Chapter 1521 True God Realm, breakthrough!

The core area of ​​Earth Dragon City, Manor No. 166.

A small island in the middle of the lake surrounded by mist.

Jiang Chen returned to the manor to start Closed Door Training cultivation after he exchanged all of his 70,000 Earth Dragon points into cultivation resources.

He took the lead in using the drink delivered by Baiwei Drinks.

A cup of Promise Storm made Jiang Chen’s wind law breakthrough in the Second Stage, and Yuanli Cultivation Base rose a lot.

A cup of instant eternity allowed Jiang Chen’s law of time to be promoted to the Second Stage, Yuanli Cultivation Base rose again by a large amount, and directly reached the peak of Guixu.


Jiang Chen continued to use the life essence liquid.

“Ding! You drank a sip of life essence liquid and got the Cultivation Base 100000*100!”

“Ding! You took a sip of life essence liquid, and the law of life gained 100,000*100 experience!”

“Ding! You drank a sip of life essence liquid and got the Cultivation Base 100000*100!”

“Ding! You took a sip of life essence liquid, and the law of life gained 100,000*100 experience!”


“Ding! Your law of life is promoted to the Second Stage!”

After the two cups of life essence liquid were consumed, Jiang Chen’s weakest law of life was also promoted to the Second Stage day without surprise.

And Jiang Chen’s Cultivation Base has directly reached the limit of returning to the ruins, and he can no longer gain any Cultivation Base experience.

Cultivation Base, Seven Martial Dao Rules of the Second Stage!

The light in Jiang Chen’s eyes skyrocketed.

After consuming the drinks purchased with more than 10,000 points, he is several times stronger than when he went through the seventh level of the Magic Dragon Palace!

Only now is he qualified to truly cross the heaven between the true god and the virtual god.

With his current Cultivation Base, fusion of seven Second Stage laws of heaven to condense the soldiers, and defeat the inferior true gods with the Void God Realm, it is not impossible!

“The next step is to transform Yuanli into divine power, and the Insight too virtual sacred dragon map.”

Jiang Chen muttered to himself.

Now the divine power transformed in his body only occupies 10%, as long as the remaining 90% of the elemental power is transformed into divine power, he can smoothly break through the true divine realm.

As for the so-called True God Tribulation, to him, it simply doesn’t exist.

Jiang Chen groaned slightly, and with a wave of his palm, a piece of cyan jade with a diameter of about one meter appeared directly in front of him.

This cyan jade is the Qianyuan divine stone that Jiang Chen exchanged from resources.

It is said that sitting on the cultivation has the effect of accelerating the transformation speed of the divine power in the body, so Jiang Chen spent 20,000 points in exchange for one piece.

After taking out the Qianyuan God Stone.

Jiang Chen didn’t waste any time either, and he sat cross-legged directly on the Qianyuan Divine Stone and began to transform his vitality.

“Ding! You have cultivated for a minute, and part of your vitality is transformed into divine power.”

“Ding! You have cultivated for a minute, and part of your vitality is transformed into divine power.”


With the Qianyuan Divine Stone, Jiang Chen was indeed grateful that the transformation speed of his divine power was much faster than before.

One month later.

The divine power in Jiang Chen’s body has reached 30%!


With more and more divine power in the body, even with Qianyuan Divine Stone, the transformation speed became slower and slower.

It took Jiang Chen three months to go from 30% to 60% divine power.

And it took more than five months to go from 60% supernatural power to 90% supernatural power.

“It’s been more than nine months, and there are still more than two months to be a year. It shouldn’t be a problem to transform the last ten percent of the vitality into divine power, breaking through the true gods.”

Jiang Chen took a breath.

No wonder many ordinary geniuses in Earth Dragon City are stuck in the Void God Realm, unable to break through the True God Realm for ten years.

The transformation speed of this divine power is really too slow.

Originally, Jiang Chen thought.

He had a systematic speed increase of a hundred times, and exchanged the Qianyuan Divine Stone. It should be more than enough to complete the transformation of divine power in half a year. Who knows that it will still take a whole year.


Jiang Chen could still accept this speed.

One year’s time to breakthrough the true gods, and the comprehension of the Taixu Sacred Dragon Diagram, it is estimated that it can reach two-thirds.

There are still a few months to go. Before the Tianlong trial starts, he will successfully cultivate the Supreme Void Sacred Dragon, and there will be no problem.

By the time.

He exploded with all his strength, and his combat power was probably not much inferior to ordinary middle-level true gods or even upper-level true gods. To pass the Tianlong trial and enter Tianlong City, it should be more than enough!

His thoughts flashed, Jiang Chen continued to cultivate.

very quickly.

Two months passed in a flash.

Jiang Chen finally transformed the last trace of vitality in his body into divine power!

at the same time.

A system prompt sound also sounded in Jiang Chen’s mind.

“Ding! Your vitality is completely transformed into divine power, triggering the true divine calamity!”

As this system prompt fell, Jiang Chen instantly felt that the sky above the manor he was in had begun to become thunderous.


Jiang Chen was taken aback for a moment.

Could it be that the system can’t ignore the True God Tribulation, he still needs Transcends Tribulation to become the True God Realm?

After Jiang Chen was stunned for a moment, he quickly recovered.

Transcends Tribulation is the Transcends Tribulation. With his current combat power, how can he be blocked by the mere tribulation?

Jiang Chen raised his head and stared at the void. Just as he was about to prepare for Transcends Tribulation, the system prompt sounded once again.

“Ding! The system has automatically blocked the True God Tribulation for you, and you have successfully broken through the True God Realm!”

Immediately afterwards.

Jiang Chen felt a magical power coming from all directions, washing Jiang Chen’s body and soul.


A bright golden divine light bloomed from inside to outside on Jiang Chen’s body, making Jiang Chen dazzling like a piece of golden jade glass, exuding an eternal breath.

To the end.

The brilliant golden light directly condenses into a huge golden sword shadow behind Jiang Chen.

The sword shadow is like the Optimus Pillar, standing behind Jiang Chen, surrounded by the Galaxy Cluster of the sun and the moon, full of the atmosphere of the beginning of the universe and the great wilderness of the universe.

“This golden sword shadow seems to be my divine body vision after I have broken through the true gods?”

Feeling the golden sword shadow behind him, a look of surprise appeared in Jiang Chen’s eyes.

After crossing the divine calamity in the virtual god state and breaking through the true god state, not only the body and soul will be transformed into gods, but also the vision of the god body can be condensed.

Different Practitioners have different understandings of Martial Dao rules due to their different bloodlines, and the resulting divine visions are also different.

As far as Jiang Chen knows.

Divine body visions are also divided into many different levels, including ordinary visions, king-level visions, emperor-level visions, holy-level visions, and so on.

True God Realm’s divine body vision condensed by strong people is also a manifestation of potential and talent.

Generally, a Practitioner who condenses ordinary visions may stop in the realm of true gods for a lifetime.

The king-level vision represents the potential to become a god realm.

With the imperial vision, there is hope to become a powerhouse in the realm of the gods.

As for the holy vision, it is a terrifying existence that has the potential to become a god king!

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