Chapter 152 Master Xiantian, I’ve never killed it!

“Damn, it’s He Du, the leader of the City Lord’s Mansion. I didn’t expect him to come in person.”

“He Du, this is a well-known Xiantian powerhouse in Lingyun City!”

“That kid is going to be dead now!”

Seeing He Du flying out from the city lord’s mansion, everyone around couldn’t help but exclaimed.

The City Lord’s Mansion of Lingyun City leads He Du, a rare Xiantian powerhouse in Lingyun Mansion.

No matter how strong Jiang Chen is, how could he be the opponent of a strong Xiantian?

Facing the breath radiating from He Du’s body, Jiang Chen’s expression still looked extremely calm.

He looked at He Du faintly: “I said the last time, I came to Bai Zixuan and his son today. If you really want to stop me, I promise that the person who died will be you!”

“Haha…You are a hairy boy, and you are not afraid of flashing your tongue when you speak big words in front of me.”

“Dare to run wild in Lingyun City City Lord’s Mansion, your only result is death!”

He Du laughed out loud.

The soles of his feet slammed on the ground, and his figure rushed out to Jiang Chen as fast as lightning.

at the same time.

On his claws, a fierce Xiantian vigor was directly brought up, and he grabbed Jiang Chen’s head.

Jiang Chen’s eyes were cold, his figure didn’t evade at all, and his fist slammed towards He Du without any fancy.


The shocking impact instantly resounded in mid-air.

The next moment…

All the clothes on He Du’s body exploded in an instant, and the whole person turned into a blood man, flying upside down like a broken kite.

The shocking scene in front of him suddenly made everyone’s eyes widened in disbelief.

In the huge square, all fell into deathly silence at this moment.



They never thought of it anyway.

He Du, the commander of the dignified Lingyun City City Lord’s Mansion, the famous Xiantian expert in Lingyun Mansion, was also blasted with a punch by Jiang Chen!

A teenager who looked no more than 15 or 16 years old, hit the Xiantian Practitioner with a punch.

Even the top genius in Lingyun Wufu would never have such a terrifying strength.

This kid… where did the monster come out from?


Under the almost dull eyes of everyone.

He Du was blasted three or four feet away with a punch by Jiang Chen, and finally he smashed a big hole in the ground.

“You…who are you?”

The blood in his mouth kept vomiting wildly, and his eyes looked at Jiang Chen with a look of horror.


Just a punch!

He was hit hard by this kid in front of him!

He Du couldn’t believe that the young man who looked no more than 15 or 16 years old in front of him had such terrifying strength.

“I’ve said it, I told you not to be nosy, but you don’t know what’s good or bad.”

“Thinking that your Xiantian Practitioner is great?”

Jiang Chen said coldly: “You Xiantian masters in the City Lord’s Mansion of Lingyun City, I haven’t killed them!”

He Du heard Jiang Chen’s words, and his complexion instantly changed: “Guan commanded them, and they all said you killed them?”

Three days ago.

Another leader of the City Lord’s Mansion and a third rank formation division were ordered by the Young City Lord Bai Zixuan to go to Cangshan City to do something.

But until now, neither of them has come back.

Bai Zixuan was about to let him go to Cangshan City to investigate.

Unexpectedly, before he started to act, the Lord had already slammed the door.

And it’s also a martial Dao talented and perverted evildoer!

He Du took a deep breath, and with a move of his palm, he directly took out a token and threw it into the air.

A shocking sound resounded above the city lord’s mansion.

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