Chapter 1450 Extinguish the Void God Realm Clone!

“The Void God Realm is indeed well-deserved. You are the first to be able to block my soul-killing seal with a wisp of spirit.”

Jiang Chen’s eyes were leisurely, and he smiled indifferently: “But… if you want to kill me, you rely on your ghost clone, but you are far from qualified.”

The Void God Realm is a process of transforming the mortal into a god.

Void God Realm powerhouses already have some powers of gods, and they are also called demigods, and they are indeed far from being comparable to Guixu Realm.

Li Ye in front of him, even though he was only a ghost clone sealed in the Royal City of the Blood River Region, his combat power was not inferior to the late stage Emperor Realm powerhouse.

Even if it is a strong person who usually returns to the middle stage of the ruins, facing the avatar of Li Ye, I am afraid it will be difficult to resist.


Jiang Chen is not an ordinary return to the market.

When he first entered the Guixu Emperor Realm, he killed the powerful Jiuyou King Li Jiuyou.

Today, although his Cultivation Base has not broken through the middle stage of returning to the market, he has already reached the peak of the early stage of returning to the market. He has mastered the laws of the six emperors, and naturally he will not have too much fear of this virtual god clone.

“Huh! You are a worldly mortal, but you don’t know the power of God. Today, this God will truly let you see the power of the Void God!”

Before Li Ye spoke, he acted outright without hesitation.

In an instant…

In the void, the blood of the endless divine mighty world filled the sky, turning the entire sky into a sea of ​​blood.

This is the realm of the gods formed by the fusion of the divine power and law of the strong in the virtual god realm.

In this sea of ​​blood, Li Ye is the true god, and any mortal will be under his control.

If Li Ye’s body is here, with this domain, even the Supreme Emperor who is returning to the pinnacle of the ruins can easily be crushed.

Even if Li Ye is now just a ghost clone, only able to exert less than 30% of the power, it is enough to easily kill the ordinary returning to the market realm expert in a second.

As for the Practitioner under the Guixu Emperor Realm, I am afraid that if he stays in this Realm for a while, his soul will be wiped out in this realm of Gods.

In the depths of Jiang Chen’s sea of ​​blood, the surging blood power divine power eroded Jiang Chen like a tide.

Jiang Chen’s six great emperor realm laws added to him, forming a six-color enchantment all over his body, blocking the erosion of the sea of ​​blood.

“Zhu Shen Yin!”

Jiang Chen flipped the palm of his hand, and a huge golden seal, with indestructible power, slammed into the sea of ​​blood fiercely.


The sound of a rushing tsunami resounded in the void.

I saw that the sea of ​​blood shattered into nothingness in an instant under the divine power of Zhu Shen’s seal.

“You have the realm of gods, but I have the seal of a human tribe and martial artist. How can you win me with your half-hanging god’s realm?”

Yiyin shattered the sea of ​​blood in the sky, and the corner of Jiang Chen’s mouth could not help but set off a slight arc: “Your body has already fallen, the power of this divine soul clone can be reduced by one point, and now there should be little left.”

“Okay! What a heir to the emperor!”

“Unexpectedly, you have already mastered the two seals of the Human Emperor’s Three Seals, but I underestimated you.”

Li Ye was frightened in his heart.

Naturally, Li Ye was also very familiar with the imperial seal of the human divine warrior.

This Martial Skill is almost the strongest Martial Skill in Xuanling Continent.

It’s just that this Martial Skill is extremely difficult to master.

The heir of the human emperor in front of him, who seemed to be no more than thirty years old, had already broken through and returned to the market realm, and he also mastered the first two seals of the human emperor’s seal.

The Human Race gave birth to such a talented arrogant. Once it continues to grow, it will definitely be the enemy of their Blood Spirit Race!

“Human race boy, with your talent, if you give you a thousand years, no one in this Profound Spirit Continent will be your opponent.”

“But you shouldn’t do anything, and you shouldn’t come to my blood river at this time!”

“This god uses this divine soul clone to sacrifice the sword today, and he will also kill you, the heir to the emperor!”

Li Ye’s killing intent skyrocketed, and immediately faced his palm with a move: “Thunder Blood Sword, come!”

“call out!”

As Li Ye’s shout fell, a piercing sword sound suddenly rang from the Blood River Region King City below.


A bloody long sword flashing with thunder light directly rose into the sky.

Li Ye’s body was intertwined with blood and light, and lightning entered him, and immediately the entire body of the soul poured into the thunder and blood sword.

“Blood Thunder Destroy Heaven Sword!”

With one sword coming out, the bloody sword light that contained endless divine might pierced through the heavens and the earth, and the entire sky over the king’s city was stained with blood.

Facing the strong sword exploded from Li Ye’s Blood Sacrifice Divine Soul clone, Jiang Chen couldn’t help but shrink slightly.

Even with his current strength, he felt a very dangerous aura from this sword.

Without the slightest hesitation.

With a move of Jiang Chen’s palm, the Meteorite Sword flashed out of thin air in his palm, and the six emperor realm laws merged together instantly, forming a six-color sword pillar on the Meteorite Sword, which collided with the bloody sword light.


The blood-colored sword light and the six-colored sword pillar were intertwined in the void, and the vast Sword Qi storm broke the clouds over the entire royal city into nothingness.

Facing the horrible Sword Qi storm in the void, everyone was eclipsed by it and could only stand there and watch it all.

After a long time, the Sword Qi storm above the thousand-zhang void finally slowly dissipated, and many Practitioners of the blood spirit race looked over nervously.

I saw the sky above the royal city, there was no one at this moment.

Whether it was Jiang Chen or Li Ye, they all seemed to have evaporated in the void.

“Isn’t there anymore, it seems that the avatar of the ancestor Li Ye’s soul has died together with that human race kid.”

Seeing the situation in front of him, Li Han was shocked, and he was also slightly relieved.

Although the price was not small, Jiang Chen was finally killed and the Blood River Territory was saved.

“That Human Race kid finally died!”

Many people of the Blood Spirit Race couldn’t help showing an ecstatic look.


When countless people of the Blood Spirit Race were excited, there was a loud noise suddenly above the Ten Thousand Zhang Void.

Everyone followed the prestige and saw a giant bronze cauldron slowly emerging from the void of space.

The next moment.

A young man in black flew out from the giant bronze cauldron suddenly and stood proudly on the giant bronze cauldron.

Seeing the entire unscathed young man in black, many people of the blood spirit race, their complexions turned pale in an instant.


Li Han’s eyes were dull, and he couldn’t help but let out an unbelievable roar.

This is their ancestor of the ninth generation of the blood spirit king Li Ye of the Blood River Region, and a dignified Void God Realm powerhouse!

Although it was only a ghost clone, it was also an extremely terrifying existence.

Li Han never thought of it.

The ancestor Li Ye finally used the Soul Sacrifice Sword to condense the strongest sword, but it didn’t even hurt Jiang Chen a bit!

This… how is this possible!

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