Chapter 1497 One Seal Three Kills!

The west gate of Nanwu City is a hundred miles away.

Jiang Chen’s complexion was calm, and he stepped away towards Nanwu City.

Beside him, two peerless girls, one large and one small, were separated from each other, one as cold as Xuanshuang and the other as sun as fire.

Behind the three of them was Ye Wuji, who followed respectfully.

Not long.

In an open place in front, a group of powerful blood spirit clan guarding the west gate of Nanwu City directly appeared in Jiang Chen’s line of sight.

With his hands on his back, Jiang Chen approached the Blood Spirit Race step by step, and soon came to a place less than ten miles away from the Blood Spirit Race.

He has no joy or sorrow in his eyes, no trace of emotion, and he looks like a grass and mustard to many powerful blood spirit clan imperial realms.

“Where did the few human boys come from, dare to come to Nanbuzhou to die!”

Yin Tiantuo, the blood and silver king who was in charge of guarding the west gate of Nanwu City, was the first to sense the presence of the four Jiang Chen.

His eyes glowing with silver light flashed with cold light, and his killing intent was clear: “Silver Maple, quickly solve these humans.”

“Yes, Lord.”

The middle-aged man named Yin Feng responded, and immediately stepped out, and the powerful aura of the late stage of returning to the ruins pressed directly towards Jiang Chen.

Jiang Chen’s expression was indifferent, as he raised his head and shook his palm.


The invisible palm strength instantly crossed thousands of feet of the void and hit Yin Feng’s body, causing Yin Feng’s body to explode directly in the void.

In an instant…

Countless fascinating emperor blood spurted out, and the blood filled the sky, like a rain of blood, falling down from the void.

“The late stage ants, who are in the ruins, dare to do something to the emperor?”

Killing the blood spirit race called Yinfeng with one move, he looked down at the blood and silver king and others on the opposite side with no expression, like the ancient gods facing the mortal world, without the slightest fear, but the pressure of the whole audience, King Nine Heavens!

“How can this be?”

Looking at the shocking scene in front of him, the bloody silver king Yintian’s eyes suddenly shrank.

Beside him, hundreds of blood spirit clan powerhouses are like hell, almost unable to believe their own eyes.

Yin Feng, the first general under the Bloody Silver King, an almost invincible existence under the Great Emperor.

Such a strong man who returned to the market late stage was slapped to death by the opponent!

Such a method, even some great emperor-level powerhouses may not be able to do it.

They never thought that the human youth in front of them would be a great emperor-level powerhouse!

“You… Are you Human Sovereign Jiang Chen?”

After Yin Tian Tuo was horrified for a moment, he finally thought of something, and his look at Jiang Chen could not help but changed drastically.

Nowadays, the great emperor-level powerhouses of the human race are almost all trapped in Nanwu City by them.

The black-clothed youth in front of him was so old, and he had a fighting power that was not inferior to a great emperor-level powerhouse. Apart from the new human emperor who killed the two blood spirit kings of his blood spirit clan, who else could there be?

Jiang Chen’s expression was cold and indifferent: “The blood spirit race in a small area dare to stray wildly on the place of my human race, and it should be destroyed!”

“Human Sovereign Jiang Chen, I didn’t expect you to really dare to send it to your door to die!”

“Now that your human race is gone, do you think you can turn the tide on your own?”

“Two generals, kill him with me!”

Yintian Tuosen smiled, and immediately greeted the two great emperor-level powerhouses beside him, and together they besieged and killed Jiang Chen.

This new human emperor can kill the Blood Desolate King and the Blood Cold King successively, how can Yin Tian Tuo foolishly fight Jiang Chen alone?

“It’s you who live and die!”

Jiang Chen’s eyes were cold.

With a move of his palm, a bright golden light in the sky enlarges rapidly as if a lotus flower is in full bloom, and finally turns into a golden square seal that covers the sky and the sun.

The golden square seal is condensed, and the dazzling “Zhu” character shakes the void for ten miles.

“Zhu Shen Yin, punish me!”

Following Jiang Chen’s cold snort, with incomprehensible supernatural power, he suppressed the three of Yin Tiantuo.

“Be careful, it’s the imperial seal of the human divine warrior!”

Yin Tiantuo’s complexion changed drastically, and immediately his whole body skyrocketed, and his entire body turned into a bloody purgatory that flashed thunderously.

In the bloody purgatory, a blood dragon exuding a sharp chill suddenly emerged.

Around the blood dragon, the mysterious blood-colored electric glow flickered, causing a series of pitch-black spatial cracks to appear in the surrounding void.

On both sides of Yin Tiantuo, the two blood spirit clan great emperors also did not keep the slightest hand, and they blasted with the Zhu Shen seal from the suppression of their heads with all their strength.


that moment.

The space within a radius of ten miles completely collapsed, turning into a terrifying storm of destruction.

Even the strong of the Returning Market Realm, under the impact of a devastating storm, awkwardly withdrew from a distance of thousands of feet.

Some Practitioners of the blood spirit family whose strength is only in the realm of the gods, almost have no time to dodge, and are reduced to ashes under the impact of the devastating storm.

And the three Yin Tiantuo in the center of the battlefield, when they touched the golden square seal on the top of their heads with all their strength, they seemed to be crushed by the golden square seal in an instant.

The human emperor seal is a martial art of martial arts, and it needs to be displayed with divine power before it can exert the true power of the human emperor seal.

Before Jiang Chen made a breakthrough, he could use this seal to smash a great emperor-level powerhouse.

Now that Jiang Chen is lucky enough to have a divine power in his body, he displays the power of the God-Slaying Seal. I don’t know how strong it is, how can the three of Yintiantuo be able to resist it?


After Yin Tiantuo and the three of them joined forces and were crushed by the golden square seal, their figures were all stiff, and a mouthful of blood couldn’t help but squirted out wildly.

“Void… Void God Realm, how… how is it possible?”

They looked up at the golden seal that was rapidly expanding in their pupils, their eyes full of unprecedented horror.

Supernatural power!

They felt the real divine power from Jiang Chen’s seal, the divine power that can only be cultivated by the strong of the virtual god realm!

The three of Yintiantuo didn’t expect it.

This new human emperor is already a realm powerhouse!

“Do not!”

Yin Tiantuo and the three of them, all of their blood Qi urged to the extreme in an instant, they wanted to use the body of the great emperor to counter the mark of Zhu Shen on the top of their heads.


Before they had time to display it in the future, the mark of Zhu Shen had already been suppressed from the top of their heads.

On the bodies of the three of Yin Tiantuo, there were cracks visible to the naked eye that spread quickly like a spider web.

To the end.

The bodies and spirits of the three of them all shattered into countless blood-colored powder at the same time, and they scattered orders in the sky.

Three kills with one seal, three great emperor-level powerhouses have fallen!

The shocking scene in front of me immediately made the surroundings fall into a dead silence!

The ten or twenty blood spirit clan powerhouses who fled out of the storm of destruction in embarrassment, their eyes could not help but show a look of horror.

The three great emperor-level powerhouses, in front of the new human race emperor, are like fragile ants that can be crushed with a finger!

The new human emperor is so terrifying!

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