Chapter 1461 To deal with you, there is no need to display the human seal!

A faint voice spread slowly across the sky.

A black-clothed young man standing holding his hand also appeared in the sky above the night clan in an instant.

He calmly looked at Jiang Chen thousands of feet away, and a strand of black and white hair fluttered gently in front of his forehead, exuding a powerful and unruly aura.

“Ye Wuji, Meng Qingxue, hand her over.”

Jiang Chen stared at Ye Wuji with cold eyes, without talking nonsense, straight to the door.

“Meng Qingxue will be Ye Wuji’s woman in three days. Why should I leave it to you?”

Ye Wuji sneered and said: “His Royal Highness Jiang Chen, now this man’s imperial city, this son is one of the few people who can help you. If you want to win the trial of the imperial man in half a month, you’d better Don’t treat me with this attitude!”

An icy glow suddenly shot out from Jiang Chen’s eyes: “Are you threatening me?”

“My son is telling the truth.”

The corner of Ye Wuji’s mouth raised a faint arc: “The young talents of the human race, at least 90% of them are attracted by the heirs of the other three emperors. And I, is your only chance in the trial of the emperor.”

“Humph! You can’t help but value yourself too much.”

Jiang Chen snorted coldly, and a sudden killing intent filled his whole body.

“Ye Wuji, whether I can win in the Human Sovereign Trial, it is not your turn to worry about it. Give Meng Qingxue over, no one in this world can threaten me yet!”

In the trial of the Emperor, Jiang Chen had never thought of relying on anyone, so how could he care about Ye Wuji’s threat?

not to mention……

Over the years, although Jiang Chen hadn’t said anything on his lips, Meng Qingxue already had a place in his heart.

Now that Ye Wuji dared to hit Meng Qingxue’s idea, how could it not make him angry?

“Haha…it’s interesting.”

“Unexpectedly, His Royal Highness Jiang Chen and this son are actually the same kind of people, and they are also masters who love beauty and do not love Jiangshan.”

Ye Wuji looked at Jiang Chen with a smile: “I wonder if His Royal Highness Jiang Chen is interested in playing?”

Jiang Chen raised his eyebrows: “How do you want to play?”

“It’s very simple. We two fight a game. You lose and Meng Qingxue stays. You win, Meng Qingxue, you take away. The Emperor’s trial will help you free of charge, how about?”

Ye Wuji downplayed authentically.

Jiang Chen snorted coldly: “A boring trick, I’m not in the mood to waste time with you here.”

“Why, His Royal Highness Jiang Chen defeated Jiang Zhen in the assessment today, and the younger generation of the Jiang Clan is Megatron. Doesn’t he even have the courage to fight me?”

Ye Wuji could not help showing a provocative look in his jealous eyes.

“Jiang Chen, fight with him!”

At this moment, a cold voice suddenly came from below the night clan.

Jiang Chen followed the voice and saw Meng Qingxue’s figure slowly appearing in his sight.

“Qingxue, there is no need, let’s go.”

Jiang Chen looked at Meng Qingxue with a soft smile in his eyes: “I want to take you away, no one can stop me.”

Meng Qingxue stared at Jiang Chen with beautiful eyes: “If I have to let you fight him.”

Jiang Chen was taken aback for a moment, and then smiled faintly: “Okay, let’s fight. When I clean up this guy, I will take you away.”

Meng Qingxue has always been a bad word.

She acted like this because Ye Wuji wanted to make herself a helper in the human emperor’s trial just now.

Since it is the love of the beautiful woman, why should Jiang Chen refuse?

“Ye Wuji, don’t you want to fight, let’s do it.”

Jiang Chen stood with his hands behind, looking directly at the opposite Ye Wuji and said lightly.

Ye Wuji heard that, on that unruly face, it also became full of warfare in an instant: “Okay! My son will learn about the power of your imperial seal today!”

Jiang Chen expressionlessly said, “I’m afraid I will disappoint you. To deal with you, I don’t need to use the human seal at all!”

“Ha ha……”

“I always felt that Ye Wuji was crazy enough, but I didn’t expect to meet someone more crazy than me today.”

“If you can defeat me without using the human seal, Ye Wuji will surrender to you willingly!”

Ye Wuji laughed, a strange space law also filled the void in an instant, making the space of thousands of square meters become extremely distorted.

Jiang Chen gently raised his hand, a space was also swept out, and the twisted space around him was restored in the blink of an eye.

“Hey… I didn’t expect you to master the laws of space, Lei Lai!”

Ye Wuji glanced at Jiang Chen in surprise, and immediately the surrounding wind and thunder were surging, and a thunderclaw containing the power of space came directly towards Jiang Chen to suppress it.

Jiang Chen had no expression on his face. He also blended the law of space and law of thunder, and slammed the thunder claws at the thunderous claws like a thunder.


A terrifying thunder and lightning storm swept across the night clan, and the surrounding space was turned into nothingness.

Ye Wuji stepped on the ground and retreated two or three steps into the void. He looked at Jiang Chen who had only stepped back half a step, his eyes condensed slightly!

“It’s interesting, I want to see how many laws you can master, the wind comes!”

Ye Wuji screamed, and the law of wind was also directly displayed.

The three laws of power interweave and fuse in the void, and finally turned into a thunder and lightning dragon, carrying a storm capable of destroying everything, directly penetrating the space and roaring towards Jiang Chen.

Jiang Chen didn’t panic, he also instantly displayed the law of the wind path, fused together with the three same laws, and blocked Ye Wuji’s attack in an understatement.


Ye Wuji roared, and the overwhelming laws of killing turned into a monster blood blade.

The thunderstorm above the blood blade lingered, and finally penetrated the space of thousands of meters silently, and slashed towards Jiang Chen.


Jiang Chenhua pointed his finger into a sword, and a four-color Sword Qi slashed on the oncoming blood blade, smashing the blood blade to pieces.

Standing with his hands in his hands, he looked at Ye Wuji faintly: “If you have any means, just use it.”

“His Royal Highness Jiang Chen is worthy of being the son of a human emperor. He didn’t expect that he also mastered the four laws of power.”

Ye Wuji smiled coldly: “But… now you and I both master the four powers of the law. It is impossible for you to defeat me by this. If you use the Human Emperor Seal, there may be a chance.”

“My ability, how can you imagine it?”

Jiang Chen sneered and glanced at Ye Wuji, his proud voice also resounded directly in the air.

“Ye Wuji, open my eyes and watch, see how I can defeat you without using the Human Emperor Seal!”

Coldly’s words fell, and a fire law that seemed to burn the entire sky into nothingness was also slowly spreading out of Jiang Chen’s body!

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