Chapter 1577-The Furious Dragon Ji

The relics of ancient sacred dragons.

A relic that has existed since the establishment of the ancient dragon clan and before it became the world god-level power that dominated the ancient dragon world.

There are countless opportunities for the remains of the ancient sacred dragon, not only have many rare ancient magical medicines and artifacts from the outside world, but also have some peerless inheritance left by ancient powers.

It can be said.

The ancient dragon clan was established by relying on the relics of ancient sacred dragons.

The ancient sacred dragon relic is opened once every thousand years, but every time it is opened, the entry conditions will change.

for example.

If the first millennium was opened for the true god realm, the second millennium would only be opened for the heaven god realm.

In the third millennium, only those with the realm of gods can enter it.

This cycle continues, one Samsara for three thousand years.

And this millennium is a millennium opened for the true god realm.

When the conditions for entering the ancient sacred dragon ruins are true gods, the ancient dragons can only send ten people into it to the maximum.

Of these ten places, Shenlong City will occupy seven. There are only three places in the entire Sky Dragon City.

These three places were basically born among the ten true dragons of Tianlong City.

Ten true dragon talents competed for the only three places, and this competition is not unrelenting.

“The top ten true dragons, if the three places are allocated according to the ranking, this place in my hand is very likely to be snatched from the third true dragon, Tianjiao Longji.”

Jiang Chen’s eyes flickered slightly.

It seems that he and the third true dragon Tianjiao Longji are really on a narrow road.

After consulting the information of the ancient sacred dragon ruins, Jiang Chen took a deep breath and prepared to continue cultivation.

Although there are countless opportunities for the ancient sacred dragon relics, they are also full of crises.


The ancient sacred dragon remains, not only a realm of the ancient dragon world can be opened, it is said that some top geniuses from other realms have entered it.

Once you enter the ancient sacred dragon relic, it means you will have to compete with the top geniuses of other realms.

Not to mention the geniuses of other realms, the ten people who entered the ancient sacred dragon ruins by the ancient dragon tribe were not simple at all.

Of the ten places, Tianlong only occupies three.

Jiang Chen has no doubt that the remaining seven people will be even more terrifying than the top three True Dragon Tianjiao in Sky Dragon City!

Although Jiang Chen’s combat power is not weak now, the time for cultivation is too short after all.

Compared with those geniuses who have been cultivated in God’s Domain for thousands of years, Jiang Chen’s background is undoubtedly far too far behind.

The only thing he can do now is to seize the time to cultivate and try to make himself Cultivation Base Ascension as high as possible before the ancient sacred dragon remains open!

Thoughts flashed.

Jiang Chen didn’t waste time anymore, and started to continue to frantically absorb the crystals in front of him, and ascension to the Cultivation Base with all his strength…

At the same time that Jiang Chen started the crazy cultivation mode.

The third hanging peak of Tianlong City.

A black-clothed old man dressed as a housekeeper hurriedly arrived outside a peak in the center of the Xuanfeng.

He dared not step into this mountain.

Just because there are countless terrifying laws of destruction on this mountain.

Even if he was already a superior true god, he didn’t dare Tsing Yi to step into it.

He had to stand outside the mountain and said respectfully, “Master Long Ji, if the old slave reports a report, please show up.”

“What’s the matter?”

An overlapping sound came from inside the mountain.


I saw the law of destruction on the mountain surging, and a cold man in black armor also stepped out of the endless law of destruction.

The black-clothed old man hurriedly reported: “Master Long Ji, news has just spread in Tianlong City. The ancient sacred dragon relics that have been opened once in a thousand years seem to be opened in advance.”

“Oh? The ancient sacred dragon remains to be opened in advance?”

Long Ji’s eyes also burst into a fiery light instantly: “If I remember correctly, this time it’s the turn of the True God Realm to enter it, right?”

“Yes, it is said that Venerable, the Jianxin of Shenlong City, has come to Tianlong City and has confirmed the quota of the ancient sacred dragon relics.”

The black butler lowered his head and reported the situation.


Long Ji was stunned, and immediately stared at the butler in black, with a vaguely flickering light of destruction in his eyes: “Are you sure your news is not wrong?”

According to his knowledge of the ancient sacred dragon relics.

When the ancient sacred dragon relics were opened for the realm of true gods, the ancient dragon tribe had ten places.

Among them, seven are in Shenlong City and three are in Tianlong City.

As the third-ranked True Dragon Tianjiao in Sky Dragon City, he deserves a spot. Why did Jianxin Venerable not come to the third hanging peak?

“Long Ji, this matter has spread in Sky Dragon City.”

Feeling Long Ji’s violent mood swings, the butler in black felt frustrated, but he could only bite the bullet and said: “It is said that after Jianxin Venerable came to Sky Dragon City, he went to the first, second and tenth. peak.”

“How could it be possible for the tenth true dragon Tianjiao Jiang Chen?”

Long Ji roared in disbelief, and his whole body possessed the Law of Destruction, causing the vastness of the sky to burst open.

“Long…Master Long Ji.”

The black-clothed butler’s complexion turned pale in an instant, and he quickly crawled under Long Ji’s feet tremblingly.

“Jiang Chen!”

Long Ji gritted his teeth and roared, and there was a burst of monstrous anger from all over his body!

He is the third true dragon tianjiao in Sky Dragon City, and Jiang Chen is only the tenth-ranked new true dragon tianjiao. Why should he steal his place?

Long Ji’s eyes were as cold as a knife, and immediately appeared hundreds of feet away in a flash.

Three thousand years ago, Long Ji had already witnessed the opening of the ancient sacred dragon relics to the real gods.


Long Ji had only entered Sky Dragon City not long ago, and it was impossible to compete with the top geniuses of Sky Dragon City.

Now that three thousand years have passed, he has become the third true dragon of Heavenly Dragon City all the way, and finally waited for the ancient sacred dragon relic to open again, but there are still three places in Sky Dragon City, but there is still no him!

This time the opening of the ancient sacred dragon ruins may be an opportunity for him to break through the heavens and gods. How could Long Ji easily miss it?

He will definitely take this place back from Jiang Chen himself!

Long Ji rushed out of the third suspended peak, directly carrying a powerful and domineering aura of destruction, and rushed towards Jiang Chen’s tenth suspended peak.

“This is… the breath of the third true dragon Tianjiao Longji, who on earth angered this evil star?”

“Anyway, it must be directed at the tenth true dragon Tianjiao Jiang Chen.”

“It is said that the ancient sacred dragon relic is about to open. There are three places in Tianlong City, one of which is Jianxin Venerable, which is given to the tenth true dragon Tianjiao Jiang Chen. How can this evil star give up?”

“Tsk tusk… the ancient sacred dragon remains open, and the true dragon Tianjiao battle that hasn’t appeared in Tianlong City for a long time will finally appear again.”


Many Tianlongcheng disciples felt the breath of Long Ji, and couldn’t help but talk about it.

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