Chapter 1459 Who else is not convinced, even if you come up for a fight!

This time, the people who came to watch Jiang Chen’s assessment, except for the Jiang Clan, were also big figures with extraordinary human identities.

Almost no one is unfamiliar with this huge golden seal with the character’Zhu’!

The Emperor Seal of Terran Warriors!

And it’s the second seal of the Emperor’s Seal, the seal of Zhu Shen!

No one could have imagined that Jiang Chen would be able to display the second seal of the Emperor’s Seal!

“Zhu Shen Yin, this… how is this possible?”

Looking at the seal Jiang Chen displayed, even Jiang Jun, who had always been indifferent, couldn’t help but scream out in shock.

Jiang Yi and Jiang Yan on the side also showed incredible horror in their eyes.

As the heirs of the Emperor of the Jiang clan who passed all the assessments, all three of them have the qualifications to cultivate the Emperor’s seal.

The three of them are very knowledgeable about Ren Huang Yin.

They know better than anyone how difficult it is to cultivate.

Even with the talents of the three of them, it took several years to master the first seal of the Emperor’s Seal.

However, Jiang Chen successfully cultivated the second seal of the God of Punishment. How could this be possible.

“Chen’er really has mastered the mark of Zhu Shen!”

Ji Wushuang looked at the situation in front of him, and a rare smile appeared on the beautiful face.

Human Emperor Seal!

It’s no exaggeration to call it the strongest martial arts in the Xuanling Continent, and the power of one seal is even more powerful.

Since Jiang Chen has mastered the Mark of Zhu Shen, he is almost unstoppable with Realm.

Even if Jiang Zhen is not weak, he is destined to lose.

“This guy… unexpectedly cultivated into the mark of Zhu Shen!”

Jiang Zhen looked at the imprint of Zhu Shen that was suppressed with overwhelming divine power, and his expression also changed drastically.

There was a sudden low growl from his throat, the power of the silver wind and thunder swept across the world, and the Qianzhang emperor body instantly condensed, like the pillar of the sky, and slammed into the mark of the god of death.


The void shook, the sun and the moon trembled.

The terrifying storm of destruction instantly centered on the two of them, turning into a black hole of vitality, rapidly zooming in on the square.

Jiang Xingbai’s face changed, and he quickly stretched out his hand to draw an enchantment, covering the thousands of meters in the center of the square.

But in the center of the battle between the two, Jiang Zhen relied on the Qianzhang Emperor’s body to block the suppressed Zhu Shen seal.


Such a stalemate did not last long, and a crisp clicking sound suddenly resounded in the silent square.

Everyone’s gazes also gathered at the place where the two were fighting.

I saw that Jiang Zhen Qianzhang Emperor’s body was pressured by the divine power of Zhu Shen Yin, and finally small cracks appeared.

This tiny crack, although in Jiang Zhen’s huge emperor body, was not so obvious.

However, many people with very high eyesight saw this scene clearly, and their pupils suddenly shrank.

Jiang Zhen’s emperor body really couldn’t stop the power of God’s Mark!


Under everyone’s gaze, the slight clicking sound in the void sounded again. Gradually, the sound became denser and denser, and in the end it almost became a piece!

But in Jiang Zhen’s emperor body, the originally tiny cracks spread quickly like a spider web.

The cracks spread rapidly, and in just a moment, Jiang Zhen’s Qianzhang Emperor’s body was already covered.

To the end.

Only heard a bang, Jiang Zhen’s Qianzhang Emperor’s body was finally unable to withstand the divine power of Zhu Shen Yin, and it crashed into pieces.


The emperor body shattered, and Jiang Zhen couldn’t help but let out a slight muffled grunt.

The next moment.

I saw that his whole person was suppressed by the power of Zhu Shen’s seal, and finally he knelt heavily in the center of the square.

Even the square that can withstand the full blow of the strong in the Guixu middle stage was hit by a huge pit by Jiang Zhen, and blood was pouring out of his mouth like a fountain!


The shocking scene in front of me immediately caused the entire square to fall into a dead silence!

Everyone’s gaze at Jiang Chen revealed the only horror they had before.

No one can think of it.

The son of the emperor, who has been living in the outside world, is actually so powerful.

Even the top geniuses of Jiang Zhen, such as Jiang Zhen, were suppressed by the first seal.

This…this is too scary.

Yiyin suppressed Jiang Zhen, Jiang Chen ignored the shocked expressions of everyone, and his proud voice resounded directly above the square.

“Who else is dissatisfied with my heir to the emperor, just come up. As long as one of the Jiang clan peers can beat me, Jiang Chen will give up the identity of the heir to the emperor!”

Hearing Jiang Chen’s arrogant words, the square was silent. Many Jiang disciples looked at each other, and no one dared to challenge them.

Jiang Zhen is already the strongest existence of the young generation, excluding the three heirs of the Emperor.

Even Jiang Zhen was suppressed by Jiang Chen Yiyin. What is the difference between them going up and looking for death?

The heirs of the three emperors didn’t look good, but none of them wanted to make a move.

after all.

The combat power that Jiang Chen showed was too terrifying, even if they shot, they might not be able to defeat Jiang Chen.

If this shot not only failed to defeat Jiang Chen, but instead was defeated by Jiang Chen, this would undoubtedly be a very unfavorable thing for them to compete for the throne of the emperor.

“Star White Elder, can you announce the results of the assessment.”

Seeing that Jiang Chen Yiyin suppressed Jiang Zhen, so that no one of the young Jiang people dared to come forward to challenge, Ji Wushuang could not help but chuckle slightly, breaking the silence in the square.

“His Royal Highness Jiang Chen is so talented that he deserves to be the heir of the Emperor.”

Jiang Xingbai returned to his senses, and immediately took a deep breath and said: “Now I announce that His Royal Highness Jiang Chen is the fourth heir to the Emperor of our Human Race, and is eligible to participate in the Trial of the Emperor!”

“I didn’t expect Jiang Chen to pass this assessment so soon.”

After hearing Jiang Xingbai’s announcement of the results, many faces appeared in exclamation that could not be concealed.

In today’s battle, Jiang Chen almost overwhelmed the entire young generation of Jiang Clan with one person. As the son of the emperor of others, the next one is bound to be a big shock.

The human emperor’s trial half a month later, I am afraid it will become even more confusing.

As Jiang Xingbai announced the result, Jiang Chen and Ji Wushuang slowly disappeared into the square under shocked eyes.

“Young Master Jun, now you should know how extraordinary the son of the emperor is.”

In the void, the middle-aged scholar next to Jiang Jun looked at the direction Jiang Chen was leaving, with a solemn expression on his face.


“The Human Sovereign Trial can win the position of the Human Sovereign not only by personal courage.

“Even if there is an additional opponent, after half a month, the human emperor’s trial, the one who wins in the end will only be me!”

Jiang Jun snorted coldly, and immediately disappeared in the void with a flash…

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