Chapter 1559 Black Dragon Empire

Sky Dragon City.

After receiving the task, Jiang Chen left the Foreign Affairs Hall directly and headed towards the teleportation formation from Heavenly Dragon City to the Eastern Region.


Just as he was about to transmit the formation, an inexplicable terror pressure suddenly appeared above his head.

Jiang Chen suddenly looked up.

I saw a piece of black hair in the void above his head, naturally endless void falling down.

This hair is like a peerless sword capable of smashing the world.

That kind of vast and magnificent kendo power hit Jiang Chen’s mind fiercely.

“This is……”

Jiang Chen looked at the hair falling from the top of his head, and his heart was shocked.

A single hair can contain such terrifying power. How can Realm’s powerhouse do this?

“Jiang Chen, if you want to go out of the city for experience, the deity will give you a sword to urge you to kill the first-order powerhouse of the gods. I hope you will not disappoint the deity and Pang Lao!”

Just when Jiang Chen’s heart was shocked, a vast voice rang directly in his mind.

The next moment.

I saw the black hair falling down in the void, directly attached to Jiang Chen’s head.

“Thanks Venerable!”

Although Jiang Chen didn’t know who gave him this life-saving talisman, he still bowed to the top of Sky Dragon City, then took a deep breath and stepped onto the teleportation formation to the eastern region of the ancient dragon world.

The eastern region of the ancient dragon world.

Black Dragon Empire.

On an official road thousands of miles away from the capital of the Black Dragon Empire.

More than a dozen guards wearing iron armors are protecting a carriage slowly moving towards the capital of the Black Dragon Empire.

Inside the carriage.

A white-skinned man with fair complexion and delicate features, who looked extremely handsome, sat quietly on the carriage.

The white-clothed man had no eyesight, his white hands were clenched into fists, and he almost pinched out a line of blood marks visible to the naked eye on his palms.


There was a sudden violent vibration in front of him, and a cold stern shout instantly rang in the ears of the white-clothed man.

“Leading Baiqu in Xia Baihe City, I was ordered to send my son to the imperial city. Who is your Excellency and why did you stop me from waiting?”

The man in white was taken aback for a moment, and immediately walked out of the carriage.

With a slight glance, he saw a young man in black standing in the middle of the road on the road ahead.

Around him, more than a dozen guards, headed by Bai Qu, looked at the black-clothed youth with extremely vigilant expressions.

“You don’t need to be nervous, I’m just passing by.”

The black-clothed youth smiled faintly, and then asked directly: “Where is this place, please?”

This young man in black is naturally Jiang Chen who came to the Black Dragon Empire to perform the task.

The ancient dragon tribe has established an ancient dragon hall in the four regions of the ancient dragon world in the southeast, northwest and north.

Jiang Chen went directly to the Ancient Dragon Palace in the Eastern Region through the Teleportation Array of Tianlong City, and then bought a teleportation scroll to the Black Dragon Empire in the Ancient Dragon Palace.


This teleportation scroll has no fixed goal, it can only teleport him to the Black Dragon Empire, so Jiang Chen doesn’t know where he is now.

“This place is west of the imperial city of the Black Dragon Empire, less than a thousand miles away from the imperial city of the Black Dragon Empire. Below is the Young City Lord Bai Jun of the White Crane City. Is this brother going to the imperial city?”

Looking at the black-clothed youth in front of him, the white-clothed man quickly replied.

The black-clothed young man in front of him revealed an ethereal and unfathomable aura from all over his body. Just looking at it made people feel shocked. He must be a very powerful Practitioner.

If he could get the help of this strong man, he might be able to get rid of his next destiny.

Jiang Chen smiled slightly and said, “My name is Jiang Chen and I have something to go to the imperial city.”

Bai Jun hurriedly said: “I also happen to be going to the imperial city. In that case, Brother Jiang Chen might as well go with me.”


Jiang Chen nodded. He knew nothing about the Black Dragon Empire, and he just needed to find someone to understand the situation of the Black Dragon Empire.

“Brother Jiang Chen, please!”

Bai Jun directly gestured to Jiang Chen.

Seeing that Bai Jun invited Jiang Chen to go with him, the guard leader named Bai Qu changed slightly: “Young Master Jun, the origin of this person is unknown…”


Bai Jun let out a cold snort, and interrupted Bai Qu’s words directly: “Commander Bai, your mission is to escort me to the imperial city. The rest of my son, it’s not your turn to interfere!”

After Bai Jun finished speaking, he directly invited Jiang Chen into the carriage.

Jiang Chen also ignored the surrounding guards, and directly got into the carriage with Bai Jun.

Among these more than a dozen guards, even the strongest leader returned to the early stage strength of the Ruins Realm, which caused him no danger at all.

Jiang Chen got on the carriage and asked about the Black Dragon Empire.

Bai Jun also knows all he can say and talks endlessly.

It’s just that the prince of White Crane City doesn’t seem to know much about the Black Dragon Empire, and Jiang Chen didn’t get much useful information.

“Brother Jiang Chen, you shouldn’t be from the Black Dragon Empire, you are not the only one who came to the Black Dragon Empire this time…”

Bai Jun asked cautiously after a conversation with Jiang Chen.

Jiang Chen smiled faintly: “I come from the ancient dragon clan. I came to the Black Dragon Empire this time just to perform a mission.”

“It turns out that your Excellency is an adult from the ancient dragon tribe.”

Bai Jun was startled, and he knelt in front of Jiang Chen with a thump: “Master Jiang Chen, Bai Jun asks for something, and hopes that Master can save my life!”

“Talk about it.”

Jiang Chen said with a smile.

From the time he saw Bai Jun, Jiang Chen knew that this guy should ask him for help.

For the sake of his acquaintance, he wouldn’t mind helping Bai Jun if he could.

“Thank you, Mr. Jiang Chen.”

When Bai Jun saw Jiang Chen agree, he was immediately excited, and quickly told Jiang Chen.

After listening to Bai Jun’s statement, Jiang Chen couldn’t help being dumbfounded.

According to Bai Jun’s statement, this guy seems to be liked by others!

simply put……

Bai Jun’s experience is actually a story that is so common that it can no longer be common.

This is actually the old plot of a certain family boy who bullies men and women, arrogant and domineering, oppresses common people, and runs wildly.

The only difference is that the protagonist of this tragic story is not a woman, but Bai Jun, a handsome young man.


What made Jiang Chen stunned the most was.

This person who wants to occupy Bai Jun and rob his maiden boy is actually the prince of the Black Dragon Empire!

After Jiang Chen heard the whole story, he only felt 10,000 grass mud horses drifting past his heart.

A man, and also the prince of the Black Dragon Empire, wanted to forcibly occupy a man!

This…what is going on with this f*ck?

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