Chapter 1457 You can pick me up, even if I lose!

The next day, the sky was just slightly bright.

In the center of the Jiang Clan, thousands of Daoist shadows gathered in a huge square early.

The news that the son of the human emperor returned to the Jiang clan and had to conduct an assessment to decide whether to participate in the human emperor’s trial had already spread in the human emperor city.


Not only the many Elder disciples of the Jiang Clan gathered here, but even the strong from the Ye Clan and the Ji Clan came here to watch this crucial assessment.

after all.

If Jiang Chen passes the assessment, there will be an extra person heir to participate in the next Human Emperor Trial.

At that time, the battle for the throne of the emperor is bound to become more intense.

It can be said.

This time the assessment is almost about the existence of the future situation of the entire human race.

With such waiting, more and more people gathered in the square, including the many Elders of the Jiang tribe, who also appeared in the sky above the square.

“Look, Jiang Yi, one of the heirs of the Emperor, is here.”

At this moment, a person on the square looked up somewhere in the sky and couldn’t help exclaiming in a hurry.

When everyone looked up, they found a man in a green robe with extraordinary momentum, like a blue breeze, walking towards the square with several Daoist shadows.

“Not only him, but Jiang Yan and Jiang Jun are here.”

The other person looked at the place behind Jiang Yi and muttered.

Everyone looked around and found two more groups of figures coming towards the square.

One of them, led by a red-clothed man, is Jiang Yan, one of the three emperor heirs of the Jiang clan.

On the other side, the white-clothed young man was naturally one of the heirs of the three emperors of the Jiang clan.

The three heirs to the emperor all appeared in the square at the same time to watch the assessment by the son of the emperor Jiang Chen.


They also want to know whether there will be an opponent like Jiang Chen in the next Human Emperor Trial.

And shortly after the arrival of the heirs of the three emperors, Ji Wushuang also slowly appeared in the square with Jiang Chen.

When Jiang Chen appeared, countless eyes on the square fell on Jiang Chen.

“Is this the son of His Majesty the Human Emperor? It doesn’t seem to be great.”

“Huh! Don’t judge people by their appearance. His Royal Highness Jiang Chen is less than 30 years old and already has the early stage Cultivation Base of returning to the market. His talent is no worse than any heir to the Emperor of the Jiang clan.”


In the square, everyone couldn’t help but talk.

“This guy is living outside. He didn’t even use the power of the Jiang Clan to break through to Realm at such an age. His talent is indeed very good.”


Jiang Jun looked at Jiang Chen below, and a look of surprise appeared in his eyes.

“His Majesty Human Emperor and Empress Ji are both peerless geniuses from the Human Race, how could the offspring of the two of them be so bad?”

Beside Jiang Jun, the middle-aged scholar shook his head.

Jiang Jun smiled faintly: “The strength talent is indeed not weak, but it is not an easy task for him to pass this test.”

When he was speaking, he couldn’t help but glance at Jiang Yi and Jiang Yan.

Although Jiang Chen, as the son of the emperor, was backed by Ji Empress and Ji Wushuang, this time they were the heirs of the three emperors, but he didn’t want one more person to compete with them for the throne of the emperor.

This time, Jiang Chen’s opponent was selected by the three of them carefully.

How could it be so easy for Jiang Chen to pass the assessment?

“I’m waiting to see Queen Ji!”

When Ji Wushuang brought Jiang Chen to the square, thousands of people in the square saluted Ji Wushuang.

“You are welcome.”

Ji Wushuang waved his hand, and immediately said to Jiang Xingbai: “Xingbai Elder, start the assessment.”

Jiang Xingbai nodded his head, and then flashed to the center of the square.

“Jiang Chen, the son of the emperor, who lives in the outside world, returns to the Jiang clan today and deserves to be the heir of the emperor.”

“After discussing with us, we decided to hold an assessment of the Emperor’s successor. As long as he passes the assessment, Jiang Chen will be eligible to participate in the trial of the Emperor!”

After Jiang Xingbai finished speaking, he looked up at Jiang Chen and said, “His Royal Highness Jiang Chen, come forward and accept the assessment.”

Ji Wushuang whispered: “Chen’er, go, be careful, the opponent they arranged for you should not be easy.”

“Mother don’t worry, I will go back as soon as I go.”

Jiang Chen smiled lightly, and fell into the center of the square in a flash.

“His Royal Highness Jiang Chen, presumably Empress Ji also told you about the rules of this assessment.”

“In this assessment, you will face an early stage opponent who has returned to the market. As long as you defeat the opponent, you can pass this assessment.”

“Now I announce that the assessment begins.”

As Jiang Xing’s vernacular voice fell, a burly figure like a hill fell heavily in the center of the square, causing the entire square to tremble fiercely.

“Jiang Zhen, the genius disciple of the Jiang Clan, didn’t expect Jiang Chen to be his opponent in this assessment!”

“Hi… I didn’t expect the Jiang Clan to send this one out.”

“It seems that they don’t plan to give the son of the emperor any chance.”


In the square, when everyone saw Jiang Chen’s opponent, they couldn’t help shaking their heads and sighing.

“Huh! I even sent Jiang Zhen out. It’s really exhausting for these guys to stop Chen’er from fighting for the throne of the emperor.”

Looking at the opponent in front of Jiang Chen, Ji Wushuang’s expression also turned not so good.

Jiang Zhen, one of the most dazzling geniuses of the Jiang Clan, is no worse than the three heirs of the Jiang Clan.

If Jiang Zhen hadn’t violated the Jiang family rules and had been eliminated as the heir to the emperor, this man’s fight for the emperor would definitely have Jiang Zhen’s place.


Jiang Zhen was confined by many Elders of the Jiang clan for a hundred years, and now he is still being punished, but they did not expect that they would release Jiang Zhen at this time.

“Xingbai Elder, Jiang Zhen is now truly confined and punished. It’s a bit wrong for you to let him be Jiang Chen’s opponent in the assessment.”

Ji Wushuang frowned slightly.

“After Ji, Jiang Zhen, as a disciple of the Jiang tribe, Cultivation Base is only in the early stage of returning to the market, which fully complies with the rules of assessment.”

Before Jiang Xingbai could speak, another Jiang Elder said with a smile.

Ji Wushuang raised her eyebrows and was about to speak, but Jiang Chen’s faint laughter rang.

“Mother, since Elder said that he is in line with the rules, let him. I said that since I dare to come, I am not afraid of any opponent.”

After hearing Jiang Chen’s words, Ji Wushuang stopped saying much.

In the middle of the square.

Jiang Zhen and Jiang Chen stood opposite each other. He stared straight at Jiang Chen: “Son of the Emperor, I’m sorry, it is important to me to prevent you from passing the assessment this time, so I can only apologize.”


Jiang Chen smiled faintly, and his proud voice slowly resounded over the square in an instant.

“Stop talking nonsense, let’s do it. If you can take my seal, this test, even if I lose!”

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