Chapter 1438 Starting from today, I am honored in the Scarlet Wasteland!

“This… how is this possible?”

When Jiang Chen snapped his finger to kill the blood in an instant, Cang Yucheng just walked out of the tent.

When he looked at this scene in front of him, he suddenly looked sluggish, like hell.

To know.

This blood li is the famous Elder and Cultivation Base of the blood slaughter tribe who have reached the Eighth Stage of the divine fetus.

Even if you look at the entire Scarlet Wasteland, not many people can defeat it.

But Jiang Chen in front of him was severely wounded with blood at his fingertips.

Such strength is really not an ordinary horror.

And after Cang Yucheng, Gu An saw the situation in the sky, and he was also shocked to speak.

For Xue Li, the supreme powerhouse of the Megatron Scarlet Wasteland, Gu An was naturally like a thunderbolt.

Such an extremely powerful man who was famous in the Scarlet Wasteland was defeated by Jiang Chen’s understatement.

Although Gu An has seen Jiang Chen’s power more than once, he still didn’t expect Jiang Chen to easily kill the top powerhouse in Scarlet Wasteland!

He was a little worried before, if Jiang Chen offended the Cangyun tribe, it would be difficult for them to gain a foothold in the Cangyun tribe.

Now it seems that even the Cangyun tribe and the Xuetu tribe may not be able to easily suppress Jiang Chen.

“Damn it, how could this son’s strength be so strong?”

After Xue Li’s figure flew upside down in embarrassment for more than ten feet, she finally slowly stabilized her figure.

He forced down the churning aura in his body, and there was also a touch of horror that could not be concealed in his eyes looking at Jiang Chen.

Although he also knew that Jiang Chen was a strong man in the Divine Embryo Realm who was not weak in strength, he still did not expect Jiang Chen to be so powerful as to be so terrifying.

With the Cultivation Base of the Eighth Stage of his womb, he couldn’t even stop the opponent with a single finger.

Even the powerhouse of the ordinary goddess Ninth Stage, it was impossible to defeat him so easily.

“Shoot together and kill him for me!”

With blood stern eyes, knowing that he was definitely not Jiang Chen’s opponent, he shouted directly at the two Divine Embryo Realm powerhouses behind him.

In an instant…

The blood cloud rolled in the sky, and the dazzling blood-colored light enveloped the entire Yanshan tribe.

I saw that the three of Xueli’s divine fetuses all exerted their strongest blow, and at the same time they killed Jiang Chen.

Faced with the combined blow of the three god-tier fetal realm powerhouses, Jiang Chen remained unmoved.

“act recklessly.”

Jiang Chen’s complexion became cold, and then he slowly stretched out his palm, and gently shook the void in front of him.

Even the figures of the three Xue Li were confined in mid-air as if they had been subjected to the Movement Technique.

One-hand space Realm imprisoned the void, Jiang Chen ignored the terrified expressions of the three men of Xue Li, and once again flicked his fingers, and the three fierce Sword Qi directly penetrated the void and shot out towards Xue Li.


The fierce Sword Qi instantly slashed on the imprisoned three people, Xue Li.

The two weaker Divine Birth Practitioners, without any resistance at all, were strangled to death by the fierce Sword Qi.

Only Cultivation Base reached the blood strength of the eighth stage of the divine fetus. At the last moment, it fought for the restraint of the surrounding space and barely saved his life under the fierce Sword Qi.


Although Xue Li guaranteed his life under Jiang Chen’s sword, he also paid a great price.

I saw that his whole body was strangled by Jiang Chen’s fierce Sword Qi. There was no place in his whole body, and he looked like a blood man.


Cang Yucheng looked at the shocking scene in the sky, and his whole person seemed to be petrified, and it was difficult for him to recover from the shock for a long time.

Three god-tier fetal realm powerhouses joined forces, and one of them was a divine fetal Eighth Stage realm powerhouse, who was defeated by Jiang Chen with a single move!

What kind of horror has this kid’s strength reached?

“Jian…Jiang Chen, you…you can’t kill me. I am Elder of the Blood Slaughter Tribe, you killed me, today my blood Slaughter tribe will never die with you!”

Xue Li was embarrassed and stabilized his shaky figure. He looked at Jiang Chen who appeared above his head, and his eyes finally showed an unprecedented panic.

The blood and blood have been in the Scarlet Wasteland for decades, and there are almost few opponents.

It can be said.

In the entire human tribe of Scarlet Wasteland, except for a handful of them, almost no one could pose any threat to him.

It is precisely because of this.

When he learned that the Yanshan tribe was destroyed, he brought people directly to the killing.

Originally, he thought that with his own strength, it was just a matter of getting rid of Jiang Chen.


He never expected that this human youth named Jiang Chen would be so terrifying.

Even if the three god-tier fetal realms joined forces, they didn’t have any power to fight back!

This son…must be an extremely strong man who has reached the pinnacle of the fetus!

I’m afraid that they won’t be inferior in the slightest compared to the leader of the blood slaughter tribe.

“Don’t worry, I won’t kill you.”

Jiang Chen glanced at Xue Li lightly, and his proud voice instantly resounded in mid-air.

“Go back and tell you the leader of the blood slaughter tribe, let him lead all the blood spirit tribes immediately, come and surrender to me!”

“From today, this bloody wasteland should be respected by me, Jiang Chen!”

“If there is any offender, kill without pardon!”

When Xue Li heard Jiang Chen’s words, he dared to hesitate for a while, and hurriedly fled towards the distance like a bereaved dog.

Hearing Jiang Chen’s arrogant words, Gu’an and the many human practitioners in the Yanshan tribe all showed an expression of excitement.

The Scarlet Wasteland should be respected by Jiang Chen!

Doesn’t this mean that Jiang Chen has the ambition to unify the bloody wasteland?

If they really dominate the bloody wasteland under the leadership of Jiang Chen, it would definitely be a feat of no one before or after.

“Huh! The Scarlet Wasteland respects you. Your Excellency said so loudly. Do you really want to unify the Scarlet Wasteland?”

Cang Yucheng sneered.

The Scarlet Wasteland Human Tribe and the Blood Spirit Tribe have co-existed for thousands of years. Both the Human Race and the Blood Spirit Tribe have given birth to a peerless hero, who wanted to unify the Scarlet Wasteland but ultimately ended in failure.

Cang Yucheng really didn’t believe it, the kid in front of him had the ability to unify the wasteland.

“Yes, since I’m here, there is no need for all the tribes in this Scarlet Wasteland to exist.”

Jiang Chen glanced at Cang Yucheng faintly: “Go back and tell you the leader, for the sake of the same human race, I will give him one month, let him lead all the tribes to come and surrender to me, otherwise I will not blame me. polite!”

“I will take this with you, I hope you don’t regret it!”

Cang Yucheng let out a cold snort, and immediately disappeared above the Yanshan tribe.

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