Chapter 1473 Fight against Bai Qiuhan!

“Who are you… on earth?”

Bai Qiuhan returned to his senses, his expression instantly frightened to the extreme.

To know.

The thick eyebrow youth is one of their most powerful disciples under the three true biography of Xuanyu Sect. Even with his strength, he can’t be easily killed by a single move.

But the guy in the middle stage of the Cultivation Base in front of him actually mastered a terrifying martial arts school, and he killed the young men with thick eyebrows with one move!

This kid… Could it be that a young genius from a certain celestial power has failed?

Jiang Chen ignored Bai Qiuhan at all.

His gaze swept a little in the huge hole below, and immediately with a move of his palm, he directly grabbed the storage ring of the young man with thick eyebrows and began to scrape the resources in the storage ring.

“Yes, there are actually ten Ninth-Rank cores!”

After checking the storage ring of the young man with thick eyebrows, Jiang Chen was also quite satisfied.

He collected the dragon qi in the ten spiritual cores into the pseudo-emperor seal, instantly causing the dragon qi in the pseudo-emperor seal to reach the seventy-seven realms.

“Boy, I don’t care who you are, and dare to kill my disciple of Xuanyu Sect in front of me, you will only die today!”

Seeing that Jiang Chen actually ignored his existence, treated him as a murderer in front of him, and took the things stored by the thick-brow youth as his own, Bai Qiuhan’s face also showed a chill of anger and anger.

His voice fell, and a majestic icy power filled the void, causing the temperature within a radius of ten miles to drop suddenly.

The terrifying cold air, as if to freeze the entire void.

“What a strong ice road law, the law power this guy masters seems to be stronger than the normal law power.”

Jiang Chen’s pupils shrank slightly.

Although Jiang Chen is not very clear about the Realm division of the power of the law.

But Jiang Chen could still clearly feel that Bai Qiuhan’s ice road law should surpass the ordinary ice road law and reach a higher level.

Jiang Chen didn’t hesitate, he used the three laws of wind, thunder, fire, and the power of three kinds of laws in succession, forming a three-color enchantment all over his body, which offset the surrounding ice power.

“Are there three Martial Dao laws.”

Bai Qiuhan’s eyes condensed slightly, and then he shook his palm abruptly. In the surrounding ice road law space, pieces of ice crystals exuding bone-chilling chills also emerged in the void, gleaming with a crystal luster.

“Ice Divine Bow, Condensate!”

Bai Qiuhan shouted angrily, and stretched out his hand to grab the ice crystals in the void. These ice crystals quickly compressed and condensed, turning into an ice crystal divine bow in his palm!

As soon as this ice crystal divine bow appeared, the cold air between this heaven and earth skyrocketed to another level.

Bai Qiuhan looked indifferent, holding the ice crystal divine bow in one hand, and pulling the bowstring with the other.

Immediately after…

A crisp crunch came from the ice crystal divine bow, and the terrifying cold air gathered around it.

On the bowstring of the Ice Crystal Divine Bow, a blue icy arrow of about five feet long appeared slowly.

The ice arrow appeared, and the void of the arrow pointed at a hundred feet, was quietly separated by a black space crack.

“It seems that in God’s Domain, there should be a means to use the power of law.”

Looking at the ice crystal divine bow in Bai Qiuhan’s hand, Jiang Chen couldn’t help but murmured.

At the beginning, Lu Guanyu, condensing his sword with the law, exploded with a very powerful blow.

Today’s Bai Qiuhan, also with the power of law, condensed a cold ice bow.

Although Bai Qiuhan only mastered one kind of ice road law, he was extremely accomplished in ice road law, and Cultivation Base also reached the peak of the middle stage of Guixu.

His arrow is stronger than the one that Lu Guanyu used to condense with the three laws.

Even with Jiang Chen’s strength, he felt a faintly dangerous aura from this arrow.

“As expected to be the top genius of the true God power in God’s Domain, it is really extraordinary.”

Jiang Chen took a breath.

God’s Domain is worthy of being the only main world in the universe.

A top genius of true god power has reached such a level unexpectedly.

Jiang Chen could no longer imagine how terrifying the geniuses cultivated by the powers of the heavens and the world gods, which are more powerful than the true gods.

While the thoughts flashed in his mind, Jiang Chen didn’t hesitate in the movement of his hands.

He was full of vitality, and the six laws of power burst out at the same time.


The power of the six laws permeated the void of Jiang Chen’s body, and finally, with the wave of Jiang Chen’s palm, it turned into a six-color flame, instantly burning the thousand-zhang void into nothingness.

“This kid… actually mastered the six laws of power!”

Looking at the flames of destruction condensed by Jiang Chen, Bai Qiuhan’s pupils suddenly shrank.

He didn’t hesitate anymore at the moment, the fingers that were drawn into the full bow, with a bang, loosened the bowstring of the ice crystal divine bow!

When this finger was loosened, the blue ice arrow swept out violently, and then rapidly enlarged in the void, turning into a huge pillar of ice that pierced through the sky and the earth.

In an instant…

The coldness between the sky and the earth was strong, and even the hot temperature emanating from the six-color flames in the void dropped a lot in an instant.

Looking at the thousand feet of ice that penetrates the sky and the earth, Jiang Chen’s expression is indifferent, and he shot it like lightning with a palm!


Six-colored flames and thousands of feet of icicles, like meteorites across the sky, crashed together in the void!

In that moment of contact, the six-colored flames and the ice giant pillars each occupied half of the sky, and they were madly swallowed and intertwined with each other.

The terrifying storm of destruction instantly swept across the world, turning the entire sky into a purgatory space intertwined with ice and fire.

Immediately afterwards.

The two Daoist shadows flew upside down into the purgatory space.

Jiang Chen’s complexion was slightly pale and he stepped into the void. After he was retreated for a distance of hundreds of meters, he slowly stopped his figure.

On the opposite side of Jiang Chen, Bai Qiuhan flew upside down like a broken kite.

His white robe had been dyed a coquettish red, and the blood in his mouth was pouring out like a fountain.

After flying upside down hundreds of feet in a row, Bai Qiuhan finally stabilized his figure with a pale complexion.

He raised his head to look at Jiang Chen on the opposite side, and there was also an unconcealable panic in his eyes.

This son is too enchanting!

He condensed the strongest blow with the Second Stage Ice Dao law, but it was also defeated by Jiang Chen’s fusion of six laws.

Even suffered a heavy blow in the confrontation just now.

If you continue with this kid in front of you, I’m afraid he is really in danger of falling.

The thoughts in Bai Qiuhan’s heart flashed, and there was no hesitation at the moment. With a move of his palm, a jade medal appeared directly out of the air in his palm.

“Want to go? Leave the things for me.”

Jiang Chen’s eyes flashed, and he reached out to point out Bai Qiuhan!

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