Chapter 1436 Cangyun tribe comes!

“Let’s go, take me to see the messenger of the Cangyun tribe.”

Jiang Chen’s eyes flickered slightly.

Next, he just planned to integrate the human tribes of the Scarlet Wasteland to establish a power. Since the messenger of the Cangyun tribe has come, he naturally wants to see him.

After a while.

Under the leadership of Gu Feng’er, Jiang Chen came to a tent dedicated to meeting guests in the Yanshan tribe.

Inside the tent, Gu An was just drinking good meat, and he was entertaining the three arrogant Cangyun tribe envoys with a smile on his face.

Among the three, the leading one is a middle-aged man about 40 or 50 years old.

The middle-aged man wears a brocade robe, embroidered with a misty blue cloud pattern, he is extraordinary in power, and he is a divine emperor.

“Gu An, your leader really doesn’t put us in your eyes. You actually let the three of us wait for him for a long time.”

The middle-aged man glanced at Gu An faintly, and an impatient look appeared on his face: “I’ll say it one last time. Ask your leader to come out and see me immediately!”

“The envoy calmed down. The leader has been in Closed Door Training. I have sent someone to invite him. I think the leader will be here soon.”

Gu An hurriedly laughed with him.

The middle-aged man snorted coldly: “I will give him half an hour last, if I don’t come out to see it, I will do it at my own risk!”

“Hehe… you deserve to be the messenger of the Cangyun tribe, the first tribe of the human race. It’s so majestic. If I don’t come out to see you, what shall I do?”

At this moment, a faint chuckle suddenly came from the door of the tent.

The middle-aged man looked up and saw a young man in black slowly walking into the tent.

“Are you Jiang Chen?”

Seeing Jiang Chen who walked in, the middle-aged man couldn’t help being surprised when he looked at Jiang Chen who walked into the tent.

Although he already knew that Jiang Chen was a powerhouse in the Divine Embryo Realm who destroyed the Yanshan tribe, he still didn’t expect Jiang Chen to be such a young youth.

The young man in black looks absolutely no more than thirty years old.

The powerhouse of the Divine Embryo Realm less than 30 years old!

Even if their Cangyun tribe was founded, there are only a handful of geniuses who can break through the divine womb state before the age of thirty.

“Yes, I am Jiang Chen.”

Jiang Chen glanced slightly over the three middle-aged men, and said indifferently: “I don’t know that the three Cangyun tribe’s messengers came here to see me, what’s the matter?”

After being slightly shocked for a moment, the middle-aged man quickly recovered his arrogant expression: “Jiang Chen, I will come here to invite you to the Cangyun tribe on the order of the leader.”

“Sorry, I don’t have time to go to your Cangyun tribe.”

Jiang Chen said lightly: “If your leader wants to see me, let him come in person.”

“Jiang Chen, you are so presumptuous. What are you, what qualifications do you have for our leader to come and see you?”

Before the middle-aged man could speak, the two behind him couldn’t help but screamed at Jiang Chen.

“Three envoys, our leader has just destroyed the Yanshan tribe and established a new tribe. At this moment, the tribe is just waiting to be raised. It is really impossible to get out of the Cangyun tribe in front of us. I hope the three envoys…”

Seeing this, Gu An couldn’t help but quickly explained to the three Cangyun tribe’s messengers.


He was only halfway through his words. With a wave of the palm of the young man on the right, a majestic Yuan force surged directly toward Gu An.

“I’m waiting to talk to your leader, where can you interrupt?”


Although Gu An’s strength has risen sharply recently under the panacea given by Jiang Chen, he has already broken through the Divine Sea Realm.

But in front of the Divine Soul Realm Practitioner on the opposite side, there was still no room to fight back.

The majestic Yuan Li directly shook Gu An upside down to a distance of seven or eight feet, and a mouthful of blood couldn’t help but squirted out wildly.


Seeing this, Gu Feng’er hurried to Gu An’s side and helped him up.

She looked up at the young man who shot, with an angry look on her small face: “My grandfather just said a word, and you just acted on him. You people from the Cangyun tribe are too domineering.”

“It’s nothing more than an ant in the Divine Sea Realm, and dare to be presumptuous in front of me.”

The young man looked at Gu Feng’er with disdain, and sneered: “If you dare to talk more, I promise you will die!”

“I think the damn person is you! My Jiang Chen’s person, you can move if you want to?”

Jiang Chen’s face was as cold as a knife, and his slender palm slammed at the young man, a suction emerged out of thin air, and the young man Jiang caught in front of own in an instant.

“For the sake of everyone being a human race, let me give you a chance to kneel down and apologize to Gu An and Feng’er. I will spare you not to die!”

The young man looked at Jiang Chen with a sneer on his face: “I am the messenger of the Cangyun tribe. I want me to apologize to the two ants and dream!”

Although he knew that Jiang Chen was an emperor of the Divine Embryo Realm, he didn’t have the slightest fear in his heart.

He really didn’t believe that Jiang Chen had the guts to kill him!

“In my eyes, are you not an ant?”

Jiang Chen was expressionless, and shook his palm lightly. This young man from the Cangyun tribe turned into a cloud of blood in midair with a bang.

The middle-aged man’s face turned cold, his expression instantly became furious: “Jiang Chen, you…you dare to kill my Cangyun tribe?”

“Why… the people of your Cangyun tribe can attack my people, can’t I move the people of your Cangyun tribe?”

“Don’t talk about a messenger from the Cangyun tribe, even if your leader comes and dares to touch a hair of my Jiang Chen, I can’t kill it!”

Jiang Chen’s expression was indifferent and said: “While I don’t want to kill you now, immediately disappear from me,”

“Jiang Chen, you are too presumptuous!”

“Don’t think that you are a strong person in the Divine Embryo Realm, you can do whatever you want in this Scarlet Wasteland!”

“You annihilated the Yanshan tribe, and the Blood Slaughter Tribe will soon take action against you. Our leader couldn’t bear to see you being destroyed by the Blood Slaughter Tribe. This time we sent us to invite you to the Cangyun Tribe. Know good or bad!”

The middle-aged man stared at Jiang Chen sternly: “I will give you one last chance, and immediately return to the Cangyun tribe with me and ask the leader. Otherwise, don’t blame me for being rude!”

“You talk too much nonsense, if you don’t get out, then die for me!”

Jiang Chen screamed, and his monstrous aura instantly surged towards the middle-aged man.

In an instant…

The middle-aged man only had a vast and majestic aura, suppressing him like Mount Tai.


The middle-aged man’s heart trembled suddenly, a mouthful of blood spurted out of his mouth, and his whole body was half kneeling on the ground.

And the other young man next to him, directly under the pressure of Jiang Chen’s terrifying aura, fell to the ground with a bang, Qiqiao bleeds and died.

“you you……”

The middle-aged man looked at Jiang Chen with a pale face, and a look of horror appeared in his eyes.

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