Chapter 1553 One year later, no one refuses to come!

Sky Dragon City, the tenth hanging peak.

Jiang Chen was inside the Xuanfeng, feeling the vast world inside the Xuanfeng, and he was amazed in his heart.

On the surface, this hanging peak is no more than a hundred feet high, and its area is no more than a kilometer in radius.

But when he really walked into Xuanfeng, Jiang Chen realized that it was extremely vast, with an area of ​​no less than a thousand miles!

This hanging peak is basically a Minor World created by a realm powerhouse.

In this Minor World, not only the energy of the heavens and the earth is several times richer than the outside world, but also the power of the world god of the world god.

The power of the six realms can be a realm!

In other words, the power of this world god is condensed from at least six source Martial Dao.

Jiang Chen felt it a little, and found that the six origins of the ancient dragon tribe, Martial Dao, were exactly the same as his six laws except the laws of life.

This also means.

As long as he is given enough time, he can insight into all the six laws to the Realm of the Third Stage by relying only on the power of the world god of Xuanfeng!

“Since the hanging peak given by the world god can help me the Ascension Martial Dao law, let’s try my best to insight into the Martial Dao law.”

Jiang Chen pondered slightly, already having a plan in his heart.

Although his current Cultivation Base is only in the late stage of the lower true god, his combat power is not inferior to the ordinary upper true god.

He plans to spend a period of time in the Closed Door Training of Xuanfeng, insight of the six Martial Dao laws, all of them to the Realm of the Third Stage, and his combat power will surely increase by another level.

Once it broke out with all its strength, unless the real Heavenly God Realm powerhouse made a move, almost no one could pose any threat to him!

By the time.

He can consider taking the task and seeing the real world of God’s Domain.

The plan was already completed, and Jiang Chen didn’t hesitate at all. He jumped straight to a peak and started to insight into the power of the world gods with all his strength.

“Ding! The power of your Insight world god, the law of kendo gains 500000*100 experience!”

“Ding! The power of your Insight world god, the law of Thunder will gain 500000*100 experience!”

“Ding! The power of your Insight World God, the law of the wind tunnel will gain experience 500000*100!”


The power of the world god is indeed much stronger than the Martial Dao origin of the strong man in the sky.

Although Jiang Chen has gained several times more experience each time in Insight, the time required for each Insight is also much longer.


Even so, with the blessing of a hundredfold experience, Jiang Chen’s six Martial Dao laws have also begun to Ascension rapidly.

Jiang Chen kept the power of Insight World God like this, and several days passed in a blink of an eye.

And when Jiang Chen was fully insight into the power of the world gods, the news that he became the tenth true dragon Tianjiao in Tianlongcheng gradually spread in Tianlongcheng.

Countless people were almost shocked when they learned that the Tenth True Dragon Tianjiao was not a top-ranked disciple such as Bailiting, but Jiang Chen, a newcomer who had only been in Sky Dragon City for just one year. come out.

Jiang Chen, this year’s rookie ranked first in the Tianlong list. Isn’t he entering the city to test the weak chicken who only insists on fifteen breaths in the Tianlong Palace?

How come this guy has become so vigorous after only one year?

For a time.

The entire Sky Dragon City became turbulent because of Jiang Chen.

Countless high-ranking disciples are all eager to try and want to challenge Jiang Chen.

after all.

There is a rule in Tianlong City. In addition to entering the Tianlong Palace, low-level disciples challenge high-level disciples, and once they succeed, they can also gain the status of high-level disciples.

It’s just that there hasn’t been a new true dragon goddess in Sky Dragon City for many years. The nine true dragon goddesses of the past are all top powerhouses in this sky dragon city, and no one can shake their status.

And this time.

Jiang Chen, the tenth true dragon Tianjiao promoted to the lower true god Cultivation Base, undoubtedly gave many upper-level disciples hope.

Just a few days.

There were no less than a few high-class disciples in Tianlong City, rushing to submit a challenge application, and issued a challenge to Jiang Chen.

Tianlongcheng, Law Enforcement Hall.

“Hall Master, there are already several high-class disciples who have challenged the Tenth True Dragon Tianjiao Jiang Chen. I wonder if we want to suppress this matter?”

A black deacon in the law enforcement hall reported to a middle-aged man with a majestic face in front of him.

If it was a challenge from a different disciple, deacon in black would not care too much.

True Dragon Tianjiao has the same status as Elder.

This kind of high-class disciple challenged True Dragon Tianjiao, Tianlong City had not appeared for a long time, and the black-clothed deacon had to treat it with caution.

“No, just follow the rules.”

“True Dragon Tianjiao is the worldless genius of my ancient dragon tribe, and should stand all tests.”

The middle-aged man said lightly: “You go and inform Jiang Chen. As for whether he accepts the challenge or not, he should decide when he accepts the challenge.”


Deacon in black responded respectfully, then withdrew from the law enforcement hall and headed straight towards the tenth hanging peak.

Tenth hanging peak.

Jiang Chen sat still cross-legged on the lonely mountain, feeling the continuous growth of the six Martial Dao laws, and he was also very happy.

With the hanging peak created by this world god Venerable, his six Martial Dao laws can grow simultaneously, which will undoubtedly save a lot of time for his cultivation.

Although the Martial Dao rule of Second Stage, Ascension has become more and more difficult.


With Jiang Chen’s current Ascension speed, he can still cultivate the Sword Technique for the Third Stage within a few months.

Within a year, all the other five laws of power will break through the Third Stage, and there will be no major problems.

His thoughts flashed, and when Jiang Chen was about to continue insight into the power of the world god, he sensed that Xue Qianrou’s breath was approaching him quickly.

Jiang Chen looked up and saw Xue Qianrou’s figure flying from below the mountain peak.

Jiang Chen suddenly asked with a surprised look: “Qian Rou, what happened to you in such a hurry to find me?”

“My son, the deacon of the Law Enforcement Hall is here, and I am waiting outside the Xuanfeng.”

Xue Qianrou said quickly.


Jiang Chen raised his eyebrows slightly: “Did he say what’s the matter?”

“In Tianlong City, several top disciples have challenged you recently. He seems to be here for this.”

Xue Qianrou whispered: “My son, you have just entered Sky Dragon City, and you are a newly promoted True Dragon Tianjiao. There is a ten-year protection period, and you can choose to refuse.”

“Haha… it doesn’t take ten years.”

Jiang Chen smiled faintly: “You tell the law enforcement hall deacon for me, let those high-class disciples who want to challenge me wait for a year. After one year, anyone who challenges me Jiang Chen will not refuse!”

He only needs one year to promote all six Martial Dao laws to the Third Stage.

At that time, his combat power can almost reach the pinnacle of the superior true gods.

Don’t say it is a few high-class disciples, even if he faces the other nine true dragons, what fear does he have?

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