Chapter 1611 One of the three god-tier trees of the gods, the tree of life

very quickly.

Jiang Chen was surprised to find that his Second Stage Law of Life, as expected, could penetrate the forbidden gods in front of him!

“It seems that Wusheng Venerable laid down this defensive ban, hoping to comprehend Martial Dao of life, and get his mind crystal and the treasures left behind.”

Jiang Chen felt a little clear in his heart.

He no longer hesitated at the moment, the law of life of Second Stage exploded with full force, and then turned into an invisible palm to penetrate the defensive forbidden in front of him.


Of the seven laws Jiang Chen mastered, the Law of Life has always been the weakest, and has not yet been able to break through the Third Stage.

Although the law of life can penetrate the guardian of the gods’ forbidden realm, Jiang Chen’s law of life in the Second Stage still seems a little strenuous.

It took a full quarter of an hour.

Jiang Chen’s condensed invisible palm of the law of life completely penetrated the guardian of Jie Xin, and grabbed the Jie Xin Shen Jing suspended in the center of the stone platform.

The Jie Xin Shen Jing is the core of this defensive God forbidden on the stone platform.

As long as the Jiexin Divine Crystal is taken, the guardian of the God Forbidden Boundary Heart can break without attack.

By the time.

The other three treasures can naturally be obtained without any effort.

Under the control of Jiang Chen, the invisible palm approached the Jie Xin Shen Jing little by little.

I don’t know how long it took.

The palm of Jiang Chen’s law of life finally spanned a distance of tens of meters, and grabbed the Jie Xin Shen Jing suspended in mid-air in his hand.

at the same time.

Suddenly a strange wave came from the entire space of the stone platform.

Jiang Chen instantly felt that the power of God’s Forbidden Boundary Heart’s guardian really quickly dissipated, causing Jiang Chen’s pressure to drop sharply.


With a move of Jiang Chen’s thoughts, he saw that Mind Crystal, wrapped in his Second Stage Life Law, quickly flew towards him from the center of the stone platform.

“Is this the Jiexin Shenjing?”

Jiang Chen stretched out his hand to grasp the Jie Xin Divine Crystal, feeling the pure energy and profound rhyme from it, and a strange look appeared in his eyes.

“With this Jie Xin Shen Jing, the task of finding and repairing the world’s origin for Pang Lao is finally completed.”

Jiang Chen muttered to himself, and directly collected the Jie Xin Shen Jing into the storage world.

Jie Xin Jing Jing!

The essence of the world god Venerable sitting is inestimable.

If Jiang Chen directly absorbed the power of Jie Xin Shen Jing, it would surely make his strength soar.


Since this was something that could help Pang Qingyuan repair his source, Jiang Chen would naturally not use it.

after all.

After he first entered Hualong City and met Pang Qingyuan, Pang Qingyuan gave him a great help on the way to Martial Dao.

At the beginning of the battle with the True God Projection of the Blood Spirit Race in the Blood Spirit Continent, if it were not for the Jade Slip that Pang Qingyuan had given him, it would be difficult for him to return to Hualong City smoothly.

If there is no recommendation from Pang Qingyuan.

Even if Jiang Chen entered the Gulong clan, it would not be possible to grow to where he is today in just a few years.

It can be said.

Without Pang Qingyuan, there would be no Jiang Chen today.

How can Pang Qingyuan’s help to him be measured by a realm spirit crystal?

Collecting the Jie Xin Shen Jing, Jiang Chen’s gaze fell directly on the other three treasures on the stone platform.

The red sandalwood box on the left contains a golden Medicine Pill the size of a thumb.

Although Jiang Chen didn’t know what Medicine Pill this was, the terrifying energy emanating from Medicine Pill could tell how extraordinary this pill was.


Wusheng Venerable, as the strongest god of the holy dragon world in the ancient times, how could the Medicine Pill placed here be a common product.

Such Medicine Pill, I am afraid at least the Medicine Pill of the world god level!

The scroll that exudes primitive light in the middle, just as Jiang Chen had expected, was a scroll of Realm God-level Cultivation Technique.

Jiang Chen’s current cultivation of the Supreme Void Sacred Dragon Picture is already a god king-level Cultivation Technique, and naturally he doesn’t care too much about this volume of Realm God Cultivation Technique.

He rolled his eyes and landed directly on the branch on the far right.

This is a branch about three feet long, with a faint green glow flowing across the body, giving people a sense of ancient Sacred.

Even if it was placed here for hundreds of millions of years, the branches still exude a breath of majestic life.

Jiang Chen took a deep breath and stretched out his hand to grab the branch on the stone platform.

Start with branches.

Jiang Chen only felt that the whole person was enveloped by Sacred’s incomparable life force.

Immediately afterwards.

A series of system prompts resounded in Jiang Chen’s ears.

“Ding! You feel the power of the sacred tree of life, which triggers a hundredfold comprehension!”

“Ding! Your law of life gains 100*100 experience!”

“Ding! You feel the power of the sacred tree of life, which triggers a hundredfold comprehension!”

“Ding! Your law of life gains 100*100 experience!”


Listening to the reminder that kept echoing in his mind, it took a long time for Jiang Chen to recover from his consternation.

This branch is indeed worthy of its name, and it is a branch from the sacred tree of life.


Jiang Chen didn’t expect that the branches of the sacred tree of life would have such heaven-defying power.

He just held this section of the sacred tree of life in his hand, and he could actually understand the law of life!

Doesn’t this mean that as long as he takes this sacred tree of life with him, he can gain unlimited power of the way of life?

Although this small tree of life, every time I feel the Ascension of the law of life is not much.

But if he can perceive the way of life in this way at all times, give him ten or eight years, and he will still be able to reach an extremely terrifying level in the cultivation of life!


The way of life might even surpass other Martial Dao powers and become his second Martial Dao power that gave birth to the original power!

Jiang Chen looked at the branch in his hand with horror, and couldn’t help but breathe in his heart.

What is the origin of this sacred tree of life? It is too heaven-defying.

A piece of the sacred tree of life, coupled with the system in his body, is simply an invincible plug-in for his cultivation of the way of life.

It took Jiang Chen a long time to calm down the horror in his heart, and then turned to the outside of the Great Hall with a few treasures.

Outside the Great Hall.

Liu Tianxing stared at Jiang Chen, who was walking out of the Great Hall so quickly, and couldn’t help but stunned.


When he saw the three treasures in Jiang Chen’s hands, he finally revealed an incredible look in his eyes.

“Brother Jiang Chen, you… have you got the treasure inside?”

Jiang Chen smiled and nodded, and threw the red sandalwood box and the world god Cultivation Technique to Liu Tianxing.

“Brother Liu, Jiexin Shenjing and this branch are both of great use to me. So you suffer a bit, and you can only get these two things.”

Liu Tianxing shook his head quickly and refused: “Brother Jiang Chen, don’t…”

“Let you hold it, just hold it.”

Jiang Chen waved his hand and directly interrupted Liu Tianxing’s words: “I have taken the Jie Xin Shen Jing and this piece of the God Tree of Life, which has already taken a lot of advantage.”


Liu Tianxing looked at the branch in Jiang Chen’s hand, with a look of horror: “This is the tree of life, one of the three god-tier trees in God’s Domain?”

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