Chapter 1508 Entering the manor, two rules for promotion!

Xue Qianrou’s eyes flickered slightly.


There was also a firm look in her beautiful eyes.

As a genius recommended by Elder, Jiang Chen can stay in Earth Dragon City for ten more years.

If she can follow Jiang Chen into the core area, she can also have ten more years in Earth Dragon City.

Although with her talent, even if it takes more than ten years, she may not be able to pass the Tianlong trial.

But even if she couldn’t pass the Tianlong trial, and could cultivate more than ten years in Hualongcheng, she would at least have greater hope of breaking through the realm of true gods.

As long as she breaks through the True God Realm, she will be able to hold a certain position in the Xue family and get rid of the fate of being manipulated.

This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, and she has to seize it anyway.

The blue bird galloped past the Earth Dragon City.

Along the way.

Jiang Chen almost clearly felt the different changes in Earth Dragon City from outside to inside.

The energy of heaven and earth in the air in the ordinary area is one grade worse than the intermediate area, and the intermediate area is another grade worse than the advanced area.

The situation in the Dragon City here is somewhat similar to the first ring, second ring, and third ring of the city on earth by Jiang Chen the previous life.

The further the area is outside, the more remote the conditions are.

The closer the area to the center of the city, the more prosperous it is.

About half an hour later.

The blue bird shook suddenly, spread its wings, and slowly landed in front of a manor.

Jiang Chen looked up, and when he saw the huge manor in front of him, his heart was shocked.


It’s too big!

You can’t see the end at a glance.

One kilometer away from the center of the gate, is a luxurious palace.

What is even more shocking is that around the palace, there are magical areas such as volcanoes and glaciers.

Even across a long distance, Jiang Chen could feel a faint flow of law.

“Jiang Chen, here is Manor No. 166 in the core area.”

The black-robed old man looked at the manor in front of him and couldn’t help but smiled at Jiang Chen behind him.

“Okay, thanks a lot.”

Jiang Chen politely thanked the black-robed old man, and then, after turning his eyes, he saw a pair of Xue Qianrou who was hesitant to speak.

He pondered slightly, then smiled at Xue Qianrou and said, “Qianrou Miss, if you don’t mind, come to my manor to practice.”

For Xue Qianrou in front of him, Jiang Chen’s first impression was not bad.

He just entered Earth Dragon City, and only Xue Qianrou took the initiative to greet him and introduce him something about Earth Dragon City.

From Zi Yunfei’s attitude towards Xue Qianrou just now, Jiang Chen could see that Xue Qianrou’s situation seemed not very good.

Since they knew each other by destiny, Jiang Chen didn’t mind helping her.

Following Jiang Chen’s words.

The dozens of geniuses on the blue bird, their eyes looking at Xue Qianrou, all showed a look of envy and jealousy.

Xue Qianrou was invited by Jiang Chen to not only stay in the core area, but also to stay in Earth Dragon City for ten more years. How lucky is this?

But Zi Yunfei, the purple-clothed young man, his complexion instantly became extremely difficult to look.

“Little girl, you are very lucky. Thank you Jiang Chen.”

The black-robed old man glanced at Xue Qianrou and couldn’t help but said faintly.

Although he didn’t know why Jiang Chen fell in love with this mediocre little girl, this was a privilege that Jiang Chen had, and he naturally wouldn’t say much.

“I… can I really?”

Xue Qianrou was stunned for a while before returning to her senses, her beautiful eyes could not help but a look of joy appeared.

She was thinking about how to speak to Jiang Chen, who knew that Jiang Chen actually invited her.

“If you want, just follow me.”

After Jiang Chen finished speaking, he ignored Zi Yunfei’s spiteful expression and fluttered down from the blue bird.

Seeing this, Xue Qianrou hurriedly followed Jiang Chen down from the blue bird.

Standing in front of Manor 166 in the core area.

When Jiang Chen was about to come forward and knock on the door, the door of the manor suddenly opened with a bang.


I saw a middle-aged man walking out of the manor directly.

The middle-aged man is slightly short in stature, but the aura on his body is extremely surging, and there is a vaguely powerful divine might emanating from his body.

Really God Realm!

Jiang Chen was shocked immediately.

He obviously did not expect that the manor housekeeper in the core area would turn out to be a real God Realm powerhouse!

“Your Excellency Jiang Chen, Meng Ping, the butler of Manor No. 166 in the lower core area, welcome you to stay in Manor No. 166.”

The middle-aged man looked at Jiang Chen at the door and couldn’t help but smiled and greeted him.

Hearing this, Jiang Chen quickly recovered, and said quickly: “Hello, I would like to take care of you in the future.”

“This is what I should do, Your Excellency Jiang Chen, please follow me into the manor.”

Meng Ping smiled slightly, very polite and authentic.

Although he is a true god, he is the true god with the lowest status among the ancient dragons.

However, Jiang Chen is the top genius recommended by Elder-level figures of the ancient dragon tribe. Once he breaks through the true gods and passes the Tianlong assessment, his status will be different from him.

At that time, he might still rely on this one.

Jiang Chen followed Meng Ping with Xue Qianrou and stepped into the gate of the manor in front of him.

As soon as Jiang Chen stepped into the manor, he felt that the entire manor was not only more powerful than the outside world, but also seemed to have an extremely mysterious power circulating in the void.

Jiang Chen was startled slightly, and couldn’t help but sense the mysterious force carefully.

After a while.

A familiar system prompt sounded directly in Jiang Chen’s mind.

“Ding! You feel the power of the world of the strong in the gods of the sky, and the law of Thunder will gain 100,000*100 experience!”

“Ding! Your Thunder Law is promoted to the Second Stage!”

“Ding! You feel the power of the world of the heavenly gods, and the law of space gains 100,000*100 experience!”

“Ding! Your Space Law is promoted to the Second Stage!”

When he participated in the Human Emperor Trial in the Xuanling Continent, Jiang Chen finally accepted the baptism of the Emperor’s Seal, and the law of kendo was promoted to the Second Stage in one fell swoop.

There are several other laws, except for the laws of life, the remaining days are not far from the Second Stage.

Now enter the manor in the core area of ​​Earth Dragon City.

Jiang Chen realized the power of the world of the strong in the gods of the sky, and Insight developed two law powers, and smoothly promoted the law and space of Thunder Dao to the Second Stage!


Jiang Chen’s promotion of the two laws also aroused the induction of Meng Ping, a true god realm powerhouse.

When he looked back and saw Jiang Chen standing motionless, an incredible horror suddenly appeared in his eyes.

Every manor in the core area has the power of the world left by a strong man in the gods, and Meng Ping naturally knows it very well.

But as soon as this guy entered the manor, he actually sensed the power of the world of the Heavenly God Realm powerhouse, and promoted the two laws to the Second Stage!

This…this is too scary.

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