Chapter 1541 Baili Sword, We Are Really Destined

“Okay, you can go now.”

After 1,500 points, Jiang Chen waved his hand and directly issued an order to dismiss Zi Tianlin and his party.

Zi Tianlin and his party quickly disappeared in front of Jiang Chen and the others.

“It’s not bad. The effect of collecting life insurance premiums like this is much easier than just hardening. Let’s continue.”

Jiang Chen divided the two Yiqingyin women by five hundred points each, smiling authentically.

Collect life insurance premium!

When the second daughter of Yi Qingyin heard Jiang Chen’s words, she suddenly couldn’t smile.


They also had to admit that Jiang Chen’s method worked very well.

Now the Tianlong trial is nearing its end.

For some testers who can be qualified for promotion, it is definitely a very sad thing to be defeated at this time and the score is cleared to zero.

If you just lose some points, you can keep your own promotion qualifications. I am afraid that many people will be like Zi Tianlin, and they will have to thank Jiang Chen for paying the points.

“I found that the Tianlong Trial points can be transferred, which seems to be a big loophole.”

Jiang Chen rubbed his chin and said with some doubts: “It’s like Zi Tianlin, who accumulates the scores of several people on his own person. Isn’t this the equivalent of cheating?”

“There is no absolute fairness in this world.”

“Those people gave Zi Tianlin all their points, and Zi Tianlin took them into Tianlong City to practice. This is a tacit exchange of benefits.”

“If there are not enough benefits, who would easily hand over points to others?”

Yi Qingyin shook his head and chuckled.

“That’s true.”

Jiang Chen nodded, and then suddenly thought: “You said that if I take a guy who hasn’t made a breakthrough in the true god to participate in the Tianlong trial, and then give him a lot of points, will it also make him eligible for promotion?”

“It is indeed possible.”

“In the ancient dragon tribe, as long as you have extraordinary talents and strength, you can enjoy many privileges. The senior ancient dragon tribe will turn a blind eye to some situations.”

“But… the ranking of the Sky Dragon Ranking is also very important for the top talents of Earth Dragon City, and this is generally not the case.”


The three Jiang Chen chatted while walking forward in the realm of space.

Because the Tianlong trial is nearing its end, many people have been eliminated, and the remaining trialers in the space domain have become much rarer.

Jiang Chen and the others went to a nearby Thunder Mountain terrain, but only a few people were spotted sporadically.

At this time.

Many testers ranked within the promotion line will not stupidly gather in the surrounding terrain.

They came to the vast central plain, trying to avoid crowded places as much as possible, waiting for the end of the Tianlong trial, and steadily qualifying for promotion.


Jiang Chen didn’t go to other terrains next, but just wandered around the central plain.

All day down.

Jiang Chen and the others also encountered more than ten waves of trialists.

Every time he encounters a wave of trialists, Jiang Chen follows the law, only charging a certain life insurance fee.

Along the way, Jiang Chen didn’t need to do anything at all, and these testers thanked them for paying the insurance premium.

And Jiang Chen easily scored 10,000 points without any effort.

He gave Yi Qingyin and Yi Ziyun three thousand each, and he also increased a full four thousand points.

With this score, Jiang Chen and Yi Ziyun both smoothly returned to the top 100, while Yi Qingyin returned directly to the top 50.

No words for a night.

Early the next morning, Jiang Chen and the others began the journey of collecting life insurance fees again.

The three walked slowly on the central plain.


There was a violent energy fluctuation in the front, and it seemed that there were two trialers who were not weak in strength, engaged in a fierce battle.

“Go, go over and take a look.”

Jiang Chen’s eyes flickered, and then he led Yi Qingyin and the two to flash away in the direction where the fluctuations radiated.

But at this moment.

In the sky ahead, a very embarrassed figure fled towards them in a hurry.

Jiang Chen looked at the fleeing figure, and couldn’t help being stunned for a moment: “Gu Ling, why are you?”

“Jiang Chen, save… save me!”

Gu Ling looked at Jiang Chen who appeared in front of him, as if he had caught a life-saving straw, and knelt in front of Jiang Chen with a plop, and asked for help to Jiang Chen.

Jiang Chen glanced at him lightly: “You can save you, but it’s paid. Remember to give me a thousand cents of protection.”

Although he doesn’t have a cold with this guy, this guy can be considered to have a little relationship with him.

Looking at Xue Qianrou’s face, he reluctantly helped the guy.

After speaking, Jiang Chen didn’t bother to pay attention to Gu Ling, and directly looked up behind Gu Ling.

very quickly……

A young man in black with a Sword intent soaring into the sky, stepping on the void, swiftly chased Gu Ling.

“Bai Li Jian? It seems that you and I are really destined. I didn’t expect to meet again.”

Looking at the black-clothed youth who was chasing quickly, Jiang Chen couldn’t help but show a rare smile on his face.

Jiang Chen’s sudden voice also made Bailijian a little startled.

He suddenly raised his head and found Jiang Chen not far in front of him, but his face suddenly changed.

“Jiang Chen!”

Bailijian had no time to take care of Gu Ling at the moment, his eyes were locked on Jiang Chen, and his face instantly became extremely difficult to look at.

Defeated by Jiang Chen that day, the Trial of the Heavenly Dragon had just started, so he quickly chased the points back.

Now that the Tianlong trial is over, with less than two days left, Bailijian happened to meet Gu Ling, a true dragon-level genius, so he unceremoniously pursued and killed Gu Ling.

As long as he defeated Gu Ling and plundered Gu Ling’s thousands of points, he could surpass Yan Yu in one fell swoop and reach the top of the Heavenly Dragon Ranking.


Bailijian didn’t expect that when he was chasing Gu Ling, he encountered the evil star Jiang Chen.

“Bailijian, Gu Ling is willing to pay a thousand points of protection fee, and now it is covered by me.”

Jiang Chen looked at Bailijian lightly: “So… now if you want to move him, then you have to ask me whether I can agree.”

Bailijian gave a cold snort, didn’t say much, turned around and left.

With Jiang Chen covering Gu Ling, it is already impossible for him to defeat Gu Ling to win points.

This is the end of the matter, and Bailijian doesn’t want to get too entangled with Jiang Chen.

“Wait a moment.”

“Gu Ling’s matter has been resolved, but your matter has not been resolved yet.”

“You come here as you say so, and leave as you want. It’s too unreasonable to put me in your eyes.”

Just when Bailijian was about to turn around and leave, Jiang Chen’s faint voice came from behind him again.

“Jiang Chen, according to the rules of the Tianlong Trial, you have already defeated me once. Even if you defeat me again, it is impossible to rob my points. What do you want?”

Bailijian’s face sank slightly, and the gaze that looked at Jiang Chen became extremely gloomy in an instant.

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