Chapter 1514 Illusory Dragon Palace Breaks Through!

“I just made breakthrough some time ago, and I am not very familiar with the use of the power of the true gods. This time it should be fine.”

The purple-clothed woman is a little guilty and authentic.

“That’s fine.”

Yi Qingyin nodded: “There is still more than a year before the Tianlong trial. If you pass the seventh level now, you may not have the chance to pass the Tianlong trial by then.”

“Don’t worry, Sister Qingyin, you will work hard.”

The purple-clothed woman’s small face also showed a firm look.

“Are you going to enter the Magic Dragon Palace? If you don’t go in, then I will go in first?”

When the two were talking, a faint voice suddenly rang in their ears.

Yi Qingyin was stunned for a moment, then looked up slightly, and saw Jiang Chen and Xue Qianrou not far away.

The purple-clothed woman Liu frowned and was about to speak, but Yi Qingyin said with a chuckle: “If this friend is in a hurry to enter the Hall of Fantasy Dragon, please please first.”

“Thank you, please take care of my companion for me, Jiang Chen is grateful.”

Jiang Chen hugged the cupped fist to Yi Qingyin.

Yi Qingyin gave Jiang Chen a surprised look, then nodded and said, “Well, before you come out, I promise no one will hurt her hair.”

“Well, when I come out, please have a big meal in this central area.”

Jiang Chen smiled faintly, and then walked directly towards the gate of the Magic Dragon Palace.

The reason why he rushed to go to the Magic Dragon Palace first was mainly because he was worried that after he entered the Magic Dragon Palace, Zi Tianlin and others would attack Xue Qianrou, so he wanted to keep Yi Qingyin here temporarily.

“Sister Qingyin, this guy is just a brat who doesn’t know the heights and heights of the earth. He even dared to clash with the true gods just now. Why are you being so polite to him?”

The purple-clothed woman looked puzzled and authentic.

“Just tell me, this guy shouldn’t be easy.”

Yi Qingyin’s beautiful eyes flashed, and then smiled at the woman in purple and said, “Zier, how many levels do you think he can pass?”

The purple-clothed woman curled her lips and said, “It’s just a late-stage guy who has returned to the market, and he can pass a few levels. He can pass three levels and he will be in the sky.”

“Don’t worry, my son will definitely not only pass three levels.”

Xue Qianrou heard the purple-clothed woman look down on Jiang Chen so much, she couldn’t help but snorted softly.

Jiang Chen is not only a genius in the core area, but also a virtual god Tianjiao who cultivated his divine power in the late stage. There shouldn’t be any problems with passing the four or five levels, and maybe even passing the six levels in one breath.

“Okay, Zi’er, don’t make a noise.”

Yi Qingyin stopped the purple-clothed woman who wanted to continue to ridicule Jiang Chen, and a strange look appeared in her beautiful eyes.

“Tianlin Dage, that kid went to the Magic Dragon Palace.”

the other side.

Zi Yunfei looked at Jiang Chen who walked into the Hall of Illusion Dragon, a cold light flashed in his eyes.

“If the woman with Yi Qingyin is there, don’t act rashly for the time being, otherwise I won’t be able to save you if you injure that woman.”

Zi Tianlin glanced at Yi Qingyin with some fear, and said solemnly: “Don’t worry, I promise that kid and Xue Qianrou will never leave the central area smoothly today!”

Walk into the door of the Magic Dragon Palace.

What came into Jiang Chen’s eyes was a vast and empty Great Hall that was huge.

In the center of the Great Hall, there is a huge stone platform made of black rocks.

On the stone platform, there are many weird carving patterns, imprinted around the stone platform, exuding a mysterious light.

“Illusory Dragon Palace has a total of ten formations of gods. Every time you pass a formation, you will pass a level and open the next formation.”

“Please enter the stage to break through the stage within ten breaths!”

Just as Jiang Chen looked at the situation in the Magic Dragon Hall, a magnificent and deep voice echoed from the upper part of the Great Hall.

Without hesitation, Jiang Chen strode directly onto the black stone platform in the center.

In an instant…

Jiang Chen only felt that he had come to a ladder about a thousand feet high.

Around the ladder, there is an incomparably deep and endless void.

Storms of destruction swept from the endless void, and the terrifying power seemed to tear everything on the ladder.

“Very powerful oppression, I am afraid that the Practitioner who returns to the market early stage may not be able to stop it.”

Feeling the devastating storm sweeping around, Jiang Chen couldn’t help but let out a low whisper.


Such oppression is undoubtedly a piece of cake for Jiang Chen today.

He directly ignored the existence of the destruction storm, and flashed towards the top of the ladder like a walk in a leisurely courtyard.

In less than a moment, the Qianzhang ladder had been passed by Jiang Chen.

Immediately afterwards.

A familiar voice resounded again in the Hall of Magic Dragon.

“Congratulations on passing the first level. The second level of the Magic Dragon Palace will open after ten breaths!”

Ten breaths of time passed by, Jiang Chen only felt that with a flower in front of him, he had already arrived in another strange space.

Jiang Chen raised his head in response, and saw a huge black dragon-shaped creature phantom that was a hundred meters away, staring at him from a hundred meters away.

Jiang Chen didn’t hesitate, the Second Stage swordsmanship law condensed into a sword finger, and when he raised his hand, he pointed at the dragon-shaped creature.

The strength of this dragon-shaped creature was almost the same as that of the ordinary Guixu late stage, and it was almost unsurprisingly crushed into nothingness by Jiang Chen’s finger.


The third level! Fourth level! Fifth level!

Jiang Chen passed easily.

With the reminder of the Magic Dragon Palace, it sounded again.

After ten breaths, Jiang Chen also directly entered the sixth level of the Magic Dragon Palace…

Outside the hall of magic dragon.

The purple-clothed woman looked at the Illusory Dragon Palace, which was still silent, and an unbelievable shock appeared in her beautiful eyes.

“This guy hasn’t come out yet, how is it possible?”

The ten levels of the Magic Dragon Palace, one level after another, will not have any rest time at all.

In addition, it is impossible for a passer who is in each level to spend too long in the process of breaking through the level. They have to pass quickly or fail directly.

Generally, those who return to the market realm can only pass the first three levels if they reach the sky.

And the first three levels of the Magic Dragon Palace, whether it was a failure or a pass, it was absolutely impossible to spend more than ten minutes.

But Jiang Chen has entered the Hall of Fantasy Dragon for half an hour, but he hasn’t even come out yet!

Could that guy really get through the fourth and fifth levels?

This… This is too incredible.

this moment.

The purple-clothed woman even doubted whether there was something wrong with the Magic Dragon Palace.

“Half an hour, if the speed is fast enough, I am afraid that I can pass the sixth level.”

Yi Qingyin’s beautiful eyes also showed a touch of exclamation that could not be concealed.

This young man named Jiang Chen is indeed a Void God Tianjiao, and even in Void God Tianjiao, he is probably one of the best.

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