Chapter 1596 Divine King Level Cultivation Technique shows its power!


The sky-shaking explosion sounded, and the bright golden light swept away from mid-air at this moment, eclipsing the sun in the sky.

“Senior Brother Wu’s vision of the Sky Devouring Soul Devouring Art was broken by that kid, how could it be possible?”

Looking at the shocking scene in front of him, the eyes of the remaining black soul sect disciples showed incredible horror.

Swallowing the soul!

This is the Cultivation Technique of the Black Soul Sect’s strongest realm god level, not only powerful, but also extremely difficult to cultivate.

Today’s Black Soul Sect, there are only two geniuses who have cultivated the Sky-Swallowing Soul-Swallowing Technique in the True God Realm.

And Wutong in front of him is one of them.

They didn’t expect that the boy in front of him would have the absolute upper hand when facing Wutong who displayed the vision of the Sky-Swallowing Soul-Eater Secret Art.

What makes them feel incredible is that.

This kid’s Cultivation Base is only in the middle true state of God!

A mid-level true god in a mere paltry can actually defeat a Cultivation Technique vision of the strongest realm god level cast by the half-step Heavenly God Realm!

This… how is this f*ck possible?

“This kid… actually used the Cultivation Technique vision to suppress Wutong’s Cultivation Technique vision.”

Gong Qi looked at the ten-mile heaven and earth shrouded by golden light, his pupils also couldn’t help but shrank suddenly.

The Black Soul Sect is the world god power in the Starscar Realm second only to the Starscar Sect, and Gong Qi naturally knows the Black Soul Sect very well.

The Cultivation Technique, the world god of the Black Soul Sect, swallows the sky and devours the Soul Art. It is well-known in the entire Starscar Realm. Compared to their Starscar Cultivation Technique, the strongest world god Cultivation Technique, the immortal Star Art, it will not be inferior in the slightest.

Even if he takes the shot himself, it is impossible to defeat Wutong with the Cultivation Technique vision alone.

The boy in front of him was using the Cultivation Base of the middle true god, and he suppressed Wutong with the help of the Cultivation Technique vision!

Gong Qi’s eyes flickered slightly.

This kid fell a Realm situation in the Cultivation Base, relying on the Cultivation Technique vision to defeat Wutong’s Sky Swallowing Soul Devouring Art vision.

In this case, there is only one possible explanation.

That is the Cultivation Technique of this kid’s cultivation, far superior to Wutong’s Swallowing Heaven and Soul Devouring Technique.

But Wutong’s Sky-Swallowing Soul-Eater Technique was already regarded as a top world god-level Cultivation Technique.

Doesn’t this mean that this kid’s cultivation is very likely to be the legendary god king level Cultivation Technique?

Thought of this.

Gong Qi’s eyes couldn’t help but show an extremely fiery look.

The god king is a strong man standing at the pinnacle of the god realm, overlooking the supreme existence of all beings in the god realm.

It can be said.

Anything related to the King of Gods is a treasure that countless Martial Dao practitioners dream of.

And the king-level Cultivation Technique is the supreme Cultivation Technique that can suppress the thousands of Cultivation Techniques in the world.

Since the disappearance of the Holy Dragon Realm and the Holy Dragon Heavenly Palace in ancient times, the God King Cultivation Technique has become a legendary existence in their four realms.

Gong Qi didn’t expect it.

In front of this strange young man in black, he was cultivating the legendary god king level Cultivation Technique.

“You must get the God King Cultivation Technique on this kid.”

Gong Qi’s eyes exploded.

God King Cultivation Technique, this is simply a great opportunity.

Amidst the shock of everyone, the golden light that shrouded the sky for ten miles in midair finally dissipated slowly, gradually revealing the scene in it.

The first to appear in their sight was a black-clothed young man standing proudly. It seemed that the previous shocking collision didn’t seem to hurt him at all.

And not far away from it.

An embarrassed black figure lying in a huge pit, with scattered black hair and blood stains on his face, it was Wutong!

“Tsk tusk… This too imaginary sacred dragon picture is worthy of being a god king-level Cultivation Technique, and it really is getting stronger and stronger.”

Looking at Wu Tong’s miserable appearance, Jiang Chen was also amazed.

With the ascension of Jiang Chen’s strength, the Taixu Sacred Dragon Picture finally began to show the terrifying power of the God King Cultivation Technique.

If he had the Cultivation Base of the superior true god at this moment, Jiang Chen would even have the confidence to use the Cultivation Technique vision of the Taixu Sacred Dragon to kill Wutong in front of him with one move!

Wu Tong got up from the ground with a pale face.

He raised his head to look at Jiang Chen on the opposite side, and his eyes also showed unprecedented horror: “God King Cultivation Technique! You…you will actually be God King Cultivation Technique!”

The Cultivation Base of the middle true god can suppress his Sky-Swallowing Soul-Eater vision with the Cultivation Technique vision. I am afraid that only the vision condensed by the God King-level Cultivation Technique can do it.

“Tsk tusk… I didn’t expect that there would be someone like you in the four realms who obtained the Divine King Cultivation Technique.”

At this moment, Gong Qi, dressed in blue, slowly walked forward.

He looked at Jiang Chen on the opposite side, and couldn’t help but smile faintly: “I wonder which realm your Excellency comes from?”

“Where am I from? It has nothing to do with you.”

Jiang Chen’s expression was indifferent and said: “I want to enter this gorge now, who else has any opinions?”

“It’s not impossible for your Excellency to enter the canyon.”

Gong Qi smiled and said: “I only have one condition, as long as you give the God King Cultivation Technique to both of us Insight Insight.”

“What if… I don’t?”

Seeing Gong Qi’s idea of ​​hitting his own imaginary sacred dragon map, Jiang Chen couldn’t help flashing a cold light in his eyes.

“It’s up to you.”

“Whether you like it or not, my Gong Qi will decide the God King Cultivation Technique on you today.”

“I advise you, don’t toast or eat fine wine!”

Gong Qi stared at Jiang Chen tightly, and the corner of his mouth was slightly curved.

“What kind of thing do you dare to get involved with my Cultivation Technique? I originally planned to let you go. Since you insist on looking for death, don’t blame me for being polite!”

Jiang Chen’s cold voice fell, and a sword energy that suppressed the heavens and the earth descended into the void.

The power of this kendo is so powerful that the space around Jiang Chen continues to collapse.

Sword Qi, inspired from Jiang Chen’s body, turned into a shining rainbow, shooting straight into the sky.

Even if you are thousands of miles away, you can feel the horror of this sword.

“This is… the original strength of kendo?”

Gong Qi looked at the horror sword Jiang Chen condensed, his eyes suddenly shrank, and his mouth couldn’t help but scream out.

As for Wu Tong and the others beside Gong Qi, they were like a ghost at the moment, and could hardly believe their own eyes.

Although they also know.

There are some very enchanting existences in this world who have a sense of Martial Dao. The Cultivation Base has not reached the peak of the true gods before they can comprehend the origin of Martial Dao.

But such an existence is a genius among geniuses.

To know.

Even in their Starscar Realm, only the first genius who overwhelmed the Tianjiao of the same generation had realized the origin of Martial Dao in advance.

But even the one who realized the origin of Martial Dao was only when Cultivation Base reached the late stage of the true god.

The Cultivation Base, which is at the peak of the middle true god, is already a half-step heavenly god realm that has understood the origin of kendo?

This… how is this f*ck possible?

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