Chapter 146 A brick slapped to death Xiantian master!

“Huh, a little boy who dares to be arrogant in front of me!”

Hearing Jiang Chen’s words that didn’t put them in his eyes, the middle-aged man beside Lin Yu was the first to be angry.

He snorted and stepped directly out.

The next moment…

The powerful aura of the Xiantian Realm Practitioner burst out directly from him.

He stared at Jiang Chen with stern eyes: “Boy, I want to see, what right do you have to be arrogant in front of me!”

“Your Xiantian True Qi is imaginary, and your foundation is unstable. The breakthrough Xiantian state may not exceed ten days at most.”

“Just like you, I can hit ten casually!”

Jiang Chen curled his lips and said with a look of disdain.

“Haha…you, a little miscellaneous hairy in the imperial state, dare to be so arrogant in front of me!”

The middle-aged man laughed wildly, and with a move of his palm, a phoenix-billed knife flashed out of thin air in his palm.

He clenched the Fengzui knife in his right hand and pointed at Jiang Chen with a sneer: “Boy, if you can pick me three times, I can consider forgiving you for not dying!”

“I originally wanted you to live a little longer, and I will settle the account with you after Lin Yu is resolved.”

“But since you are so anxious to die, then I will fulfill you!”

Jiang Chen’s faint voice fell, and the soles of his feet slammed on the ground.

The bluestone floor under his feet shattered with a click.


Under Yiganren’s stunned expression, Jiang Chen bent down and picked up a bluestone brick slightly larger than a palm.

He gently tossed the bluestone brick in his hand, and his proud voice resounded again.

“Three swords, you see yourself too much.”

“In front of me, you don’t have the opportunity to make three cuts.”

“To solve you, I only need a brick!”

Jiang Chen’s proud words not only stunned Lin Yu and the others.

Even the Jiang family behind Jiang Chen’s eyes widened with disbelief!


Their Patriarch actually wanted a brick to die, the Xiantian master on the opposite side!

This… If this is really done, it will be awesome!

“Haha… it’s just a big joke!”

“Boy, I have seen a lot of madmen in my life, but this is the first time I have seen someone like you who are arrogant.”

“I want to see how you can solve me with bricks!”

The middle-aged man laughed disdainfully, and waved the phoenix knife in his palm wantonly.

In an instant…

A sharp knife gas burst out from the tip of the knife in an instant, and the sound was unusually sharp and piercing!

But at the moment when the middle-aged man was about to slash at Jiang Chen with a knife.

Jiang Chen’s figure suddenly disappeared.


The middle-aged man’s heart shrank, his pupils suddenly tightened, and an icy chill instantly came up from the soles of his feet.

He was terrified in his heart, and when the sole of his foot moved, he would retreat!


Just when he was about to retreat.

A fierce murderous aura suddenly came from behind.

I saw Jiang Chen’s figure flashing out of thin air behind the middle-aged man.

He waved the bluestone brick in his hand and slammed it on the back of the middle-aged man’s head.


The crisp sound of impact instantly resounded in mid-air.

The middle-aged man suddenly turned around, his head was dizzy, and he fell to the ground with a soft puff.

And on the back of his head, blood poured out, quickly staining the ground red!

This shocking scene immediately made everyone around him completely petrified.


This… this f*ck is too shocking!

Jiang Chen actually used a brick to shoot a Xiantian master to death!

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