Fruit.


Lei Kuang had already regarded the Wushou Divine Fruit as something in his own bag, but he didn’t expect that Jiang Chensheng would take it away in the end.

Not only that.

He himself was seriously injured by Jiang Chen, and it took five or six days to recover before he recovered.

Now I see Jiang Chen again.

Lei Kuang was even more horrified to discover that Jiang Chen had directly broken through the superior true god from the late stage of the middle true god!

no doubt.

Jiang Chen’s ability to soar to such a level in such a short period of time must have something to do with the unsullied divine fruit he obtained.

Thinking of this, Lei Kuang felt a little mad with jealousy.

If he had been able to obtain an unsullied divine fruit, at least it would have been in the middle stage of the half-step Celestial Divine Realm, or even breakthrough in the half-step Celestial Divine Realm late stage, it might not be hopeless.

“Haha… You could have escaped from my hands at the beginning, and you should go as far as you should be when you see me, so why take the initiative to send it to the door to die?”

Jiang Chen glanced at Lei Kuang’s eight people, and sneered: “Do you think you can deal with me with these guys next to you?”

At this time, he has understood the origin of kendo, and Cultivation Base is the breakthrough true god.

If it is a genius at the pinnacle of the four realms in the Heavenly God Realm, perhaps it can cause some trouble to him.

And this half-step Tianshen realm early stage middle stage genius, even if there are more, what’s the use?

“If I can deal with you, I’ll know if I try!”

Hearing Jiang Chen’s arrogant words, the middle stage of the half-step Celestial Divine Realm at the Starscar Gate couldn’t help but coldly snort with murderous aura.

“Stop talking nonsense, just kill him.”

The tall young man in the middle stage of Cangshan Realm had the hottest temper. He roared and waved his hands quickly.


A loud noise suddenly came from the void.


I saw a huge mountain of thunder and lightning, like a meteorite, crashing down from the void, shaking the surrounding space.

“It’s nothing more than a little trick.”

Jiang Chen’s eyes were indifferent. He slowly stretched out his palm and gently shook the Leishan that fell from the void, directly causing Leishan and the surrounding thousands of meters to collapse!

“Lastly give you a chance, as long as you don’t disturb me climbing the King’s Path, I can spare you my life. Otherwise… don’t blame me for being merciless!”

Jiang Chen stood with his hand held, a cold killing intent filled his body.

“When you die, you dare to speak up here and kill!”

The tall young man in the Cangshan realm sneered, and his power burst to the limit in an instant.


The monstrous law of divine power, the origin of Martial Dao directly evolved into the true god Minor World, which is lined with thunder mountains, and came to suppress Jiang Chen.

“act recklessly.”

Jiang Chen’s face was cold, his eyes boiled with murderous intent.

“Since you are seeking your own way of death, today I will let your blood of God scatter the sixteenth step of this king’s way!”

As this cold voice fell, Jiang Chen’s seven Martial Dao laws and the origin of kendo also burst out.

“Hunyuan ancient sword, condensate!”

Jiang Chen’s hands changed rapidly, and the seven Martial Dao laws and the origin of the kendo were directly transformed into a mixed ancient sword and fell into his palm.


Jiang Chen held the Hunyuangu Sword in his hand, and raised his hand as a seven-color sword rainbow that pierced through the sky and cut towards the oncoming true god Minor World.


The seven-color sword rainbow fell on the true god Minor World, as if opening up the world, instantly splitting the true god Minor World in half!

Jian Hong split the True God Minor World, and shot away at the tall young man in the Cangshan Realm without any reduction in speed.

Under the lock of the colorful sword rainbow, the tall young man in the Cangshan realm only felt that his whole body was difficult to move. He could only watch the colorful sword rainbow rapidly enlarge in his eyes.

“Do not……”

The tall young man in the Cangshan realm looked desperate and horrified.

It’s just that he just spit out a word of no, the colorful sword rainbow has already crashed down, directly causing his body and soul to instantly turn into nothingness!

The scene in front of him also instantly caused Lei Kuang to wait for the remaining seven half-step Celestial Realm to change dramatically.

Although they also knew that Jiang Chen was extremely powerful, they did not expect that Jiang Chen was already so terribly powerful.

With one sword, the half-step middle stage of the Cangshan Realm, the middle stage of the Heavenly God Realm, was instantly wiped out!

Such a method is really terrifying!

“Everyone, let’s do it together, otherwise none of us will want to leave alive today.”

Lei Kuang came back to his senses, and quickly shouted at the six half-step Heavenly God Realm beside him with a frightened expression on his face.

The other two Star Mark Realm’s half-step Heavenly God Realm middle stage also nodded solemnly.

Jiang Chen’s combat power is too terrifying.

If it is alone, I am afraid that none of the seven of them will be Jiang Chen’s enemy.

They had no intention of killing Jiang Chen at all.

With their strength, it is almost impossible to kill a pervert like Jiang Chen.

Now they can only hold Jiang Chen together, and they only hope that Pei Qing and two people can get rid of the other ancient dragon as soon as possible.

this moment.

For the remaining seven and a half steps of the heavenly realm, almost did not dare to have the slightest reservation.

All of them have pushed their entire body strength to the limit, condensing the true god Minor World to kill Jiang Chen.

Facing the joint attack of the seven half-step heavenly gods, Jiang Chen’s expression did not change in the slightest.

The soles of his feet were a little bit empty, and his figure disappeared into the same place spookyly.

The next moment…

Jiang Chen had appeared above the head of one of the half-step heavenly gods out of thin air, and then drew it with a light sword.


An invincible colorful Sword Ray crashed down.

I saw that Minor World, the true god of the half-step Heavenly God Realm, along with his body, exploded in an instant.

In an instant…

The red blood of the gods, like raindrops, spilt down on the sixteenth step of the king’s way.

One sword killed this Half-Step Heavenly God Realm in seconds, and Jiang Chen appeared above the head of the other Half-Step Heaven God Realm in a flash.


The dazzling colorful Sword Ray penetrated everything, and another half-step Celestial Realm was destroyed directly under Jiang Chen’s sword.

Jiang Chen waved the Hunyuangu sword and killed one person with one sword, which was unstoppable.

Just a moment’s time.

Five of them have fallen completely under Jiang Chen’s sword after the eight people besieging Jiang Chen for half a step. Only two middle stages of the Starscar Realm’s half-step Heavenly God Realm were left, and Lei Kuang stood there with a pale face.

Their gazes towards Jiang Chen also showed an unprecedented panic.

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