Chapter 161 You Can’t Move One Of Their Hair!

“The black armored horse thieves group, this is the largest horse thieves group around Lingyun Mansion, why did we meet them so unlucky?”

“It is rumored that Niu Tiankui, the leader of the Black Armored Horse Thief Group, is a powerful Xiantian master.”

“It’s over, this time we are sure to be over!”

Hearing Niu Tianquina’s arrogant laughter, many Practitioners of Tamron Escort became a little pale.

As for Teng Qiuyu and Teng Xiang, who stood at the forefront, their expressions were gloomy.

Teng Xiang took a deep breath and immediately said to Niu Tiankui’s cupped fist: “It turned out to be Captain Niu. Today, the Tenglong Escort will pass by here. I hope Captain Niu can do it conveniently. My Tenglong Escort would like to offer the best gold.”

The black armored horse thief group is powerful, and it is not something Tamron Escort can provoke.

Now that they met, they can only choose to make money and eliminate disasters!

“Hey… Ten thousand taels of gold wanted to send me away. Are you really a beggar from Daddy?”

“Give you three minutes, leave your darts behind, and then immediately disappear from me!”

“But… this little girl has to stay. I, Niu Dakui, haven’t touched a woman for several days, so I just used her to diarrhea!”

Niu Dakui glanced condescendingly, and finally landed on Teng Qiuyu’s fiery body, his eyes instantly becoming hot.

Listening to Niu Daquina’s arrogant words, Teng Qiuyu’s pretty face couldn’t help but change.

She suppressed the anger in her heart, and stared at Niu Dakui coldly with her beautiful eyes: “Your black armored horse thieves have always been erratic, how did you know that we would pass by here?”

“Hey… I not only know that you will pass by here, but also that your darts are sent to the imperial capital Zhao’s house.”

“I’ll tell you the truth. Some people don’t want your darts to be safely delivered to Zhao’s house. Only then can I prepare a lot of money and ask me to do it.”

“Stop the gossip, put down your darts and get out. Otherwise… your only end is death!”

When Niu Dakui spoke, the aura of the strong Xiantian also burst out of him instantly.

“Don’t think about it!”

Facing the powerful aura on Niu Dakui’s body, Teng Qiuyu’s delicate face did not show the slightest fear.

She said coldly: “We, as the dart master, since we have accepted the task, we must be responsible to the end. You want to steal the dart unless you step on our body!”

“Ha ha……”

Hearing Teng Qiuyu’s words, behind Niu Tiankui, a group of black armored thieves couldn’t help laughing with disdain.

“Head, since these Tenglong Escort members don’t know good or bad, we are still talking nonsense with them, and we just kill them all.”

The members of the Black Armored Horse Thief Group are all people who look at Tamron Escort with contempt, and their words reveal a bitter murderous aura.

“Miss, you immediately evacuated with the brigade, and I stayed behind.”

Seeing that the black-armored horse thieves group was clearly unkind, Teng Xiang directly drew the long sword and said solemnly to Teng Qiuyu beside him.

“No, we have to go together, stay together and stay together!”

Teng Qiuyu resolutely said: “If it’s a big deal, I’ll fight with them!”

“Hmph, I gave you a chance, but you didn’t cherish it.”

“Since you have to die, then I will fulfill you!”

Niu Tiankui’s face was cold, and he directly said angrily: “Give me up, kill these people from the Dragon Escort!”


Just as Niu Tiankui’s voice fell, a faint voice sounded abruptly in everyone’s ears.

“Niu Tiankui, if you dare to move one of their hair, believe it or not, I will destroy your black horse thieves!”

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