Chapter 1582 Thirty-five breaths, top the first!

Outside the Tianlong Temple.

Jiang Chen cut through the sky like a meteor and landed at the door of the Tianlong Temple.

He raised his head and glanced at the situation in the Tianlong Temple, and found that someone seemed to be rushing through the barrier at the moment, and he had to wait on the sidelines.

And at this moment.

The disciples of the Tianlong Temple waiting to break through the barriers also found Jiang Chen who had suddenly arrived, and they couldn’t help but feel an uproar.

“The tenth true dragon Tianjiao Jiang Chen, why did he come to Tianlong Palace?”

A Tianlongcheng disciple looked at Jiang Chen with a look of astonishment in his eyes.

“Yes, I heard that the third true dragon Tianjiao Longji has gone to fight with him outside the tenth hanging peak because of the quota of the ancient sacred dragon relics, and a friend asked me to watch the battle just now.”

The other person also quickly echoed.

at this time.

The person next to him suddenly sensed something, and his expression instantly became amazed.

“I just received the news that the third true dragon Tianjiao Longji has been defeated by Jiang Chen.”


As the Tianlongcheng disciple said this, everyone couldn’t help but breathe in a cold breath.

This one even defeated the evil star of Long Ji, shouldn’t it be so terrifying?


While these Tianlongcheng disciples looked at Jiang Chen in awe, the Tianlong Palace suddenly lit up with a score of 27 breaths.

Immediately afterwards.

A young man in red walked out of the Heavenly Dragon Palace with a pale face. It was Yan Yu who Jiang Chen was more familiar with.

“In two years, I have insisted on two more breaths in the Tianlong Palace. Give me more than a few decades, and I will be able to successfully break through thirty breaths and be promoted to the true dragon Tianjiao of Tianlong City!”

Yan Yu walked out of the Heavenly Dragon Palace with a confident smile on his face.

Twenty-seven breaths, this is already a very good result.

Even if you look at the entire Sky Dragon City, the top disciples who can reach this step are already very rare.

He was able to achieve such a result in just three years after entering the Sky Dragon City, which was already enough to disregard most of the geniuses in Sky Dragon City.


The smile on Yan Yu’s face didn’t last long, and he saw Jiang Chen walking towards him, and the whole person froze there.

Although his achievements in the Heavenly Dragon Palace were already very dazzling for most of the disciples of Heavenly Dragon City, Jiang Chen was the only one who was killed by Jiang Chen and turned into a scum.

Two years have passed, and he is still working hard to attack True Dragon Tianjiao.

But Jiang Chen had already become a true dragon arrogant, and even among the ten true dragon arrogances, he was a highly regarded existence.

It is said that this time the ancient sacred dragon remains opened, and Tianlong City has only three places, but Jiang Chen overpowered the other seven true dragon Tianjiao and successfully won one place.

Although the Sky Dragon City he entered with Jiang Chen, the status of Jiang Chen is completely different now.

Jiang Chen didn’t even look at Yan Yu at all. He just brushed his shoulders and strode towards the inside of the Heavenly Dragon Palace.

“Jiang Chen!”

Seeing that Jiang Chen ignored him, Yan Yu’s complexion instantly turned red, and his fists couldn’t help being clenched together.

“This guy actually has a leisurely mind to enter the Heavenly Dragon Palace.”

“After 30 breaths in the Heavenly Dragon Palace, for every breath you pass, you can get a drop of Ancient Dragon Blood Essence. He must have come for the Ancient Dragon Blood Essence.”

“How much interest do you think he can achieve now?”

“It is said that the third true dragon Tianjiao Longji has already passed thirty-three breaths. If this guy can defeat Longji, he can at least exceed thirty-three breaths, right?”


Everyone looked at Jiang Chen who walked into the Tianlong Palace, and they couldn’t help but talk.

“What are you talking about, Jiang Chen defeated the third true dragon Tianjiao Longji, how is this possible?”

Yan Yu on the side heard the comments coming from his ear, and there was also an unbelievable look in his eyes.

“I don’t think it’s possible, but that’s the truth.”

A Tianlongcheng disciple glanced at Yan Yu: “Just now, Long Ji went to the Tenth Xuanfeng, trying to compete for the Sacred Dragon Jade Medal, but was defeated by Jiang Chen. The news was already in Tianlongcheng. It’s all spread.”

Yan Yu’s face also became extremely pale when he heard the words.

Over the past two years.

Yan Yu was cultivating madly in order to catch up with Jiang Chen one day and get everything back from Jiang Chen.

But Yan Yu only realized now that the gap between him and Jiang Chen had become bigger and bigger.

He now doesn’t even have the qualifications to make Jiang Chen look right at each other!

While everyone was talking about it, time also passed bit by bit.


When Jiang Chen entered the Heavenly Dragon Palace, he had already exceeded thirty breaths.

Thirty-one interest, thirty-two interest, thirty-three interest…

After thirty-five breaths, a light finally lit up on the Heavenly Dragon Hall, and Jiang Chen’s figure quickly retreated from the Heavenly Dragon Hall.

“Three… thirty-five breaths, this should be the highest achievement of the Heavenly Dragon City Hall today!”

A Tianlongcheng disciple stared at this scene blankly, and couldn’t help but let out a low whisper.

“Yes, the only disciple who has gone through thirty-five breaths in Tianlong City now is Long Haocang, the first true dragon, Tianjiao.”

The other person also said with a shocked face.

Although they knew that Jiang Chen had defeated the third true dragon Tianjiao Longji, they didn’t expect Jiang Chen to pass 35 breaths directly!

They didn’t know how difficult it would be after 30 breaths of the Tianlong Palace.

Some clues can be seen from the achievements of the ten true dragons of Tianlong City in Tianlong Palace.

The tenth true dragon Tianjiao, except for Jiang Chen, the tenth true dragon Tianjiao, the other nine people have been cultivated in Tianlong City for at least a thousand years.

Especially the true dragon Tianjiao ranked in the top three have been cultivated for at least three thousand years.

But the third true dragon, Tianjiao Longji, only achieved thirty-three breaths.

Even the first true dragon, Tianjiao Long Haocang, only achieved thirty-five breaths.

And Jiang Chen, just a newly promoted True Dragon Tianjiao who has only been in Tianlong City for a few years, has already been able to rank first with Long Haocang!


Jiang Chen, this guy is really heaven-defying.

“After 30 breaths in the Tianlong Palace, the difficulty of each breath is too great.”

Jiang Chen couldn’t help but shook his head and smiled bitterly.

At the thirty-first breath of the Heavenly Dragon Palace, the opponent was already comparable to the peak of ordinary high-level true gods.

By the time of thirty-two breaths, the opponent had already mastered a trace of the horror existence of the origin of the world.

Although Jiang Chen was not afraid, he could not defeat him in a short time.

Until thirty-five breaths, he failed to defeat his opponent three times in a row, and was eventually eliminated directly.


This time, Jiang Chen was very satisfied to get five consecutive breaths and five drops of Gulong Blood Essence. In addition to the rewards he received earlier, he has a total of eight drops of Gulong Blood Essence in his hand.

Once swallowed these eight drops of Gulong Blood Essence, it should be enough to make his Cultivation Base instantly Ascension a small Realm!

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