Chapter 1413 The origin reappears, the catastrophe is coming!

Outside the ancient world of Thor.

A violent spatial fluctuation suddenly spread from the void of space.


Two Daoist shadows also slowly emerged from the void space.

The two of them are naturally Jiang Chen and Ye Tianji from the ancient world of Thunder God.

The two of them just came out of the ancient world of Thunder God, they felt a strong heaven and earth vitality rushing toward their faces.


“The heaven and earth vitality of Shenwu Continent is actually much stronger than it was five hundred years ago.”

“Moreover… I also felt that there seemed to be a mysterious power in the world.”

Feeling the strong vitality of the world around him, Ye Tianji’s eyes couldn’t help showing an expression of surprise.

He even vaguely felt that even without the help of external forces, the mysterious force between the day and the earth seemed to help him break through the imperial realm!

“No, suppress the formation of Li Jiuyou and the plane channel, I’m afraid it will dissipate.”

Jiang Chen felt the changes in the world of Shenwu Continent, his face suddenly changed.

The situation in front of us is almost the same as the gap in the Shenwu Jietian Formation back then, and the great changes in the Northern Wilderness World!

And this time, even the mainland of Zhongzhou was affected.

It seems that the Shenwu Jietian Formation in Emperor Burial Abyss has already begun to dissipate.

Ye Tianji’s eyes narrowed suddenly: “His Royal Highness’s meaning, the changes in Shenwu Continent, have something to do with the formation of Emperor Vast Sky and the others ten thousand years ago?”

“Ten thousand years ago, Emperor Vast Sky gathered the power of all emperors and arranged a god formation called Shenwu Jietian Formation.”

“This formation intercepts the plane origin of Shenwu Continent, so Shenwu Continent has not been able to give birth to a strong emperor for thousands of years.”

“Now that the plane of origin has reappeared, and the heaven and earth vitality has recovered, this is a sign of the great catastrophe!”

Jiang Chen took a deep breath and said slowly.

Although Jiang Chen had already known that the Shenwu Jietian formation was about to dissipate, he still didn’t expect this day to come so soon.

Ye Tianji heard Jiang Chen’s words, and his expression instantly became extremely solemn.

As a descendant of the Ye Family, the former city lord of Nirvana City and one of the three major families of the Xuanling Continent Human Race, Ye Tianji is naturally very aware of the power of the Blood Spirit Race.

Today’s Shenwu Continent is far from being comparable to ten thousand years ago. It is probably not an easy task for them to block the blood spirit race’s attack.

“Let’s go, let’s go back to the Human Palace first!”

The Shenwu Jietian Formation had already begun to dissipate, and Jiang Chen was also eager to know the situation in Emperor Burial Abyss.


He didn’t stay with Ye Tianji the slightest, and swiftly moved towards the Human Palace.

At the current speed of the two Jiang Chen, within half a day, the two returned to the headquarters of the Palace of Humans.

very quickly.

Jiang Chen felt strange about Renhuangdian.

Since Jiang Chen defeated the five holy cities, conquered Nirvana City, and founded the Palace of Human Emperors, the Palace of Human Emperors has almost become the top power in the Shenwu Continent, and its popularity has been very high.

But today’s Palace of Human Emperor, it exudes a cold and solemn atmosphere.

What surprised Jiang Chen even more was that he didn’t even feel the breath of a divine emperor in the human emperor palace.

Ye Chengjun, Xiao Duli, Meng Qingxue…

Even the black python that Jiang Chen conquered in the Thunder God Ancient Realm didn’t seem to be in the Imperial Palace anymore.

Feeling the situation in the Palace of Human Emperor, Jiang Chen couldn’t help but sink slightly.

His powerful soul instantly enveloped the real personal imperial palace, and finally he sensed a breath, and immediately disappeared in place with a flash of his figure.

People’s Palace, a Great Hall where Elder lives.

A burly man sitting on the main seat is the Qiu Heisha that Jiang Chen conquered in the Land of Silence.

Today’s Qiu Hei Killing intent is powerful, and his body is exuding a touch of emperor’s might, as if he is already a divine fetal emperor.

In front of Qiu Heisha, there was a middle-aged man who looked like a dusty man.

“Li Xian, what’s the situation in Beihuang?”

Qiu Heisha looked at the middle-aged man in front of him and couldn’t help but asked in a deep voice.

Half a month ago.

Two powerful Blood Demon temple remnants killed the Supreme Man’s Palace. Fortunately, Meng Qingxue, who had been in the Closed Door Training, broke through the barrier. Together with the help of the mysterious strong sent by the lord from the Ancient Thunder God Realm, this will help. The two repelled.

Subsequently, the world of Shenwu Continent suddenly changed.

Especially the Northern Desolate Burying Emperor Yuan, which the Palace Master asked them to pay attention to, frequently heard news, and the Northern Desolate also appeared many powerful blood emperors.

The many powerhouses in the Palace of Human Emperors were all led by Meng Qingxue to enter the Northern Wilderness and suppress the emperors of the Palace of Blood Demon.


The blood emperor who appeared in the northern wilderness was extremely powerful.

In the end, the Human Emperor Palace had almost dispatched all the power, and now the entire Human Emperor Palace was home to him, the imperial emperor who had just made a breakthrough.

The middle-aged man in front of him was the one he sent to find out about the North Wilderness.

Qiu Heisha obviously wanted to know what happened to the battle in the Northern Wild Continent.

“Chou Elder, the situation is not optimistic.”

“The Blood Dao powerhouse that appeared in the Northern Wilderness is far more powerful than we thought, and even the quasi-emperor hall master of the Blood Demon Hall has appeared.”

“Ye Elder asked me to inform you, immediately ask for help from Sacred Land, and find a way to contact the Lord of the Ancient Thunder God Realm.”

The middle-aged man said solemnly.

The Lord of the Blood Demon Palace, the quasi-emperor and the strong!

Qiu Heisha heard the middle-aged man’s words, and there was an unconcealable horror in his eyes.

It seems that the situation this time is much more serious than when the six branches of the Blood Demon Hall came out.

“I immediately sent someone to Haotian Sacred Land. As for contacting the Lord, I can only do my best.”

Qiu Heisha shook his head and smiled bitterly.

Sending someone to Haotian Sacred Land for help is actually not a difficult task, but it is not easy to contact the Lord of the Thunder God Ancient Realm.


Just as Qiu Heisha’s voice just fell, a faint voice suddenly spread slowly in the Great Hall.

“No need to find me, I’m already back.”

The sudden voice made the Qiu Heisha duo dumbfounded.

They suddenly looked up, and they saw Jiang Chen and a middle-aged figure in a golden robe, directly ghostly appearing in the Great Hall.

“Hall Master, are you back?”

Seeing Jiang Chen who suddenly appeared, Qiu Heisha’s eyes could not help but a look of ecstasy appeared.

Jiang Chen nodded and asked directly: “Qiu Elder, Ye Chengjun and the others, is there something wrong with the Beihuang Burial Emperor Yuan!”

“The Burial Emperor’s Abyss does happen frequently, and there are also many bloody experts in the Northern Desolate Continent who want to approach the Burial Emperor. Ye Elder and the others go to the Northern Wilderness mainly because of these bloody experts.”

Qiu Heisha hurriedly said all the things that had happened recently.

Hearing the appearance of a quasi-emperor in the Blood Demon Hall, Jiang Chen’s complexion couldn’t help but change slightly.

With the strength of the Human Emperor Palace, even with the help of the 8-Rank Peak Demonic Beasts that he first sent back, I am afraid it may not be the opponent of the quasi-emperor.

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