Chapter 1539 King Killer, Jiang Chen!

Time passed slowly bit by bit.

Unknowingly, the Tianlong Trial has been opened for six hours, and the Tianlong List is about to be refreshed for the sixth time.

Everyone’s eyes couldn’t help but fall on the Tianlong list again.

after all.

This time the Tianlong Trial, the ranking on the Tianlong list is really exciting.

In the past trials of the Tianlong, after the Tianlong ranking was refreshed for the first time, there would only be slight fluctuations in the ranking for a long time, and there would not be too obvious changes.

This situation will continue until the last few days, and the competition for rankings will become more intense.

But this time, the Tianlong Trial has only been opened for less than a day, and the ranking is already a bit dazzling.

First, the top ten true dragon-level genius Gao Jintian, only stayed in the top ten for four hours, and then disappeared from the Tianlong list.

But a mysterious guy named Jiang Chen soared into the sky, from more than one hundred to the top ten.


It’s not over yet!

At the fifth hour, Jiang Chen defeated the sword king Bailijian, one of the three kings, and made Bailijian disappear from the top three of the Tianlong list, and he reached the top of the Tianlong list.

To know.

The three kings of Earth Dragon City are invincible existences overlooking the many trials of Earth Dragon City.

In each Tianlong Trial, almost no one can shake the ranking of king-level geniuses on the heaven list.

But this time there was a situation where the king was defeated!

As for the person who defeated the king, it was a strange name that suddenly appeared, which was really shocking.

Now that another hour has passed, everyone is also very much looking forward to what kind of shocking changes will happen on the Tianlong list.


Under the gaze of the people’s anticipation, the Tianlong List has finally been refreshed!

The top of the Tianlong list still belongs to Jiang Chen, and his score has reached a full 2000 points!

“Let’s go! An hour is close to nine hundred points, Jiang Chen’s score, the increase is too exaggerated.”

“Look at it, Fire King Yanyu has also disappeared from the second place in the Heavenly Dragon Ranking!”

“Hi…This guy seems to have defeated Yan Yu and plundered Yan Yu’s score.”


Many people looked at the rankings on the Tianlong list with horror, almost some could not believe their own eyes.

Just two hours.

Jiang Chen defeated Bailijian and Yanyu, the three kings of Earth Dragon City, and he directly defeated both of them!

They really couldn’t understand, when did Earth Dragon City have such a perverted existence.

This f*ck is simply a killer of kings.

“The son is really amazing.”

Xue Qianrou looked at Jiang Chen, who was on the top of the Tianlong list, and her face flushed with excitement.

And Meng Ping beside her was also a little speechless with excitement.

Although he knew that Jiang Chen was a talented evildoer, he was already a true dragon-level genius who had broken through the nine levels of the Illusory Dragon Palace, there shouldn’t be much problem in passing the Tianlong Trial.

But he still didn’t expect that Jiang Chen could reach the top of the Dragon List!

Now two of the three kings of Earth Dragon City have been defeated by Jiang Chen.

Jiang Chen’s strength is the truly invincible existence in this Tianlong trial!

He wants to defeat the three kings and advance to the Sky Dragon City with the first place in the Sky Dragon Ranking. I am afraid it will be easy.

When everyone is shocked by the changes in the ranking of the Dragon List.

The space domain, the peak of the sword-shaped mountain.

Sitting cross-legged alone, Jiang Chen began to insight into the boundless kendo of the sword-shaped mountain.

After communicating with Yi Silent, Jiang Chen already knew what kind of power this sword-shaped mountain’s infinite kendo was.

True God Realm Practitioner Cultivation Base reaches the top peak, Martial Dao Rule Third Stage is completed, you can insight into Martial Dao origin.

Once Insight discovers the origin of Martial Dao, you can integrate your own power to form the power of the world and become a realm powerhouse.

And the immeasurable kendo of this sword-shaped mountain peak is the original kendo of a heavenly god realm sword repair!

The Tianlong trial will take half a month in total, and Jiang Chen is not in a hurry.

He intends to insight into the immeasurable kendo, the law of Ascension kendo here. After the Tianlong trial progresses to the last two days, take some time to score some points.

“Ding! You have a sense of immeasurable kendo, the law of kendo will gain 100,000*100 experience!”

“Ding! You have a sense of immeasurable kendo, the law of kendo will gain 100,000*100 experience!”


As Jiang Chen began to insight into the immeasurable kendo, a series of system prompts sounded in Jiang Chen’s mind one after another.

“Sister Qingyin, what shall we do now?”

Yi Ziyun raised her head to look at Jiang Chen who was on the top of the mountain, and she couldn’t help but turned her head to look at Yi Qingyindao beside her.

Yi Qingyin groaned slightly: “We are here to inquire about the laws of kendo, and then wait for other testers to come to the sword-shaped mountain.”

This time in the Tianlong trial, in less than half a day, three of the top ten geniuses were defeated by Jiang Chen, including two king-level geniuses.

After these guys are defeated by Jiang Chen, I am afraid that the means of scoring points will be even crazier.

Yi Qingyin has vaguely felt that this Tianlong trial is probably more cruel and fierce than any other.

At this time, staying with Jiang Chen is undoubtedly the safest.

While they insight into the laws of kendo, they waited on the ground and defeated some trialers who came to the sword-shaped mountain to ensure that the rankings did not drop too much.

By the time.

They will follow Jiang Chen to brush a wave of scores, and they will securely get a promotion place.

With Jiang Chen Insight’s infinite kendo on the sword-shaped mountain peak, Jiang Chen’s score remained at 2000 points for a long time, and it has never been refreshed.

the next day.

Yu Qiushui, the queen of ice and snow, one of the three kings, took the lead in catching up with Jiang Chen and ranked first on the Tianlong list.

Immediately afterwards.

Bailijian and Yan Yu both caught up one after another.

Jiang Chen’s ranking dropped again, and by the third day, he had already dropped out of the top ten.

“What’s the situation, why did Jiang Chen’s score stay still?”

“He should have stopped, probably somewhere in the space domain where Insight Martial Dao originated. Anyway, his current score will not fall out of the top 108 for a while.”

“Tsk tsk… This guy is indeed the killer of the king who defeated the two kings.”


When everyone saw Jiang Chen’s score that hadn’t moved for two days, they couldn’t help but be amazed.

Others participated in the Tianlong Trial, and in order to be promoted to Tianlong City, they were desperately trying to accumulate points.

But Jiang Chen only spent a few hours and accumulated a full two thousand points!

This score, even if it lasts for another three or five days, it may not be squeezed out of the top 100.

After a few hours of accumulated points, most of the testers won’t be able to catch them back for a few days!

This person is really annoying than a person.

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