Chapter 1485 The unrestrained rage!

One of the nine Realms of the Blood Spirit Race, the Blood Silver Domain.

It is located in the center of the Xuanling Continent, across the river from the human race Nanwuzhou, and has always been the center of the battle between the two races.

Since the new blood emperor of the blood spirit tribe took the throne, the blood spirit tribe has been ready to attack the human race.


The Blood Spirit Race did not expect that this time they had just moved, and the Human Race was the first to gather in Nanwu Prefecture, and there was a tendency to fight their blood spirit race to the death.

Therefore, the Blood Spirit Race also had to immediately summon the Nine Domain Powerhouses to come to the Blood Silver Domain.


After the strong blood spirit race gathered in the blood silver realm, the human race never intended to fight the blood spirit race head-on, but gathered the strong human race in Nanwu Prefecture to face the blood spirit race across the river.

“Everyone, the human race gathers the strong to confront our race, but avoids fighting, what do you think of this?”

In the Great Hall in the center of the Bloody Silver Domain, a handsome young man in a dragon-print blood robe sat high, and his faint voice resounded directly in the Great Hall.

This blood-robed youth is exactly the new generation of blood emperor of the blood spirit tribe, bloody dry!

“Your Majesty, the strong human races have gathered in Nanwuzhou, but they have never confronted my blood spirit race. There must be some tricks in this.”

An old man of the blood spirit tribe said solemnly.

“Humph! Regardless of his tricks, let’s just kill him. Isn’t it possible that my blood spirit race will be afraid that the human race will fail?”

Another blood spirit clan emperor coldly snorted, as if he didn’t put the human clan in his eyes.


The old man who had spoken before quickly said: “Now my blood spirit race does not have the strength to crush the human race. The human race’s move is really abnormal. It is better not to act rashly until the purpose of the human race is understood.”

“Your Majesty, your subordinates also think that this move of the Human Race must have a conspiracy!”


In the Great Hall, many blood spirit tribe emperors have expressed their own opinions.

“You guys are justified. Since Human Race does not intend to fight decisively with ours, we will watch the changes and pay close attention to Human Race’s movements.”

Xue Haogan’s eyes flickered slightly.

Now their blood spirit race is undertaking a plan to build a great emperor. Once the plan is successful, the Blood Spirit Race will have at least ten more emperor-level powerhouses out of thin air.

Originally, Xue Haogan planned to launch an attack on the human race after the emperor’s forging plan was successful.

Now for the blood spirit race, all it takes is time.

The Human Race is not fighting against them at this time, this is also Xue Hao’s opinion.

After Xue Hao finished speaking, when he was about to let everyone go away, he found that the blood spirit king who was sitting on the side was not talking, his expression changed drastically, and he suddenly stood up from his seat, his whole body was filled. A monstrous killing intent!

This uninhibited change also caused everyone in the Great Hall to focus on him.

Xue Haogan suddenly looked at Huang Wuji with a surprised look: “Blood Huang Wang, you are…”

“Your Majesty, before I left, I left a soul mark on my son, but now this soul mark is suddenly destroyed.”

Huang Wuji suppressed the anger in his heart, his complexion was ugly to the extreme: “I’m in the blood barren region, I’m afraid something is wrong!”


As soon as the words came out, there was an uproar in the Great Hall.

“Blood Desolate King, this is not possible. Your Blood Imperial Domain is not bordered anywhere with Human Race, how could something happen suddenly?”

Wang Han Jingxuan, the blood spirit of the cold blood region, was shocked, and an incredible look appeared in his eyes.

The blood cold region is adjacent to the blood barren region. If something goes wrong in the blood barren region, doesn’t it mean that the blood cold region is also in danger?

Huang Wuji took a deep breath and said, “Blood Cold King, you seem to have forgotten that the current Blood River Region has been controlled by a human force called the Human Emperor Palace.”

“Human Palace? How is this possible?”

“With the strength of the Blood Desolate Territory, even if you bring people to the Blood Emperor Territory, it is impossible for the emperor who has not returned to the peak of the ruins to make a threat to the Blood Desolate Territory, right?”

Han Jingxuan’s face was incredibly authentic: “How is it possible that there is a great emperor-level powerhouse in that man’s palace?”

The emperor-level powerhouse who returned to the pinnacle of the ruins was the top combat power of the Profound Spirit Continent.

Whether it is a human race or a blood spirit race, every great emperor-level powerhouse, that is the existence of the famous move. Although the man’s palace is mysterious, it shouldn’t be possible for an emperor-level powerhouse to come out of thin air.

“You said, is it possible that the Human Palace was built by the Human Race?”

“The Human Race first established the Human Emperor Palace and destroyed the Blood River Region, and then let the powerful people of the race gather in Nanwu Zhou to put on a posture of a decisive battle with our race, in order to paralyze us?”

At this moment, a blood spirit tribe great emperor said suddenly.

“Your Majesty, I also think that the Human Emperor Palace is probably made by the Human Race.”

“This matter of the Human Race’s massive offensive from Nanwu Prefecture is false, it is true that using the Human Emperor Palace to break into the hinterland of my Blood Spirit Race.”

“Please also your Majesty allow me to return to the blood barren realm and step down in the Palace of Human Emperor!”

Huang Wuji bowed and bowed to Xue Hao, and an icy chill appeared in his eyes.

No matter who did it, he dared to move his bloody wasteland and kill his son, he must make the other party pay ten times or even a hundred times the heavy price!

“Your Majesty, I agree with the speculation of the Blood Desolate King, we have to guard against this.”

Han Jingxuan also quickly agreed: “There is no war in this place now, and his subordinates are also willing to return to the bloody cold region to help the Blood Desolate King destroy the imperial palace!”

“Your Majesty must not.”

“Although this matter may be as the Blood Desolate King said, it is also very likely the human race’s plan to adjust the tiger away from the mountain.”

“Once the Blood Desolate King and the Blood Cold King all leave and the Human Race suddenly launches an offensive at this time, what should my Blood Spirit Race do?”

At this time, an Elder hurriedly spoke out to stop him.

Wuji snorted coldly: “What Elder meant, do we want to leave the Palace of Humans alone and let them wreak havoc on the territory of my Blood Spirit Race?”

Xue Haogan listened to everyone’s dispute, and couldn’t help but wring his brows together tightly.

The blood spirit race now has gathered no more emperor-level powerhouses than the human race.

If the two blood spirit kings, Wushu and Han Jingxuan, leave, once the human race suddenly launches an offensive, the situation will probably be extremely unfavorable for them.

But the situation in the Blood Barren Territory, the Blood Spirit Race naturally couldn’t ignore it.

“Okay, everyone don’t quarrel.”

Xue Hao Qiankun waved his hand and said indifferently, “Blood Desolate King will quickly return to the Blood Desolate Territory to find out. Other people should not act rashly for the time being.”

“Subordinates take orders!”

Huang Wuji quickly cupped fist saluted.

“Blood Desolate King, you return to the Blood Desolate Territory on this trip. It is best to solve the Human Emperor Palace. If the Human Emperor Palace is too strong to be the enemy, then drag the Human Emperor Palace for a month.”

A cold light flashed in Xue Hao’s dry eyes: “A month later, when my blood spirit clan emperor’s creation plan is completed, this emperor will fight the human race to the death!”

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