Chapter 1516 Go straight through seven levels and break the record!

“Oh? Do you have a stronger method than this?”

The middle-aged Tsing Yi’s eyes suddenly brightened: “Come on, use your strongest means to attack me, let me see how strong you can be.”

“As senior wishes!”

Jiang Chen nodded, and the power of the law with different attributes also continuously diffused from his body.

“Good! Good! Good!”

“Unexpectedly, your attainments in Martial Dao’s laws can reach this level!”

The middle-aged Tsing Yi felt the power of law permeating Jiang Chen, and couldn’t help but laugh three times in succession.

The law of kendo in Second Stage!

The Law of Thunder of the Second Stage!

The law of space in Second Stage!

In addition, there are four laws of power such as the law of wind, the law of fire, the law of time, and the law of life.

An imaginary god Tianjiao who has returned to the market late stage has such seven powers.

Even in the past ten thousand years, Earth Dragon City has never seen such an enchanting little guy!

“Hun Yuan Jian, Ning!”

The forces of the seven laws gathered, Jiang Chen let out a soft drink, and directly used the laws of condensing weapons.

The seven laws quickly compressed and merged, and finally turned into a seven-color ancient sword and fell into Jiang Chen’s hands.

Jiang Chen held the Hunyuan Sword in his hand, directly spurring his whole body’s strength and slamming a sword!

Now Jiang Chen has three laws of power, breakthrough Second Stage, and the condensed Hunyuan sword is several times more powerful than the original battle with the projection of the blood heavy innocent god.

This sword directly tore this piece of sky!

The terrifying seven-color Sword Qi burst out, and the sword glow covered the sky and went toward the middle-aged Tsing Yi.

“Haha…good job!”

The eyes of the middle-aged Tsing Yi skyrocketed, and his body was full of power. With the sound of a sword chant, the dazzling Sword Ray rose to the sky!

Holding a long sword in his hand, he swept it out, like thunder breaking through the sky!

Immediately afterwards.

Sword Ray is divided into two, two into four, and finally turned into ten million Sword Ray, like a thousand swords coming to the kingdom, colliding with the enveloping seven-color Sword Qi.


The earth-shattering Sword Ray burst into the void, and countless Sword Qi of different colors swept away, turning the entire seventh level into nothingness.

Jiang Chen stepped on the ground and retreated a hundred feet.

He suppressed the churning breath in his body and looked up at the middle-aged Tsing Yi standing still standing still, with a bitter smile in his heart.

The gap between the virtual god state and the true god state, and the gods, is indeed one heaven and the other underground.

Even with his current combat power, it is difficult to cross this sky chasm.

“Little guy, you are great.”

“With your current Cultivation Base, it is the first time in Earth Dragon City’s nearly 10,000-year history that I can force me to use this sword.”

“This seventh level, if you pass, I hope we will have a chance to see you again in the future!”

Tsing Yi’s middle-aged voice fell, and his figure quickly faded, and finally disappeared directly in front of Jiang Chen.

“What’s the situation?”

Jiang Chen suddenly looked stunned.

Doesn’t it mean that this seventh level can be successfully cleared without defeating the middle-aged Tsing Yi?

“Trailer, congratulations on passing the seventh level of the Magic Dragon Palace. The eighth level will open after ten breaths.”

Just when Jiang Chen was uncertain, the deep voice in the Magic Dragon Palace echoed in Jiang Chen’s ears again.

“I give up.”

Jiang Chen directly chose to give up and continue to break through.

He was very lucky to pass this seventh level.

And the difficulty of the eighth level is probably far beyond the seventh level. With his current strength, it is almost impossible to pass.

“Trialer Jiang Chen, it is the first time to break through the Magic Dragon Palace. He has gone through seven levels and won 70,000 Earth Dragon points.”

“Trial Jiang Chen, through seven levels at a time, and get three extra Earth Dragon points rewards.”

“One hundred thousand earth dragon points have been issued to your identity token, please check.”

With Jiang Chen announcing that he would give up the level, Magic Dragon Palace also quickly settled the rewards for Jiang Chen.

The next moment…

Jiang Chen noticed that the surrounding space was changing, and he had already returned to the stone platform in the center of the Great Hall.

Jiang Chen flashed down from the stone platform and strode out towards the door of the Huanlong Palace.

At the same time, outside the Magic Dragon Palace.

Everyone stared blankly at the dazzling golden number above the Magic Dragon Hall, and there was dead silence all around!


The young man who seemed to have only returned to the market in the late stage Cultivation Base, actually broke through the seven levels of the Magic Dragon Palace!

To know.

The seventh level of the Magic Dragon Palace corresponds to the real gods.

Even if that kid is the imaginary god Tianjiao of the late stage of returning to the ruins, he can pass the seventh level of the magic dragon palace, that is a very heaven-defying existence.

“Seven… seven levels!”

“Sister Qingyin, he…he passed the seventh level directly, why…how can it be impossible?”

The woman in purple only felt her voice trembling.

She has already passed the seventh level once, and naturally knows how terrifying the seventh level is.

At the beginning, she had just broken through the True God Realm, and the seventh gatekeeper just asked her to block three moves to pass the level.

As a result, she only blocked the opponent’s move, and she was already defeated.

But the imaginary god Tianjiao, who returned to the market late stage, has directly passed the seventh level!

This… this f*ck is too scary.

It is already heaven-defying before breaking through the True God Realm. What kind of horror will it be if this is a breakthrough in the True God Realm?

By the time the eighth level and the ninth level, for him, it is not as simple as eating and drinking?

“It’s not impossible to pass the seventh level below the real god level!”

“In the history of Earth Dragon City, there were five peerless evildoers who broke this record.”

“And Jiang Chen is the sixth strongest genius to break this record in Earth Dragon City!”

Yi Qingyin’s beautiful eyes stared at the top of the Magic Dragon Palace, his face was also shocked.

Although she sensed Jiang Chen’s extraordinaryness from the beginning, she did not expect Jiang Chen to be such a terrifying evildoer.

The last time such a monster appeared in Earth Dragon City was already 120,000 years ago!

The record that had not been broken for 120,000 years was finally broken by Jiang Chen.

The strongest genius who passed the seventh level under the sixth true god in Earth Dragon City!

The purple-clothed woman and Xue Qianrou looked dull, and it took a long time to recover from the shock.

“The son… he is too good.”

Xue Qianrou came back to her senses, her face flushed, she couldn’t be so excited, as if she had passed the seventh level by herself.

The ancient dragons have been in charge of the ancient dragon world for more than a million years.

And this dragon city has always existed since the ancient dragon clan was established.

In this millions of history, Earth Dragon City can use the Cultivation Base under the True God to pass the seventh level of the Magic Dragon Palace, and only five have appeared!

Such a genius is a rare encounter in 100,000 years.

At this moment.

Xue Qianrou even had a dreamlike feeling.

Xue Qianrou never expected that a small act when he entered the city would be able to meet such a peerless genius as Jiang Chen!

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