Chapter 1589 Fighting For The Immaculate Fruit

The burly man’s complexion changed, and there was a flash of thunder and lightning directly on his fist, and he blasted with the ghost claws.


The terrible loud noise suddenly spread over the medicine garden, making the space within ten miles of it tremble.

The burly man’s figure burst back hundreds of feet in a row.

He stared at a place in the middle of the medicine garden, and saw a tall, majestic, dark copper complexion, haunting Blood Qi and Killing intent, an undead creature that jumped out directly from the ground.

The undead creature’s blood-lighted monster eyes stared at the burly man, and a deep roar was also issued in his mouth: “Those who trespass in the medicine garden, die!”


This powerful undead creature seems to have a very powerful consciousness and can speak.

“Brother be careful, this undead creature is very powerful, I’ll help you!”

The seductive woman looked at the undead creature that suddenly killed her, her pretty face couldn’t help but change slightly.

“No, it’s just a corpse that has undergone a corpse transformation. Even if it has some strength, how can it stop me?”

The burly man was covered with thunder and lightning, hesitating to dominate the thunder god like the thunder god, controlling countless thunder and lightning against the undead creature.

The Law of Thunder is originally one of the powers between heaven and earth to reach the Sun.

And the law of thunder dao of the burly man contains a trace of the power of thunder dao origin, which can be described as the absolute nemesis of that undead creature.

The undead creature fell into a thunderous slash, and soon became embarrassed, and his mouth also let out a stern roar.

“Jiang Chen, what to do now, this undead creature seems to be unable to stop the burly man.”

Ning Yan looked at the scene in front of her, and there was also an anxious look in her eyes.

No wonder this burly man dared to ignore the existence of her and Jiang Chen, and directly took the unsullied divine fruit, acted domineering and unscrupulous.

Just because of the strength of this burly man, it was really terrifying.

If he is allowed to obtain the Immaculate Fruit, I am afraid that even if Senior Brother Luo Jun comes, he may not be able to defeat him and take the Immaculate Fruit back.

Now it will take a while for Senior Brother Luo Jun to come.

She must find a way to stop the burly man, and can’t let the burly man get the immaculate fruit before the senior brother arrives.

By the time.

With the strength of Senior Brother Luo Jun, even if they can’t take all the treasures here, they can still get a piece of it.

“You take the woman opposite, and I will help the undead creature deal with the burly man.”

Jiang Chen’s eyes flickered slightly.

This burly man is the pinnacle true god who understands the origin of Thunder Dao, and his combat power is extremely powerful.

If it is alone, he may not be able to easily defeat it. Joining forces with the undead creature now is undoubtedly the best time to deal with the burly man.


Ning Yan replied and immediately swung her long sword, and directly killed the seductive woman on the opposite side.

Jiang Chen didn’t hesitate either, his figure rushed out directly at the place where the burly man was fighting with the undead creature.

He didn’t directly attack the burly man, but directly hit the undead creature with the law of life, repairing the undead creature’s injuries that were severely damaged by the law of Thunder.

This burly man’s combat power is shocking, Jiang Chen intends to use this undead creature to consume more of him.


“I didn’t take the initiative to solve you. It’s my benevolence. I didn’t expect you to take the initiative to take the initiative.”

“The two of you just left, there was still a chance to survive. Since you have to be sent here to die, then I will fulfill you!”

The burly man looked cold, and immediately waved his arm. A fierce thunderstorm swept across the sky, directly facing Jiang Chen.

“Divine Body Vision, Condensation!”

Jiang Chen’s golden light soared, and the huge golden sword phantom suddenly condensed behind itself, and then slashed out against the thunderstorm that swept across.


The Golden Sword Phantom and Thunder Storm collided in mid-air, causing the entire space above the medicine garden to instantly turn into nothingness.


“It’s interesting, I didn’t expect you to block my trick with the late stage Cultivation Base.”

“Boy, you have a good talent. I don’t know which realm you are from? Biyun realm? Starscar realm? Or Cangshan realm?”

The burly man trembled, looking at Jiang Chen, who had stabilized his figure after only a few steps of retreated, a look of surprise flashed across his eyes.

There was a gleam in Jiang Chen’s eyes.

It seems that in these several realms in the mouth of the burly man, there are geniuses who have entered the remains of the ancient sacred dragon.


Why didn’t this guy mention the ancient dragon world he was in?

Jiang Chen’s eyes flickered, and then he coldly snorted: “Where do I come from, does this have anything to do with you?”

“It really doesn’t matter much, no matter which realm you are from, you will definitely die today!”

The burly man’s harsh words fell, his aura soared, and the space all over his body was instantly transformed into a thundering purgatory flashing with thunder.


Just as the burly man was about to act on Jiang Chen again, the undead creature below yelled from the sky, and a squalid black air radiated from his body, impacting all directions.

At this moment.

Even the thunder and lightning glow of the burly man’s body was scattered a lot by the yin and black aura.

“It’s really getting in the way, if that’s the case, then I will kill you first!”

The burly man looked cold, and the power of the thunderous lightning around him instantly turned into a huge thunder hammer that hit the undead creature.


In the eyes of the burly man, this undead creature, which is much stronger than the average true god peak, is far more threatening than Jiang Chen.

And when the burly man was fighting the undead creature.

On the other side, Ning Yan also fought with the seductive woman.


The seductive woman’s combat power was obviously one level higher than that of Ning Yan.

After only a few moves, Ning Yan was already at an absolute disadvantage, under the attack of the seductive woman.

Looking at this scene.

Jiang Chen’s brows couldn’t help but wrinkle slightly.

The seductive woman is also extremely strong, and if she defeats Ning Yan and joins forces with the burly man, the situation will be even more unfavorable for him.

Jiang Chen’s eyes flickered slightly, and when he was about to take a shot to help Ning Yan, he sensed an unusually powerful aura again, and was quickly approaching the medicine garden.

“Someone is here again?”

Jiang Chen couldn’t help but looked up, and saw a silver figure stepping on the void, like a silver lightning, landing towards the medicine garden.

“Brother Luo, you are here.”

Ning Yan, who was originally embarrassed by the seductive woman, looked at the incoming person, and a look of surprise appeared in her eyes.

The brother Luo Jun that Ning Yan said has finally arrived.

Jiang Chen’s eyes narrowed slightly.

This is getting more and more interesting.

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