Chapter 1544 Promotion to Heavenly Dragon City

“Yan Yu, the second place on the Tianlong list, has won 30,000 Tianlong points and can choose a Martial Skill for free!”

“Yu Qiushui, the third place in the Tianlong list, has won 20,000 Tianlong points, and can choose a Celestial Cultivation Technique or Martial Skill for free!”


The beautiful women in palace costumes will give ranking rewards to everyone one by one.

The lower the ranking, the less rewards are naturally.

Especially the thirty-six people ranked after the 73rd place, only have the reward of 3,000 Tianlong points, which is better than nothing.

“Okay, little guys, the rewards are over.”

“I am Elder Shui Linglong, the chief of Sky Dragon City. Next to me are Elder Jinqiuyang and Elder Yanshang. Prepare to follow us into the city.”

“According to the usual practice, when you first enter the Tianlong City, you need to go to the Tianlong Palace and conduct a test of entering the city.”

After giving out the reward, the beautiful woman in the palace costume glanced at everyone, and said with a smile.

“Shui Elder, I wonder if this Heavenly Dragon Palace is the same as the Magic Dragon Palace in Earth Dragon City?”

One of them asked.

“The Heavenly Dragon Palace and the Fantasy Dragon Palace are indeed similar. They are both used to test the potential of their talents, but they are somewhat different.”

Shui Linglong didn’t feel bored at all, and explained to everyone kindly.

The Heavenly Dragon Palace does not have ten formations like the Magic Dragon Palace, which forms ten levels.

In the entire Tianlong Palace, there is only one big formation.

This large formation will gradually increase its power over time.

And those who enter the Heavenly Dragon Palace also test their talent and strength by the length of time they have persisted in the big formation.

In the Heavenly Dragon Palace, every ten breaths persisted, it was a different level.

Within ten breaths, he was an inferior disciple of the Gulong tribe.

From ten breaths to twenty breaths, he is an intermediate disciple of the ancient dragon tribe.

From 20 to 30 breaths, he is a superior disciple of the ancient dragon tribe.

Those with more than 30 breaths can become the true dragon arrogant of the ancient dragon clan!

The True Dragon Tianjiao is the true supreme genius of the ancient dragon tribe, and the status is no less than the terrifying existence of the ordinary Celestial God Realm Elder.

Disciples of different levels received completely different treatments in Sky Dragon City.

Just because of the living conditions, the disciples of all levels are already very different.

The inferior disciple is almost equivalent to the tester in the ordinary area of ​​Earth Dragon City, living in a bungalow.

A middle-level disciple, who lives in an ordinary courtyard.

Senior disciple, living in a luxurious manor.

As for the True Dragon Tianjiao, the residence is an independent mountain created by the ancient dragon, the only realm of the gods, Venerable!

It can be said.

The True Dragon Tianjiao in Tianlong City is a symbol of status and glory.


It is undoubtedly a very difficult thing to become a true dragon arrogant in Tianlong City.

In the millions of years of history of the ancient dragon tribe, the total number of true dragons born in Tianlong City is not too many, and there may not be one in a thousand years.

This includes not only the geniuses promoted from Earth Dragon City, but also many descendants of the ancient dragon tribe who have been living in Sky Dragon City!

For example, there are only nine True Dragon Tianjiao in Dragon City today.


While Shui Linglong led everyone into Sky Dragon City, she introduced some of the rules of Sky Dragon City to everyone.

The difference between Sky Dragon City and Earth Dragon City is not much, it is still endless geniuses.


The competition here is more cruel than Earth Dragon City.

Although Sky Dragon City will not be like Earth Dragon City, it will be eliminated if it fails to be promoted for ten years, but it must complete a trial task every ten years.

Once the trial mission is performed, it means that you will step out of the comfort zone of Sky Dragon City, and you will even encounter life-threatening.

In the Sky Dragon City.

Almost every year, many disciples left Tianlong City because of the trial mission, and there has been no news ever since.


If you want to survive better in Sky Dragon City, the only way is to cultivate hard and make yourself stronger.

Inside Tianlong City.

While listening to Shui Linglong’s explanation of the rules of the Sky Dragon City, Jiang Chen waited for someone to follow Shui Linglong’s trio, slowly moving towards the Sky Dragon Palace.

The situation in Tianlong City is very different from Earth Dragon City, it is not like a city at all, but rather like a rare hole in the sky.

In the city, in addition to some majestic buildings, there are also suspended peaks.

Each of these mountains seems to contain different Taoist powers.

Volcanoes full of flames, icebergs covered with snow and thunderstorms…

The undulating peaks and peaks, the strange and dazzling shining light, all around the Tianlong City, it looks very dazzling and shocking.

Jiang Chen counted slightly, and found that there were exactly nine such peaks in Tianlong City!

“It seems that these mountain peaks should be the residences of the nine true dragons in Skyrim. It is worthy of being created by the world god Venerable himself, and it is indeed majestic.”

Jiang Chen looked at the nine mountain peaks and was also amazed in his heart.

And around Jiang Chen, many people obviously thought of the existence of the nine peaks, and their eyes showed a look of admiration and yearning.

Jiang Chen and the others were walking in the Sky Dragon City, and they also encountered many extraordinary figures along the way.

These figures looked at Jiang Chen and his party and couldn’t help but talk in a low voice.

“It’s the new little guy here again. I don’t know how the level of this year is?”

“That’s it, the strongest one should be Yan Yu, who had hoped to hit the top ten in the last session, and perhaps has the opportunity to hit the top disciples.”

“The first-class disciple, it’s already pretty good. It seems that we haven’t seen the True Dragon Tianjiao in Tianlong City for more than a thousand years.”


Under the gazes of everyone’s discussion, Jiang Chen and the others came directly to the front of a majestic Great Hall.

The Great Hall is dreamlike, it looks like it’s not in this space, between the overlaps, the divine powers spread out, making people feel jealous.

Outside the Tianlong Temple.

There were several Gulong disciples who were about to break into the Hall of Illusory Dragons. They saw Jiang Chen and others, and knew that this group of newcomers were going to enter the city for a test, and they all stepped aside.

“Start rushing to the tower.”

“The time you persist in the Heavenly Dragon Palace determines the level of your initial disciple, and also determines your place of residence and the training resources you can allocate.”

“So… you better go all out.”

The three of Shui Linglong stood proudly on the side of the Heavenly Dragon Hall and said lightly.

Everyone looked at each other, but no one wanted to step forward.

They didn’t know anything about the situation in the Heavenly Dragon Palace, and obviously they were not willing to be the first person to go in for the test.

“Hehe… Since you are afraid to be the first, let me come first.”

Yan Yu squinted at everyone, sneered, and then strode out into the Heavenly Dragon Palace.

Everyone was shocked when they saw this.

Yan Yu is the head of the three kings of Earth Dragon City. Although he was defeated by Jiang Chen, his strength and talent are still among the best.

They also want to know how much Yan Yu can hold on in this Heavenly Dragon Palace.

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