Chapter 1579 The Battle of True Dragon Tianjiao!

Sky Dragon City, outside the tenth hanging peak.

A black giant palm of destruction and a golden god seal that opened the sky crashed into the air.


A storm of energy that ruined the sky and the earth swept across the surrounding area, and two Daoist shadows burst out of that storm of destruction.

“This kid is so powerful!”

Long Ji stabilized his figure, and there was an unconcealable shock in his eyes looking at Jiang Chen.

Although Jiang Chen’s Cultivation Base is only in the early stage of the true gods, because the divine power in his body is very strong, it will not be inferior to some of the top true gods.

Long Ji really couldn’t figure out how Jiang Chen could condense such a strong divine power with the Cultivation Base of the middle true god early stage.

To know.

The Cultivation Technique he cultivated, but the Xiantian Immortal Skill, one of the three ancient dragon clan god-level Cultivation Techniques.

But even with this Cultivation Technique, it is impossible to condense such a powerful divine power in the early stage of the middle true god.


Jiang Chen not only cultivated Cultivation Technique heaven-defying, but also mastered Martial Skill very powerfully.

Just now, he and Jiang Chen fought three moves in a row. The three handprints Jiang Chen displayed, one handprint is more powerful than one.

After three moves, he didn’t even take advantage of Jiang Chen’s hands!

“Jiang Chen, your strength is somewhat beyond my expectations.”

“But… no matter how you struggle, you will undoubtedly lose today!”

“Black Dragon Vision, come out!”

The cold light in Long Ji’s eyes skyrocketed, and the monstrous black storm surged away all over his body, finally condensing a huge black dragon phantom behind him.

The Black Dragon phantom screamed up to the sky, directly carrying a terrifying aura that extinguished the heavens and the earth, and slaughtered Jiang Chen.

Jiang Chen’s golden light skyrocketed, and a three-hundred-zhang golden sword phantom was also condensed out of thin air behind him.


Staring at the black dragon phantom that was slaughtered, Jiang Chen just gave a soft drink, and the golden sword phantom was like a god-opening axe that splits the heavens and the earth, dividing the void into two, facing the black dragon phantom. Down.

Both are divine body visions containing terrifying energy, and collide in the void like a meteorite falling down!

The shocking sound of energy collision resounded across the sky.

The dazzling golden sword phantom and the black dragon phantom are tightly entangled and constantly cannibalize each other.

In the place where the two intersect, even the empty space is annihilated into a huge black hole of space.

This situation lasted for about two minutes.

I saw Long Ji’s black dragon phantom, finally under the sword glow of the golden sword phantom, it gradually became dim, and finally turned into a black mist and dissipated in mid-air.

The black dragon phantom dissipated, and the golden sword phantom stroked the Shattering Void without any hindrance, and brought up a sky-wide sword shadow, and slashed straight down at Long Ji.

Looking at the golden sword phantom falling down, Long Ji’s expression changed.

His hands snapped together, and the monstrous black divine power spread out from his body, turning into a black mask to envelop his body.

“Boom boom…”

The black mask has just taken shape, and the golden sword phantom is also expected. Thousands of golden sword lights burst open on the mask.

Continuous explosions of energy, like brilliant fireworks, sputtered out in mid-air.

After a while.

The black mask finally couldn’t admit the terrible explosive power, and it exploded in a loud noise.

The mask bursts.

Long Ji’s whole person was shocked by a huge impact, and he flew out of a distance of hundreds of feet in embarrassment.

“Damn it, how could this kid’s divine body vision be so strong?”

Long Ji was frightened in his heart, and an unbelievable look appeared in his eyes looking at Jiang Chen.

The Cultivation Technique of Jiang Chen’s cultivation completely crushed the world god-level Cultivation Technique he cultivated. With the Cultivation Base of the middle true god, he competed with him.

And now.

Jiang Chen’s divine body vision was also an existence that surpassed his king-level divine body vision, and his divine body vision was instantly destroyed into scum.

To know.

He is the third true dragon Tianjiao in Sky Dragon City.

Now that Cultivation Base is higher than Jiang Chen, all other aspects are actually suppressed by Jiang Chen, the newly promoted True Dragon Tianjiao.

This… how is this possible?

“Hi! Long Ji was actually suppressed by Jiang Chen!”

“Jiang Chen is too enchanting, considering the condensed divine body vision alone, the two are not at the same level at all.”

“Tsk tusk… No wonder Jianxin Venerable will hand the Sacred Dragon Jade Medal to the Tenth True Dragon Tianjiao Jiang Chen, this son is indeed qualified.”


The many Tianlongcheng disciples who rushed to watch the Tenth Xuanfeng onlookers were shocked at this moment.

Even the other True Dragon Tianjiao standing proudly around the void had a solemn expression in their eyes.

Since the news that Jiang Chen had obtained a sacred dragon jade card spread in Tianlong City, their true dragon celestial arrogances were all ready to take Jiang Chen’s sacred dragon jade card.

It’s just that they just had this idea, and Long Ji was the first to do it.

Originally they thought.

Long Ji wanted to regain the Holy Dragon Jade from Jiang Chen, but it was a breeze.

But the facts have surprised them.

Not only did Jiang Chen not be quickly defeated by Long Ji, but he had the absolute upper hand in the battle of the divine body vision just now!

this moment.

They finally understood why Jiang Chen was favored by that Jianxin Venerable.

This son, really is not an ordinary generation.

Dragon City.

Long Jianxin’s eyes penetrated the space, watching Jiang Chen’s fight with Long Ji, a look of consternation appeared on his face.

“Pang Lao, the combat power of this kid is really beyond imagination. I am a little convinced now that Jiang Chen might really have the ability to defeat Long Ji.”

Pang Qingyuan took a sip of his tea and smiled and said, “Listen to you, is the battle still good for Jiang Chen?”

Now his strength has been greatly reduced, and there is no way to see the situation in Tianlong City, so he has to ask Long Jianxin about the battle.

“The fragment of the Taixu Sacred Dragon picture you brought out from that place is probably much higher than you and I imagined.”

“With Jiang Chen’s Ascension, the power of Cultivation Technique has become more and more obvious.”

“The true god in the middle of the early stage, the strength of the divine power is only strong or not weak compared to the divine power of many upper-class true gods.”

“There is also a divine body vision. This kid’s divine body vision is not only of extremely high grade, but also has signs of success, directly turning Long Ji’s divine body vision into scum.”

When Long Jianxin spoke, an unconcealable exclamation appeared on his face.

Jiang Chen has made up the huge Cultivation Base gap with Long Ji through powerful Cultivation Technique and Divine Body Vision.

In terms of Martial Dao’s comprehension, Jiang Chen is even more blessed, and it is not comparable to Long Ji.

In this battle, Long Ji is really going to fall into Jiang Chen’s hands.

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