Chapter 1603 No Life Venerable!

In the Wusheng Valley, it is full of vitality, surrounded by greenery, and the dense world turns into a mist lingering in the air, looking like a fairyland.


In this seemingly peaceful valley, there is a mysterious force shrouded in it.

Under this force.

Even with Jiang Chen’s strength, if they don’t gather the divine power to cover the body, the vitality in the body will quickly dissipate under the influence of the mysterious power.

“The power of life, this lifeless Venerable is probably of extremely high attainments in the way of life.”

Feeling the mysterious power shrouded in the ancient mountains, Jiang Chen couldn’t help but shudder.

The way of life is also one of the more mysterious and weird ways in the Three Thousand Ways. If the cultivation is to the extreme, everything in the world will live and die within a single thought.

It seems that in this reclusive place of lifeless Venerable, one must be more cautious.

The two cautiously walked forward for a while, and a somewhat impatient voice in front of them suddenly rang in Jiang Chen’s ears.

“Lu Nan, how long will it take to break the formation?”

At this time, another voice hurriedly said: “Brother Yao, coming soon. At most half an hour, I can completely break the formation.”

“Brother Jiang Chen, there is the ancient Immortal Cave ahead.”

Liu Tianxing heard the conversation coming from the front, and could not help but whispered to Jiang Chen: “There is a powerful guarding formation outside Immortal Cave. It seems that Yao Hongsheng and the others have not been able to break it.”

“Let’s take a look.”

Jiang Chen nodded, and then walked in the direction where the sound came from.

The Wusheng Valley was shrouded in a dense fog of energy, and the visibility was only a hundred meters away, and the perception was also greatly restricted. Jiang Chen could not see the specific situation in front of him.

The two advanced a certain distance, and two Daoist shadows finally appeared in Jiang Chen’s line of sight, hundreds of meters away.

One of the young men with a delicate face and a gloomy complexion stood aside, and a look of impatience emerged on his face.

The young man had a tyrannical aura, and he was no less inferior to the two Starscar Realm half-step gods who were killed by him.


This guy should be Yao Hongsheng whom Liu Tianxing said, the one who severely damaged their Biyun Palace half-step heavenly realm.

Beside Yao Hongsheng, there was a young man who was on the top of the true god, sitting cross-legged on the ground with sweat and sweat.

I saw that his hands were constantly changing into mysterious handprints, and he slammed towards the light green formation not far in front of him.

And under the constant attack of the youth, the formation began to tremble.

“Brother Jiang Chen, it seems that this ancient Immortal Cave formation is about to be broken, what shall we do now?”

Liu Tianxing looked at this scene and couldn’t help looking at Jiang Chen beside him.

Jiang Chen smiled faintly: “Don’t worry, wait for them to break through the formation and enter it. We will follow.”

Inanimate Venerable, one of the most powerful Venerables in the holy dragon world in ancient times, and also masters the way of life.

The Immortal Cave of such an ancient powerhouse is probably not simple at all.

He can just use Yao Hongsheng to open the way in front, so why rush to make a move at this time?

After Jiang Chen and the others waited like this, half an hour passed quickly.

The light green formation barrier, which has been constantly changing, finally made a crisp sound.


A broken gap about the size of a tenth of a meter also appeared in the formation barrier instantly.

“It’s finally broken, let’s go!”

Yao Hongsheng looked at the gap in the formation, his eyes skyrocketed, and he jumped directly into the formation.

After Yao Hongsheng disappeared in the formation for a while, Jiang Chen and Liu Tianxing slowly followed.


Yan Gang saw that Jiang Chen and the two had entered the formation barrier, and they also came to the front of the formation barrier.

He looked at the broken gap in the formation, and his eyes flickered slightly.

He still doesn’t know what is going on in the formation enchantment.

In case this ancient Immortal Cave doesn’t have much space, once you enter it, Yao Hongsheng will be aware of it.

Thinking of the situation where Yao Hongsheng was severely injured when he was slapped with a palm, Yan Gang couldn’t help feeling lingering.

“Forget it, Jiang Chen and the two have already entered it. As long as I stay here, even if they haven’t died in Yao Hongsheng’s hands, they won’t be able to escape. Zhuang Shengyang will be here soon, so let’s wait for that guy to come in.”

Yan Gang muttered to himself, then sat cross-legged and waited quietly.

Pass through the formation barrier.

Jiang Chen seemed to have crossed time and space and came to a strange world.

This world is almost the same as the suspended peak given to him by the realm god Venerable of the Gulong clan when Jiang Chen was promoted to the True Dragon Tianjiao. Obviously, it should be a world created by Wusheng Venerable.


Jiang Chen tried to perceive the world, but he couldn’t insight into the power of the gods out of the realm like in the tenth hanging peak.

“It seems that this world is still somewhat different from the tenth hanging peak.”

Jiang Chen shook his head, and immediately began to explore this space with Liu Tianxing.

This space is not too big, about thousands of miles in radius.

Not long.

Jiang Chen and the other two found a Great Hall that looked extremely simple and primitive in the center.

The entire body of this Great Hall is copper-yellow. Countless years have made this copper-yellow look even deeper. An atmosphere of ancient vicissitudes also permeates from the surroundings of the Great Hall.

“Brother Jiang Chen, this should be the place where the ancient strong man lived. Yao Hongsheng and the others must have entered it.”

Liu Tianxing looked at the Great Hall that had been opened in front of him, and couldn’t help but whisper.

“Let’s go, go in and see.”

Jiang Chen’s eyes flickered, and then he walked straight towards the Great Hall.

This is an extremely vast Great Hall, where people stand, as small as ants.


Although the Great Hall is extremely wide, it is very empty and concise, with almost nothing superfluous.

Jiang Chen glanced at it and found Yao Hongsheng who came to the Great Hall one step ahead of them.

At this moment.

Both of them stared at a stone platform in the middle of the Great Hall with horror, and even Jiang Chen and the others entered the Great Hall without the slightest notice.

Jiang Chen was taken aback for a moment, and his gaze looked up at the stone platform in the center of the Great Hall.

On the stone platform, there was a stalwart figure in a white robe with a jade face, pinched with hands and sitting cross-legged. It looked particularly dazzling in the empty Great Hall.

Although this white-robed figure has not known how many years he has been dead, his body is still intact, as if he was meditating in cultivation.

Jiang Chen looked at the figure in the white robe sitting cross-legged, and couldn’t help but reveal a touch of unconcealed horror in his eyes.

Is this white-robed figure in front of him the inanimate Venerable from the ancient times?

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