Chapter 1557 Four great disciples, kill with one sword!

Take me a sword, even if I lose!

Hearing Jiang Chen’s extremely arrogant words, everyone couldn’t help taking a breath.

The four of Baili Ting are all the top disciples in Sky Dragon City. The Cultivation Base is all the existence of the middle true god, and the combat power is much stronger than the average true god.

In particular, Baili Ting, Cultivation Base has reached the late stage of the middle true god, and its combat power is not inferior to the upper true god.

If the four of them join forces, I am afraid that the ordinary high-level true gods will undoubtedly lose.

But Jiang Chen even threatened to defeat the four with one move. Shouldn’t this f*ck be so exaggerated?

“Jiang Chen, don’t be too arrogant!”

Seeing that Jiang Chen despised them so much, Bai Liting’s four people were furious, and the eyes burst into cold light.

Bai Liting was even more angry and smiled: “Jiang Chen, you don’t want to be ashamed in front of us. I want to see how you can defeat the four of us with a single sword!”

“Then you just keep your eyes open!”

Jiang Chen’s faint voice fell, and the seven different Martial Dao laws all over his body were intertwined, and finally turned into a seven-color blended ancient sword and fell into Jiang Chen’s hands.

Jiang Chen held the Hunyuangu Sword in his hand, only to draw it out with a fluttering sword!


The dazzling colorful Sword Qi fills the world.

A colorful sword rainbow seemed to fly out of the Nine Heavens Galaxy Cluster, running through the sky above the ring.

Chi Chi…

This sword condensed the power of Jiang Chen’s six Third Stage Heavenly Laws and a Second Stage Heavenly Law. Compared with Jiang Chen’s previous laws, it was more than ten times more powerful.

The colorful sword rainbow, across the void, murderous, enveloping the world.

Under the shroud of the colorful sword rainbow, the four of Baili Ting only felt that their bodies were cold, with countless needles pierced on their bodies, and their hearts also instinctively raised a feeling of extreme danger.

“Shoot together!”

Feeling the horror of Jiang Chen’s sword, Bai Liting’s spirits were all gone, and he hurriedly shouted to the three people beside him.


As Bai Liting’s voice fell, the breath of the four middle true gods also burst out from the top of the ring.

In the face of Jiang Chen’s terrifying sword, Bai Li Ting did not dare to neglect the slightest.

They all urged their divine power and Martial Dao law with all their strength to condense into a real Minor World. They collided with Jiang Chen’s colorful Sword Ray, which seemed to be able to smash the sky with one sword.

“Boom boom boom…”

The stunned loud noise rippled in the void, and the space within a radius of ten miles was trembling, and a storm of destruction mixed with various energies also swept across the arena in an instant.

In an instant…

Even the formation barrier above the ring is constantly twisted and changed under the impact of the destruction storm.


Long Xing, who was in charge of presiding over the ring battle, couldn’t help but change slightly.

When he waved his hand, a piece of world power injected into the formation barrier, and only then stabilized the formation barrier.

And in the ring.

I saw the true god Minor World of Baili Ting four people, just persisted for a while under the colorful sword rainbow, and was smashed by Jiang Chen’s sword.


The true god Minor World shattered in an instant, and Bai Liting’s four faces suddenly paled, a mouthful of blood spurted out of their mouths, and their stature flew upside down like a broken kite.


All four of them flew upside down in mid-air by a distance of thousands of feet, and finally fell heavily on the barrier around the ring, and then fell bloody to a corner of the ring. The whole person didn’t know whether they were alive or dead.

At this moment, the huge square fell into deathly silence again!

Everyone looked up at Jiang Chen standing proudly in the middle of the ring, and there was an incredible horror in their eyes!

One sword!

This guy really only used a sword to kill the four top disciples such as Baili Ting in seconds!

Such strength is really terrifying!

this moment.

They had to admit that True Dragon Tianjiao and the disciples of the higher class existed at different levels.

No wonder in the history of Sky Dragon City, almost never had the first-class disciples successfully challenged the True Dragon Tianjiao.

Even if it is a newly promoted True Dragon Tianjiao, it is not something a superior disciple can overcome.

“This kid…”

Looking at the situation in the ring below, even Long Xing, the first-order law enforcement hall master of the god, took a long time to recover from the consternation.

Jiang Chen was able to achieve 30 breaths in the Heavenly Dragon Palace, and his combat power was definitely enough to kill ordinary high-class true gods in seconds.

after all.

Even the inferior true gods, when they are thirty breaths in the Tianlong Palace, they are facing opponents comparable to the superior true gods.


Long Xing had no doubt that Jiang Chen had the capital to fight against Bai Liting and other top disciples.

But he still didn’t expect it.

Jiang Chen was able to kill the four of Bailiting with one sword so easily!


What shocked the dragon’s shape even more was the terrifying power that Jiang Chen had just shown with this sword.

With his eyesight, it is naturally not difficult to see that Jiang Chen’s sword just now was a blow made by the seven Martial Dao laws.


Of these seven Martial Dao laws, six of them have reached the Third Stage days!

A Cultivation Base is only inferior true gods. A Maotou boy who is less than thirty years old actually cultivates six Martial Dao at the same time, and each Martial Dao has reached Realm that many upper true gods may not be able to reach!

To know.

Even the No. 1 True Dragon Tianjiao in Dragon City today only cultivated three Martial Dao at the same time.

But even so, it took the True Dragon Tianjiao for thousands of years to cultivate all three Martial Dao to the Third Stage!

Long Xing took a deep breath, and suppressed the horror in his heart.

The talent of this son, even in the millions of years of history of the ancient dragon tribe, is probably the one who has never been before!

If this kid continues to cultivate, perhaps it is really possible that the true god will follow the six paths while waiting for the true god.

By the time.

Once Jiang Chen breaks through the Celestial God Realm, isn’t it a terrifying existence of the sixth-order Celestial God?

“Hall Master Long, can you announce the result.”

When everyone had been unable to recover from the shock for a long time, Jiang Chen’s faint voice also rang in the square.

Long Xing took a deep breath and said politely: “Jiang Chen, you won this ring battle.”

“Thanks a lot.”

Jiang Chen smiled and nodded, and then walked straight to the four of Bai Liting who had died in the ring!

He walked in front of the four people of Baili Ting and directly used the Second Stage life rule to rescue the four of them.

“You lose, and each of you will hand over your 50,000 Tianlong points.”

The four of Baili Ting looked at Jiang Chen with horror. They didn’t dare to think of refusing the account at all, and they quickly transferred all kinds of points to Jiang Chen’s 50,000 Heavenly Dragon points.

With two hundred thousand Tianlong points, Jiang Chen didn’t stay too much in the ring, and directly led Xue Qianrou and two of them away under the shocking eyes of everyone.

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