Chapter 1566

“My lord has won!”

Long Xing and the others saw Han Jue defeated and fled, and their faces were full of excitement.

Since the incident a year ago, the Black Dragon Empire has been in dire straits under Long Xuanyin’s control.

The arrival of Lord Shang now finally allowed the Black Dragon Empire to see the sky again.

Long Xuanyin on the side looked at the scene before him, his complexion became extremely pale, and his whole person was limp on the ground with a desperate expression.

Now that Han Jue was completely defeated by Jiang Chen, he was completely finished.

“Thank you, your Majesty, for eradicating the traitor for my Black Dragon Empire. Now your Majesty is seriously injured Closed Door Training. My Black Dragon Empire has no leader, and I hope that your lord can help your Majesty regain control of the Black Dragon Empire.”

Long Xing and the others looked at Jiang Chen who had landed from the void, with a respectful expression of thanks.

“Long Xuanyin and Han Jue secretly colluded. Although they didn’t directly kill the Black Dragon Emperor at the beginning, do you think that the Black Dragon Emperor who was seriously injured can live under their eyes?”

Jiang Chen shook his head, glanced at Long Xuanyin, and said lightly.

When Long Xing heard Jiang Chen’s words, his expression suddenly changed.

He stared at Long Xuanyin stubbornly, his expression furious: “Long Xuanyin, your majesty is your biological father, how dare you attack your majesty?”

“That old thing has always looked down on me, and even wanted to abolish my position as prince, it’s nothing to be a pity!”

Long Xuanyin smiled grimly.

He raised his head and looked at Jiang Chen in mid-air, and his sneer was slowly resounding.

“The true dragon Tianjiao of the Gulong clan, today I have accepted Long Xuanyin’s planting.”

“But…you Gulong clan has not been arrogant for too long. Sooner or later, I promise you will end up worse than mine!”

Long Xuanyin’s words fell, and he died in front of Jiang Chen and the others.

“What does this guy mean? Could it be that the Blood Moon Realm will have a conspiracy against the Ancient Dragon Realm?”

Hearing Long Xuanyin’s meaningful words, Jiang Chen was also taken aback.

It seemed that he had to catch the guy named Han Jue as soon as possible, and maybe he could get some useful information from that guy’s mouth.

Jiang Chen’s eyes flickered slightly, and he immediately looked at Long Xing and said, “Long Xing, I intend to let you ascend to the throne of the new Black Dragon Emperor of the Black Dragon Empire. What do you think?”

The Black Dragon Empire came from the Shenwu Continent, and it was quite related to him. Jiang Chen also hoped that the Black Dragon Empire could gain a foothold in the God Realm.

The guy in front of him, regardless of his courage, wisdom, or cultivation talent, was extremely good, but Jiang Chen deliberately made him the new Black Dragon Emperor of the Black Dragon Empire.

“My lord, Long Xing is so young, I’m afraid it will be difficult for him to take on important tasks.”

Long Xing quickly said: “What’s more… My Black Dragon Empire still has several princes who can succeed the Black Dragon Emperor. Does Long Xing have that qualification?”

“I said you have that qualification, you have that qualification.”

“That’s it. You will be the new Black Dragon Emperor of the Black Dragon Empire from now on. If anyone in the Long Family has opinions about this, you can ask him to come to me!”

“Han Jue was hit hard by me and couldn’t escape too far. I quickly sent people to track down his whereabouts.”

“I have been living in this Zichen Temple recently. If there is nothing important, don’t let anyone disturb me!”

Jiang Chen’s voice fell, and his figure flashed immediately before disappearing into Long Xing’s sight.

“Father, what should I do now?”

Looking at the place where Jiang Chen disappeared, Long Xing couldn’t help showing a wry smile on his face.

“Master Jiang Chen is the envoy of the ancient dragon clan, and his words are the imperial edict. From now on you will be the new Black Dragon Emperor of the Black Dragon Empire.”

As Long Yuan said, he immediately saluted Long Xing with a serious expression: “The Forbidden Army leads Long Yuan and has seen your Majesty.”

“Meet your Majesty by the ministers!”

Around, many young talents also bowed in front of Jiang Chen.

Since the ancient dragon admiral appointed Long Xing as the next Black Dragon Emperor of the Black Dragon Empire, who in the entire Black Dragon Empire would dare to refute?

“In this case, thanks to the great love of the envoy, I will temporarily take the place of the black dragon emperor.”

Long Xing took a deep breath, and immediately flashed in his eyes: “Let’s pass on the order and try to capture Han Jue, the demon of the Blood Moon Realm!”

No matter what, he must first try his best to track down Han Jue’s whereabouts.

Chopping the grass without removing the roots, the spring breeze blows and regenerates!

If Han Jue cannot be completely resolved, let Han Jue feel relieved. Once the envoy leaves, their Black Dragon Empire will probably be destroyed again.

Black Dragon Imperial Palace, Zichen Palace.

Since Jiang Chen stayed in the Zichen Hall, Long Xing has set the Zichen Hall within a radius of one thousand feet as a restricted area, and no one can easily approach it.

Jiang Chen was cultivating while waiting for Long Xing to search for Han Jue’s whereabouts for him.


For three days, Long Xing did not hear the slightest message.

“Why there is no news yet, won’t you really let that guy escape?”

Jiang Chen muttered to himself, his brows were also twisted together tightly.

Han Jue was severely injured by his last sword. Even if he performed that evasion technique, he couldn’t escape too far. Why is there no news from Long Xing now?

Although this task was taken by Jiang Chen on the initiative, it was not a trial task that the Tianlongcheng disciples had to complete every ten years, and it would not have much impact on him if it was not completed.

But Jiang Chen didn’t want his first mission to fail like this.

not to mention……

There is still a drop of Gulong Blood Essence in the task reward. How can Jiang Chen give up easily?

Jiang Chen took a deep breath, and was about to go to Long Xing to inquire about the situation, but he sensed Long Xing’s breath and was quickly approaching Zichen Hall.

“Is it finally here?”

Jiang Chen’s figure flashed, and he appeared directly outside the Zichen Hall.

Long Xing, who was about to call the door, couldn’t help but froze for a moment, and immediately said: “Master Jiang Chen, there is news about Han Jue.”

Jiang Chen said lightly: “Let’s talk, where is he?”

“Not long ago, the Guards found Han Jue who was seriously injured in the west of the city, but when the Guards were about to take him down, they suddenly killed a superior true god and saved him.”

Long Xing gave a wry smile.

“Oh? Another good god?”

Jiang Chen narrowed his eyes slightly: “Do you know the identity of the person who rescued Han Jue?”

“There is no Heavenly God Realm powerhouse around the Black Dragon Empire, and even high-level true gods are extremely rare, so the identity of that person is not difficult to guess.”

Long Xing said solemnly: “My father fought with that superior true god. According to his speculation, that person is probably a powerful person from the Xuanyu Sect.”

“Xuan Yuzong?”

Jiang Chen was taken aback for a moment.

When the Profound Spirit Continent Human Emperor tried, he met many disciples of the Profound Feather Sect in the Beast Spirit Secret Realm.

And that Xuanyu Sect seems to come from the God Realm Ancient Dragon Realm.

Could it be that the Xuan Yu Sect that Long Xing said was the Xuan Yu Sect he knew?

If this is the case, it would be too coincidental.

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