Chapter 1490 The bloody cold king who can’t shrink the turtle!

The abnormal behavior of the blood spirits naturally attracted the attention of the strong people of the Nanwuzhou human race.

Nanbu State Commander’s Mansion.

“Queen dowager, the news just came that after the Blood Desolate King left the Blood Silver Territory, the Blood Cold King also left with the people of the Blood Cold Territory.”

Jiang Xingbai, Elder of the Jiang clan, also reported this to Ji Wushuang for the first time.

“Oh? A blood spirit king left again?”

Ji Wushuang smiled and said: “It seems that Chen’er’s results are not bad.”

Jiang Xingbai’s face flashed a solemn expression: “Emperor Ji, the Blood Spirit Race has successively sent two Blood Spirit Kings to the pinnacle of the ruins. Are we going to send a strong person to the Wasteland to help?”

“Queen dowager, the great news is that His Majesty Human Sovereign has broken through the Wasteland, and even the Blood Desolate King has been beheaded by His Majesty.”

At this moment, a strong human race reported excitedly.

“Okay! Chen’er really didn’t disappoint me!”

Ji Wushuang’s beautiful eyes flashed: “Xingbai Elder, pass the order on and set up a battle against the bloody silver domain. Once the blood spirit race dares to send another strong, we will immediately launch an attack on the blood spirit race!”

Now Jiang Chen has wiped out the Blood Famine Territory, and the Blood Frost King has returned to the Blood Frost Territory.

Ji Wushuang put on an offensive posture, naturally to deter the blood spirit race, not to give the blood spirit race more opportunities to deal with Jiang Chen.

In this way, Jiang Chen could erode the strength of the Blood Spirit Race bit by bit.


If the blood spirit tribe dared to continue to send strong people, the positive strength of the blood spirit tribe would be further weakened. She directly led the crowd to launch an offensive, and severely inflicted the blood spirit race in one fell swoop!

Blood Barren Realm King City.

Jiang Chen did not rush to lead the crowd to attack the Bloody Cold Territory after slaying Huang Wuji, but waited for the blood spirit race’s reaction in the Bloody Waste Territory.

after all.

This time he wiped out the Blood Desolate Territory and slayed the Blood Desolate King Huang Wuji, which is bound to arouse the wrath of the Blood Spirit Race.


Jiang Chen didn’t act rashly when he didn’t figure out what kind of power the Blood Spirit Race would send to deal with him.

This day.

Jiang Chen took a rare time to relax and took Meng Qingxue and Gu Feng’er to wander around in the Royal City of the Blood Barren Territory for a while, but Cang Yunlong suddenly found him.

“Your Majesty, the spies are here to report that the Bloody Cold King Han is shocked and has returned to the Bloody Cold Territory.”

Jiang Chen raised his eyebrows and said, “Is it just the Bloody Cold King, but there are other great emperor-level powerhouses?”

“No, it’s just that the Blood Cold King returned to the Blood Cold Territory with his subordinates.”

Cang Yunlong shook his head and said: “Han Jingxuan directly recalled the forces from all parts of the Bloody Frost Territory to the Bloody Frost Territory King City after returning to the Bloody Frost Territory.

“Oh? I want to see how he can use his own power to defend the city of the bloody cold region.”

Jiang Chen smiled coldly, and then a cold light flashed in his eyes: “Go and prepare. Tomorrow we will go to the Bloody Cold Territory and attack the Bloody Cold Territory King City!”

He originally thought that the Blood Spirit Race would send more great emperor-level powerhouses in his anger after he killed Wushu.

Unexpectedly, the Blood Spirit Race only sent the Blood Cold King back to guard the Blood Cold Region.

It seems that the Blood Spirit Race is held in the Blood Silver Territory by their mothers, and obviously they dare not send too many great emperor-level powerhouses to deal with him.

Since there is only one great emperor-level powerhouse, why does Jiang Chen fear him?

No words for a night.

In the early morning of the next day, Jiang Chen asked Yunyue to guard the Blood Barren Territory, while he took Cangyunlong and others and killed him towards the Blood Cold Territory.

Because the Bloody Cold King shrank the line of defense and concentrated the bloody cold domain’s power in the Bloody Cold Domain King City, Jiang Chen and the others were unimpeded along the way, almost without any hindrance.

In less than three days, Jiang Chen and the others had already arrived under the royal city of the Bloody Frost Territory.

“Human Emperor Jiang Chen, you are finally here, this king has been waiting for a long time.”

Xue Han Wang Han Jingxuan was condescending, staring closely at Jiang Chen and his group below, and his coldly voice also resounded in mid-air instantly.

Jiang Chen looked up at Han Jingxuan on the wall of Ao Li, and said lightly: “Blood Cold King, your blood spirit race, will you send you to die alone?”


Han Jingxuan snorted coldly: “Human Emperor Jiang Chen, although I don’t know what method you used to kill the Bloodlord King, as long as this king is here, you can never want to step into my bloody cold domain king city!”

Jiang Chen was expressionless, he raised his hand to point out, and the sharp Sword Qi instantly turned into a shining rainbow, and slashed at Han Jingxuan.


Just when Sword Qi appeared at a distance of one hundred feet from the bloody city, a ghostly bloody enchantment emerged out of thin air around the bloody city, and easily resisted Sword Qi.

Jiang Chen squinted his eyes slightly: “King Bloody Cold, it seems that you dare to come back alone to guard the Bloody Cold Territory. Do you rely on the formation of the Bloody Cold Territory King City?”


“The guardian formation of the Bloody Frost Territory King City is a divine formation arranged by the first bloody Frost King, and cannot be broken by those who are not strong in the Void God Realm.”

Han Jingxuan sneered and said: “As long as you are not a real Void God Realm powerhouse, you don’t want to break it!”

Jiang Chen’s eyes were calm: “Blood Cold King, do you really think you can stop me with a mere formation of a god?”

“Can you stop it? Try to find out soon.”

“Human Emperor Jiang Chen, this king is waiting for you in the city. If you have the ability, just come to me.”

Han Jingxuan’s coldly voice fell, and immediately ignored Jiang Chen, and disappeared above the city wall in a flash.

Seeing this, Cang Yunlong couldn’t help taking a deep breath and said, “Your Majesty, let me try to attack the formation. I don’t believe that the formation in front of me will be so strong.”

“No, what the Xuehan King said is indeed true. This is a god formation, unless the Void God Realm is strong, even if it is returned to the peak of the ruins, it will be difficult to shake it.”

Jiang Chen shook his head and said.

With his eyesight, it is naturally not difficult to see that the strength of the formation in front of him is not something that can be broken by force below the Void God Realm.

“Then what shall we do now?”

Cang Yuanlong’s complexion suddenly turned not so good.

If the Bloody Frost King stays in the formation, wouldn’t they never want to break the Bloody Frost Territory?

“Don’t worry, the emperor has his own way.”

Jiang Chen smiled faintly, and the corners of his mouth couldn’t help but set off a ghostly arc.

This bloody cold king actually wanted to shrink the bloody cold domain king city, and use this magic formation to stop him, it was too whimsical.

If it is a general strong person in the ruins realm, facing the guardian formation of the gods, it may indeed be at a loss.

But who is Jiang Chen?

He is a person with a system, who can directly trigger a hundredfold comprehension, and give Insight to the formation of this magical product!

Even if the King of Blood Cold counts a thousand things, I am afraid that he won’t count it anyway, he will have a heaven-defying cheater like the system.

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